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[IC] SOLO - Portho's Adventure
For a dwarf, the keyhole would be in a convenient waist-high position. It's almost perfectly in the eyeline for a forest gnome. If his eyes don't cheat him in the poorest of ambient light that penetrates the keyhole it must be a really complex mechanism inside.
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Realizing that he has absolutely no skill with such complex devices, Portho decides he will check his other options before he tries to work with something so complex. Quickly he retreats back down the stairs to the room below and moves up to the southern door of that room, looking to see if there is the familiar trigger button for that door.
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Yes there is such a button.
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Portho, realizing that this is really his only option, as he has no way to figure out the complex mechanism inside the gargoyle face, steels himself and presses the button, then scoots aside to lie flat aginst the wall in case something rushes through.

Uf nothing immediately rushes through he will then lean over to look through the doorway to see what is beyond.
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As the door opens there's utter silence on the other side. No rush of air or nothing. The large room, some forty by sixty feet, ending in an alcove to the south, seems to be a dead end that bears the charred marks of fire all along the floor and the walls. Based on the smoky smell, the fire must have been here recently.

[map updated. Remember that the yellow tiles are one floor higher.]
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Realizing he both needs to rest to recuperate spells and that this room will take forever to search for exits, Portho decides to short-cut things a little. He pulls out his Wand of Detect Secret Doors, steps just up to the threshold of the room, and quietly utters the command word. Concentrating on maintaining the 60ft cone he first spends a round facing south so that the cone covers the southern section of the room, including much of the east and west walls..

If in that first round he senses the presence of any secret doors he will advance 20' into the room while maintaining concentration on that same area, hoping to discern how many secret doors and their location.

If there are no secret doors in that initial scan he will first scan the east wall with a similar plan, then the west.

d20srd.org - Detect Secret Doors

[OoC taking one charge off the wand]
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OOC - there was a glitch on the map, now corrected. There's a corridor (apparently a dead end) to the East. It has the remains of a robed figure and a giant spider crushed to pulp.
Will continue later...
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[OoC how much time would be left on the Invisibility if any, original duration was 7 minutes? The Sculpt Sound is 7 hours so not really worried about that]]
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[OOC - let's say 1 minute left.]
Portho's wand detects a secret door to the South. (marked on map).
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Staying close to the west wall, and maintaining concentration Portho moves south towards the secret door. As he passes the east passage he looks down it but does not stray into the burnt area. Once cklose to the door he will examine it whil concentrating.

[With his 20' move speed he will be at F34 with one round of movement, and look East. After 2 rounds of movement and concentration he will be at F38 and hav e concentrated on that door for 3 rounds = The mechanism or trigger for one particular secret portal closely examined by you ]
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