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Missing Caravan
Heeding Betimi's advice, he looks back to her, making sure she sees him as he nods down the corridor before slipping around the corner and padding down the hall to see what lies ahead.

[OoC: Just to be clear, I'm talking about the opening on the south wall of the main east-west corridor with tracks. The one that leads into the black space between the room with the body and the north/south cart tracks.]
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(02-06-2016, 10:11 PM)Mardak Trannyth Wrote: Mardak's furrowed eyes calm slightly as he sees Betimi muttering about something.  "You're my ears and eyes darlin' , I can't see shit!"

Nacesh nods though probably nobody is paying any attention on him, closing the ranks.

"Agreed, this is getting more of a hindrance than a benefit." he notes silently* as he leaves his post and hurries to catch up with everyone else. "What if we made some light back here and Jonath and Betimi could still scout ahead in the darkness? I have a free hand to use that everburning torch if you don't mind."

* silently so that Mardak surely, Selina and Tomeal hopefully can hear but Betimi and Jonath probably cannot
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"Ah ha!  Good thinking Nacesh my brother."  he hands the Everburning torch to the man.  "That way I can get up there and curse the lil shits faces off.  The rest o ya, try to stick together.  Last thing we need is a stick up the ars...You already know!!" Mardak shouts. 

He looks over to Selina and asks "I know there be some magics in them items 'Lina, but are ya comin' with us?"
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Selina, who had been curiously quiet up until this point, looks over at Mardak and nods. "I suppose if the group's decision is to continue, we shall continue." She didn't add that she wasn't pleased about it, because she had already made her opinion on the matter clear, and no amount of repetition would change their minds now. She returns to her usual position in the middle of the group.
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The sorcerer winks as Mr Filthy Jaws shouts out loud.

"Light, yes. Yelling, no. Please keep calm."
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Jonath sneaks about 35' down the hallway (To where your hallway passes above the lower hallway).  From here he can see a short set of stairs a the end of the passage which leads to a large roughly circular room.  Inside, Jonath spots what appears to be a gently glowing 15' diameter circle in the center of the room as well as what he believes are a pair of double doors leading to the south-east and another single door to the west.
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Betimi simply advances to a point just within the circle of the torchlight, where she can see Jonath, but the party can still see her, and waits for Jonath to communicate what he sees.
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"We gotta save the kids from the dick schlaks, 'Lina." He looks to her with some mirth.  "Come on baby, let's kick some Kobold ass!"  He says as he continues to follow the ones up front.
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Selina blinks and face palms once again, then peeks through her fingers, wondering what exactly Jonath and Betimi we're doing.

"Master Mardak, be silent. We are not on a nature hike."
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"I understand Miss, though a little fun goes a long way."  He says as his back is turned.  He goes back on guard for any kind of threat, or trap.
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