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OoC thread
Just realized I never added my stat bonus for leveling. Added +1 CON, so gained 2 more HP. Currently 19/20.

Scratch that, I did add it to INT (which increased my power points from 3 to 4. Currently 2/4). Shouldn't try to think too much about this stuff when I'm tired, lol.
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I'm not sure if you can take a 5' step during a surprise round. It says just a standard action. Also do you get 2 rnds of Astral construct? I thought you were a psy rogue 1/ monk 1? I'm currently on my phone so it's hard to look stuff up.

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Oh and when you add points to your constitution you recalculate hit points as if you have always had your new stats (which I see you did). So if you were a 10th level fighter with 90 hit points and you increased your con from 17 to 18 your hit points would jump to 100. Magic items that increase con will have the same effect while you wear them.

Skill points are also recalculated when you increase intelligence but only with permanent stat increases. So a headband of intellect would have no effect on skill points.

I should mention I would like everyone to keep track of their hit point rolls for every level. So if you get energy drained I know what you rolled to reduce your hit points.

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Yah, I wasn't sure about that either. I looked at the SRD and it didn't really seem to specify. Surprise says you can take a move or standard, but 5' step says:

"You can move 5 feet in any round when you don’t perform any other kind of movement. Taking this 5-foot step never provokes an attack of opportunity. You can’t take more than one 5-foot step in a round, and you can’t take a 5-foot step in the same round when you move any distance.

You can take a 5-foot step before, during, or after your other actions in the round."

To me, since it says you can take a 5' even during another action, it's valid in a surprise round. Your call of course, though. If not, the Round 1 action would be a move then standard to attack, and the first attack did 5 damage - since the second attack was the crit, that one wouldn't apply.

As to the astral construct...now that you question it, I'm not so sure. It says it acts immediately on the round you manifest it, then acts normally on the last round of the power's duration then fades at the end of its turn. Most spells that last one round last from when you cast them to the end of your following turn, right? So my thinking there was it acts immediately in the round it's manifested, then the power lasts a full round, meaning it's still active until the end of your next turn, so it gets two rounds of activity. Again though, obviously your call. Luckily it missed in its second round anyway, so no changes necessary, but let me know your ruling so I can adjust in the future.

It's been a long time since I've actually played 3.5, so I apologize for any little rules mishaps and such.
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I also found what you wrote about the 5' move. Then later it states when your actions are restricted you ONLY get a move or a standard action (emphasis mine). I then googled the question and pretty much everyone says they would allow the 5' step. Which makes me lean even more toward allowing the 5' step.

As for the construct, I have a psion too and I questioned the wording. But the duration says 1 round per level. So to me it would mean 1 rnd of action. Just like the summon monster spells. I've always thought the duration for summoning spells was stupid. At lower levels it's almost a waste of a spell.

Anyways, until I find evidence to the contrary, I will allow a 5' step during a surprise round. When I have time, I will take a look in my old dragon magazines in the sage advise. Maybe skip Williams had answered that question before.

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[OoC: I'm back at work. Undecided  When I left home my internet was still down.  When I get home this morning I will call my Internet Provider if it's still not working.  Angry   ]

@Selina Parcellus Are you still thinking about taking Crusader?  I'm pretty sure I have the PDF of the book but I haven't ever looked at the class.  If you are still interested I will have a quick look.  Unless there is some glaring balance issues, taking the class will likely be alright.

@Mardak Trannyth When you created your character you asked about a Regional Feat that allows you to do a fear effect and I said, you can take it but I reserve the right to change my mind if I think it might cause a problem.  I've been thinking a lot about that feat and I'm leaning more and more toward not allowing the feat.  I will review the feat and I should have a decision by the time you reach 2nd level.
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Oh and BTW @Jonath nice job with your actions.   Getting that gate open and taking the Kobold out quickly was cool beans.  Smile    Now lets hope they stop with the hitting and the dishing out high damage.  Sad
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Computer is still not working. Tech is coming tomorrow. Let's hope it gets fixed. Until then I have my phone data and my work computer to post with. Updating the map will be a little tricky until it's fixed. Sad

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I'm still interested, yes. It won't be for another few levels as Selina will be losing a caster level in the process. I'm thinking that, since Tomeal is likely to be more of a range fighter, the group could use another melee fighter. It would also make her a bit of a tank, which is also something we need. My other question was about the prc ruby knight vindicator. I would need your approval for taking it with selune as a deity as well as for taking it in general.
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((Mardak's fear effect only affects creatures less than his HD...Not a problem in my books. ))
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