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The morning after Thanksgiving ~Open to all~
~The professor doesn't need to tell me twice!~ Graffiti says through the link.  She dashes up the ramp and stops behind Xavier.  "What about the injured people, Professor," Ashley asks.  "Will they be okay?"  
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Malcolm glances around for anyone who appears to be straggling and will lift them and carry them with his Telekinesis as he rushes for the jet.
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Kat stays with Sebastian, worried that he doesn't remember George. She remains unobtrusively out of the way during the police involvement, hoping that nobody points her out as the person who made the strange stairs going up to the busted-open train. That's all she needed. Then the jet shows up, and she tugs on Sebastian's hand. "Hey, rescue! Come on." She tugs him toward the jet.
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With the arrival of the jet, Gedeon invisibly joins the others, taking a moment to feel the tender bruises that are forming (also invisbly) around her neck where the man grabbed her. Ouch. Oh well.

She sends over the mindlink ~I'm in. Thanks for the save, Ash.
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Aurum complies with the police, perfectly content to act like just another slightly freaked out girl at the weirdest train wreck in history. When the cops pull guns on Jack, she looks worried and slightly annoyed, but does nothing other than squeeze Johnny's hand slightly.

Luckily, the jet showed up before that played out. As she passes Xavier, she lowers her head slightly. "Sorry, Professor." She climbs in the jet. Superimposed over her figure, Demi looks angry.
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Sebastian looks at Katrina and asks, "Who's that?" Indicating the Professor.  He isn't sure if he should follow Katrina but she seems to know this man in a wheelchair so he follows.

The professor asks Graffiti to turn Beast invisible and when it's safe he will lightning speed up the ramp and into the Blackbird.  Once everyone is inside except Dazzler who will drive the van home, Scott raises the Jet into the air and they fly off.  Everyone on the ground that the professor froze suddenly snap out of their frozen state and continue what they were doing as if the students were never there at the station.

Once everyone is seated, the professor ignores Jack's joke and says, "I was testing some changes to Cerebro when I felt an overwhelming surge of power.  It nearly overcame me.  When I came to my senses I attempted to locate the source of the spike but the signal had vanished.  I did see that you all were in danger so I came as soon as I was able.   Can any of you shed any light upon what happened?"

Jack: You are still aren't receiving any replies from Lisa.
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Well I was texting my girlfriend how her thanksgiving was, then all of a sudden....A flash of bright yellowish light followed by a loud mind-numbing BOOMmmmm happened!!.  Everything that happened almost made me puke!! We were all helping people out.   Kat did this really cool thing with her earthy powers and saved a bunch of people.  I saved a few people too.  

Most of one of the train cars and half of another looked wrecked but not from the explosion.  It's as if parts of the train-car were partially merged with another train-car. There was this heavy greenish fog but disappeared fast.  Scariest thing that happened was when some of the people were embedded in the metal structures of the Train-cars!  Hands, a couple of legs and in one case a head stuck out of the merged shells of the cars, still moving, while the other occupants screamed like they were in Scary Movie!!
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Kat stops, looking surprised at Sebastian's hand holding hers. He had to feel that her hand wasn't normal. It doesn't feel like it looks. If he didn't remember what she really was, wouldn't he freak out? Maybe it was just too busy for it to register. She drops his hand, shakes her head, and approaches Xavier once Static was done.

"Professor! There's something wrong. Sebastian... I didn't see him in the train. I mean, not that I was running around or anything, but I didn't see him. And I did see George. But Sebastian is here but we couldn't find George in the wreckage, and Sebastian doesn't even remember who George is!"
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The Professor listens to everyone speak.  When there is a pause in the explaining he says, "George was suppose to be in that train but I don't sense him anywhere.  Sebastian was not suppose to arrive today.  He was scheduled for tomorrow..."

Before Professor X can say anything else, Sebastian interrupts, "Who are you?  Kat called you Professor but you're not THE Professor.  Kat don't you remember Mr. Lehnsherr?  He's our Professor, not this guy... Wait a minute... I think I DO recognize you.  Or at least I've seen your picture before."  Sebastian pauses for a second and frowns.  "Ummm sorry dude, but you're suppose to be dead.  I've seen your picture on one of the tombstones on school grounds."

The Professor brows knit together in puzzlement.  "That's interesting..."
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Aurum really had nothing to add to the reports of others. But she looks at Sebastian curiously. "I wonder if there's anyone else... Maybe we should have him point out who he thinks we all are, to see if there are any other differences."
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