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Droskar's Crucible
the seen depicted by the statues present was of a very infamous battle in dwarven history called 'The Charge of The Spear Legion'. In which Servants of Torag bearing spears charged an enclave of evil Droskar servants and were soundly defeated. Its obvious the worshippers of Droskar made this because of the horrid representation of the servants of Torag, The Graybeard. The curiousity is how a kobold got impaled....
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Toryn peered curiously into the room, eying the statues before staring at the kobold corpse. Hmm, unlucky fellow must have tripped a trap. Though, after the incident with the previous statue we encountered, I wouldn't be surprised if some of these stone boys are magically animated as well. Either way, this should be interesting...

Casting Guidance on Self
Search (trapfinding): 1d20+9 17
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Well Toryn if you think it will help, lets have a little closer look at things with a little help from Trudd. The cleric bows his head and begins to pray Lord Trudd give me the sight to see the presence of magic.

cast detect magic
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Lucian raises an eyebrow at Larz and shrugs, two sets of eyes were better than one set at any rate.  He continues to sense for magic as well.  Something he does constantly as they move in formation through this hostile place. 

(Exploration Action: Detect Magic)
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Toryn stands in the doorway and looks at the statues and keeps thinking back to the one that animated. He can see no signs from that upon the floor. or the statues. He sees no indication theres a trap present. Both Larz and Lucian use a cantrip to see if theres magical energies present and see nothing.
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Toryn finished his examination and gave his companions a shrug. I don't detect any hidden mechanisms... He stared warily at the impaled kobold hanging lifelessly off a statue. Aside from that ghastly sight, there didn't seem to be anything else of interest in the room. Something doesn't smell right here. Aside from the uh, dead body I mean. Perhaps we should move back and retrace our steps?
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Lucian rubs his beard as he looks over the room considering the scene. "Yea, I'm not overly confident about this one. I don't detect any magical traps or items either. Maybe that Kobold set it all off before we got here? That is a possibility, but then the only way to be sure would be to send our trap finder through here step by step."  He pats Toryn on the back and smiles down at him.  "Or we can retrace our steps, it's up to you guys."
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I don't be liken leavin unexplored areas, specially when they was hid behind a secret door. might be supin important in there. After a pause the dwarf shakes his head then speaks up. I think I've been hit in the head a few to many times guys but I have a plan. If Toryn can figure away to keep these doors from closin, and Dundero and Lady Kalista are willing to be me anchor, I got 50 foot of rope, and would be willing to be bate.                     
                                                     (If everyone is willing to try my plan Larz will enter the room)
Just remember if in things go sideways pull me ass back. Larz moves into the room
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"[color#=2ecc40]Let's go for it!]"
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Looking at the diminutive dwarf like he'd lost more then a few screws in his head, she sighed and muttered loudly, Unless someone can come up with a better idea? She still didn't feel tip top and the hand print beneath her armor was irritating the hell out of her, I guess we can give it a shot. 
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