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Droskar's Crucible
Brilliant watched the dwarven priest waiting patiently and respectfully as he did his work adding a name to the wall. The leshy studied the wall and names curious about the reverence nature of carving into stone.
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Dunndero puts a hand on Larz shoulder and gives a gentle squeeze in a silent acknowledgement that he has the dwarf's back.
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Lucian remained silent as Larz paid his respects.  

As soon as the priest was done, he smirked at Kallista, "I don't know.  Green is a rather fetching color." 

The battle mage also kept his eyes open for anything magical the whole time. It wouldn't do them any favors to walk into a magical trap of some sort.
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Larz added his Uncles name to the list and it was with a passable semblance to the names already chiseled upon the stones. That done they prepared to open the next set of doors.
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Looking over the door, it appears there are no traps on it.
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Once Dunndero gets the clear from the rogue types, he will open the next set of doors.
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Having finished adding his Uncles name to the role call of the fallen, Larz now wants to be free of this room as he walks up to Dundero he says Come on big guy as he walks through the open double doors.
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After Toryn gives him the nod that the door has no traps and isnt locked, Dunndero opened the doble doors and looks into the room, as Larz comes over next to him.

This arched chamber features rows of statues lining the east and west walls. The statues to the east depict fearsome dwarven warriors clad in simple plate armor as they heft their warhammers high. The statues to the west depict grotesque caricatures of dwarves as overly obese, pig nosed brutes with huge grinning mouths and beady eyes. These western statues are arranged in two ;ines with the front row kneeling, and both rows hold sharp jutting spears leveled at the warriors opposite them. The corpse of a kobold with blue scales remains impaled upon the stone spear of one of the western statues. The limp body unceremoniously sags on the haft, eye to eye with its statuesque killer.

30 across is another set of oaken doors with brass bindings.
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Dunndero stops in his tracks seeing the statues and dead kobald, and says, "Lucien do you detect any magic in here?".
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Larz carefully peeks just his head into the room. Well what do we have here ? he says as he looks first at the line of sturdy dwarven statues, Then at the gross parody of disfigured dwarves on the other side of the room paying close attention to the dead Kobold as well. Then in a loud voice Toryn I think we'll be in need of your services in here. After calling for the professional trap buster Larz searches his memory for any hint of what they are looking at.

(dwarven Lore 1d20+7=23)
(perception 1d20+8=10)
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