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Droskar's Crucible
Hearing the descriptions of the beast or daemon in question, Kallista whispered a prayer to her goddess, raised her shield and slowly opened the door preparing for attack. 

1: Raise shield
2. Open the door and looking in.
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Kallista grabbed her side of the huge iron doors and pulled it open pushing it up against the wall and peered inside. This large circular room has four massive iron doors to the North, South (which youre standing at), East and West. At The Center of The room, a strange stone obelisk rises from the floor to just short of the ceiling, its surface covered with metal bands and encrusted with deposits of a strange greenish mineral. The floor is strewn with headless skeletons and scattered bones. A dented steel shield, bits of metal armor and a collection of metallic weapons lie in front of the obelisk.
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Looking about the room, her gaze finally falling upon the obelisk. Since this was temple dedicated to the worship of dwarven gods, she knew this room had some significance, so studying the structure, she tried piecing things together. 

Religion: 1d20+6 17
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To Kallista this room had no significance. Large Iron doors. Large Obelisk of strange ore. Something bugged her about it for certain...but what it was she wasnt sure of. The Metal all clustered at the base of the obelisk was odd. The Long dead bodies odder.
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Larz holds his position behind Dundero but leans to one side a looks between the two front liners to get a look into the room at the Obelisk.

(Perception 1d20+8=26)
(Religion check 1d20+8=20)
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Larz leaned over and looked at the Obelisk and the room curiously. He considered his Religious studies and his knowledge as a dwarf. It came to him in a flash. The Obelisk was a lodestone. He also noticed the doors to the West and North opened in. as opposed to the doors on the south and east which open out.
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Larz stood peering in the room the more he saw the less he liked what he saw, his mind had not even processed all the information yet when he reached out both hands. He got a grip on both Dundero's and Kalista's belts. In a soft but firm tone he said Do not move at all. Toryn we got a problem here. He studied every inch of the room he could see. Then said I am sure we are stranding in the mouth of a very bad trap. He pauses releasing Dundero's belt he points between the front liners at the obelisk, Thats a lodestone I've seen a few very small ones in the tunnels back home, when active they are magnetic, from the looks of all the armor and metal all over the floor. I would say the  is a very powerful magnet. Next the dwarf points at the door directly across the room, and the one on the west. Those doors both open in, this door and the one to the east both open out. I'm thinking, when the trap is triggered in the room the stone starts sucking everything metal in. He pauses to tap on Dundero's plate. Then these doors slam shut and those pop open. He swallows and adds I'll bet me old gray Gramas beard, There's a whole bunch of them fly around and make your head fall off bitches just waitin on the other side of those doors to get us. I don't know how, where or when it will happen but as sure as me beards burnt half off that's a real bad situation waiting to happen.
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A magnetic trap you say? Fascinating... Toryn carefully studied the obelisk room for a minute. So the entire room was designed to be a complex, multi-pronged trap. Quite the devious contraption, though admittedly an ingenious one. The gnome moved closer to the entrance door and ran a hand on the metal, eying it's hinges appraisingly. If a magnet is strong enough to move these heavy metal doors, imagine what it'll do to our weapons. Indeed, even our jolly green giant will fly towards the center like a big metal tumbleweed!

It would be dangerous to set foot into the room without knowing the trigger mechanism.

Engineering Lore: 1d20+7 13
Hero Point re-roll: Engineering reroll: 1d20+7 19
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Toryn moved forward and studied the doorway, and then gave some thought to it. No tripwires. that would be too simplistic for an advanced trap such as this. The easiest and most reliable way to insure a trap trigger such as this would be pressure plates set for a weight limit to activate the magnet.
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After Toryn finished his inspection, he stepped back and looked to his companions. Hmm, I think I can disable the contraption, though there's no guarantee that I won't inadvertently set it off. If we are resolved to press forward into the room, I would suggest everyone takes cover in the hallway before I attempt it, just in case!
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