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Droskar's Crucible
It's an affront to his deity, but excuse me Larz, we have more important things to do right now, we have lost souls that need to be found and saved. We need to get moving and stay alert for more sinister attacks. Slowly opening the door, she peered inside, her shield raised just below her line of sight, prepared for what may come.
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Opening the dor slowly, the party can see the hall beyond goes down 40 feet with an intersection coming from the west 20 feet down. A dead body lay in the hall there, Its body mostly eaten Another set of doors lie at the end of the hall
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Lucian didn't interrupt any of the discussion.  He nodded to Kalista when she said her piece. "I agree. As long as the forge isn't dangerous, it doesn't matter for the moment as far as the mission was concerned."  
While Lucian was military, his fellow adventurers were not.  So he tried not to press upon them anything more than his simple expertise.  "Keep your eyes open and remember our marching order."

He glanced pointedly at Dunn and Larz and spoke in a polite tone. Again, not admonishing, just offering up his own experiences, "Also, as Kallista stated earlier, try to be mindful of your positioning.  A few careful steps around the enemy would allow your teammates room to aid you without putting them in danger or without them having to put themselves in danger."

With that he moves to his marching position, casts Mystic Armor on himself and continues with the others down the hall.

(Action - Casts Mystic Armor on himself, +1 AC till Long Rest.)
(Exploration Action - Detecting Magic.)
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Looking first to Kalista then to Lucian the dwarf lowered his head with a sigh they were both absolutely correct, this was definitely not the time to worry about putting out the furnace he could do that at a later date. Even worse then loosing sight of their objective, was the amateurish attack on the worms . He was a battle hardened field medic, trained in flanking and the proper approach to combat. The young Cleric squared his shoulders, Addressing the Paladin first, You are right Leftenant this is not the time to deal with this furnace, Then to both the people he considered the leaders of this group he said. Our mistakes in battle will not happen again you have my word on it. Then turning the cleric took his position behind Dundero with his shield raised.
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"I will do better going forward!", Dunndero addresses the group, as hexdlips into his position beside the paladin at the front of the marching order.
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Once this whole Crown business is settled, we can always find some time to come back and poke around some more in here if you'd like. added Toryn reassuringly as he took his place in the marching order again. He didn't have any particular comments or critiques about their combat performance; fights were always chaotic ordeals, prone to unraveling even the most well-laid of plans, though he supposed a bit of military discipline wouldn't hurt.

Exploration: Avoid Notice + Trapfinder (always seeking traps/hazards)
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The group gathered together and moved down the hall. As they approached the intersection with the chewed dead body, they noticed it was missing a head. The hall coming from the west they knew connected back with where they fought the gelatinous cube. They also knew there was another room where mist broiled out of that direction too. Ahead there was a door 10 feet beyond the intersection.
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Larz crouches by the body, other then the missing head he attempts to discover what killed the person. While doing so he search's the body. 

(perception 1D20+8=16)
(Medicine 1d20+1=11)
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Most of the body thats exposed, including all of the organs, and fleshy parts have been eaten. Theres too much damage to the body to determine cause of death.
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Another poor soul claimed by the ruins. Hopefully they expired before getting eaten. Toryn glanced around the hallway while Larz inspected the corpse. We find ourselves at a crossroads it seems, my friends. Should we examine some of the previous rooms we discovered a bit more thoroughly, or open some new doors?
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