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Droskar's Crucible
The first thing Larz does is copy the ruins etched on the soul chain. when he hears Lucian., telling Kalista that he agrees with her suggesting they go back up stairs and rest. Larz jumps up saying  Ya'll heard the Cpin and Leftenant get on your feet and start heading up I'll be comin down the line bandaging as we walk With that said Larz turns and runs from the cavern. sprinting down the hall he catches up with the Paladin and pulling bandages from his belt pouch begins dressing the strong warriors wounds as they walk down the hall. Don't be sassing, or fussing with me missy your hurt worse then any of the others so you walk I work.    

Battle field medicine on Kalista

(Battle field medicine 2d8=9)
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"I am in agreement with that assessment, plus we need to mend ourselves and salvage what we can of our garments until we can return to town! But at this state we will not be able to assist anyone, nevermind ourselfs!". Says Dunndero as he looks over the group to see if any one needs assistance in getting carried back to camp.
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Breezy follows the others back upstairs. The small druid is tired he feels his leaves are a bit wilted.
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I concur! A good sit down with some bread and dried berries would hit the spot right now. Toryn replied enthusiastically. The gnome's most recent brush with death didn't seem to put any damper on his spirit. I'm still a bit fuzzy on what exactly transpired here, but it seemed to be quite the ordeal. I wonder what this mysterious forge is...
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Not bothering to search the cave, the group just staggered out, burnt, bruised and battered. Since they started this morning theyve been fighting almost non-stop for several hours. Its nearing 1 in the afternoon now and they are heading back topside to the Monastery. Food. rest. Recuperation all were needed. Theyve all learned things. seen things. gained valuable experience. Valuable knowledge. Tomorrow would be a new day.

((once 4 people post in this thread Ill go back to The Hollws Last Hop thead for topside))
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Dunndero helps any one in need back to thier camp and helps everyone get settled in, and offers to take watch. If Larz is not to tired, Dunndero tries to strike up more conversation in order to learn more about the God that Larz serves.
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Lucian moves with the others back through halls.  Burnt and bruised still he eased his way down onto his sleep mats and rested.  When it was time for dinner, he woke up joined the others around the fire. They had learned quite a bit and done well considering they had really only had one casualty.
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Breezy moved with the others the small leshy was exhausted. Its leaves were wilted slightly and burnt. Tired Breezy was and ready to rest. Out of spells, the group was at the breaking point. Sleep was calling the druids name.
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The topside camp was a welcome relief and it gave Kallista time, apart from the others, a moment to change into her only other set of clothes which consisted mostly of winter attire, arrange what was left of her hair, and say a long prayer of thanks to Iomedae, that everyone had survived so far. She too felt that the party as a whole had grown, experience was often hard-fought knowledge, but worth the reward. It was during her prayer to her goddess that she felt the presence of the spirit, Israfil, whisper an introduction and seek refuge in the long sword at her hip, a true gift indeed and proof that Iomedae, watched over her devout. 

After that, Kallista returned to the others to partake in dinner, share a much-needed laugh or two, and during this time as she recovered herself, she laid hands upon those who still seemed in need of healing, before finally succumbing to sleep. 

(Heal any wounded party members for 12hp every 10 minutes as she recovers Focus)
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Larz walks into the chapel with the rest of the group and after stripping down and cleaning up using prestidigitation, the young cleric puts on his other set of clothing, next he walks over to where Toryn is setting and asks. Hey buddy do you think you could patch up me shield she's pretty beat up. Then goes to find Breezy and arrange a double shift for them to tag team the healing. Then Larz goes over to where Dundero was sitting. Hey there big guy now that we have a minute or two why don't we have a chat about the teachings of my Trudd.

Larz offers to help Dundero clean up with a second use of prestidigitation, Once they are both cleaned and changed Larz offers Dundero a drink of water from his water skin before getting down to his favorite topic his God. In crafting Trudd as a gift for his beloved, Torag thought of the qualities he had not given his other children. After a few moments of contemplation , he settled on the simplest and most elusive answer-he had not gifted his wife with a child who bore the strength of the mountains them selves. He was to be his fathers strong left hand, acting as the general of Torags armies when defending from incursions by demons or other such nefarious forces. Trudd's personal charge was to guard the seat of Forgeheart when the father of creation traveled the multiverse. Trudd took to these dual tasks with glee an dhas been doing his duty ever since

You ask me before if Trudd would except a man like you as a follower. Larz pauses for a second as if lost in thought, Then he leans his head back and laughs. HA HA HA HA HA, Dundero Me boyo Trudd would be pleased indeed if someone like you were to start following him. Trudds followers must be brave, they must always protect the weak, and if they give their word they can never go back on it. After another brief pause. I have not known you very long my friend, but from what i've seen so far you are everything a follower of Trudd strives to be. If you decide you would like to know more or maybe even take up worshipping my Lord. I would consider it an honor to be your spiritual advisor.
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