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Droskar's Crucible
Over her shoulder, the paladin calls out, Lucian, ask those creatures what resides within the depths of this cave? I sense something of incredible evil, slipping into a side stance, a whispered prayer to her goddess, the paladin readies herself incase she needs to explode into action.
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Dunndero posisitions himself next to the paladin, ready to lend aid and muscle, should something attack.
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Toryn nodded sagely as Kerrdremak shed some more light on the situation. Hmm, it would seem that your King has been consumed by his own ambitions. I sympathize; even the wisest men can fall victim to the allure of a powerful relic. My uncle Benny Two-Toes once found a wondrous alchemical jug that could produce infinite quantities of mayonnaise, among other condiments. We found Uncle Benny a week later, swimming naked in a pool of potato salad, madly proclaiming himself to be God of the Chunky Sea. Toryn stared wistfully off into the distance before snapping back to current reality.

What was I trying to- ah yes! We must venture forth into the depths below regardless, and if it is infested with the undead as you say, then perhaps it would be best if we could somehow avoid fighting more of your tribesmen. Are more like yourself that do not share your King's vision?
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Lucian nodded over to Kallista before looking back to the Lead Kobold, "As well, it seems my companions have detected a source of great evil below. Something beyond what you have mentioned to us so far.  Have you noticed anything that filled you with complete fear or dread. Possibly something not of this world?"
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with both Dundero and Kalista on the front line Larz steps over to Lucian. Capin the evil isn't below it's on this floor, just down that cave tunnel. I'm sure some one has to have seen what has taken up residence over there. As Larz finishes speaking he points down the dark cave tunnel.
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Lucian raised an eyebrow and masked his slight alarm at Larz words, then gave the Lead Kobold a pointed stare before asking in Draconic, "Actually my friend says it's over in that cave tunnel." Then he very carefully asked in order to make sure nothing was lost in his dialect and translation, "WHAT ...exactly... is in there?"
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Kerrdremak and his rat watched the unfolding drama not understanding the communication....He waited and then with Lucians question he responded. Until 2 days ago a dead end with a cold forge. Now you see what we see. Nobodies worked up the courage to go see.
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Lucian nods and turns to Larz and Kallista, "He says before two days ago, there was nothing but a dead end and a cold forge down that tunnel. The foulness began to seep from there around the same time everything else started turning foul. Since then, None of them have worked up the courage to see what's in there."
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larz asks Lucian. So Boss are we going in, Or are we leaving this foul creature what ever it is behind us?
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Lucian heard Larz and held up a hand to pause for a quick moment. Then he returned his gaze to the Lead Kobold addressing them in Draconic again. "Take your people and get out of here.  Do not let our paths cross again.  Do not linger above. If we see you again while we are in this place, we will considering you an enemy.  And you have already seen what we do to our enemies. Do you understand this?"

Once the Lead Kobold answered, the wizard stood up and looked over to Larz. "As I said earlier." He said flatley, "We clear the floor before moving on."

With that he activated his shield and moved to follow the front liners down the tunnel, "Form up! Lets see what awaits us down there."
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