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Droskar's Crucible
Lucian, who is watching and waiting for everyone to gather themselves and any other information they need, finally nods as they all seem ready now. "Alright. As time is of the essence, Let's get moving." 

With that he waits for the scouts and front liners to get into position before following them as they start down the hall. 

(Exploration Action - Detect Magic.)
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Dunndero gets into position next to Kalista the paladin just behind Arielle in his new fitted armor Carrying the Glintaxe like a torch in front of him.
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Breezy follows along keeping an eye out for things. Particularly traps and threats. 

(Exploration Action: Search)
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Toryn marched behind the beefy warriors with their handsome new armors. He kept an eye out for interesting and/or hazardous things in general, but kept a low profile otherwise. One hand wielded his trusty short sword, the other a mace he lovingly named Stranger Danger.

(Exploration: Avoiding Notice)
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Larz falls into position behind the frontliners as they all move down the hall together, Shield held high on his right arm, a coin in his left hand spell ready, Once again they head back into the breach.
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Falling in beside the Half Orc, the Young Paladin kept her gaze ever moving as she strode, Her newly repaired shield kept raised up in her right hand, the sword of her goddess ready in her left.
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The group heads down the hall towards the way down and they come to an intersection that branches off to a closed door. Does the party advance toward the open door or turn to the closed door?
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Two doors Lucien, one about twenty feet or so to our left and the other around the same distance straight ahead, she said over her shoulder to the wizard in case he couldn't make it out due to darkness and the bodies blocking the way.
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Lucian nodded, "Lets scout the door to the left first.  If it leads further in, we can check the right.  We just want to clear everything as we go so nothing has an opportunity to come up behind us."
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Dunndero gently taps Areille on the shoulder and points her in the direction indicated by the groups leader Lucien.
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