Barlus sat talking to Edgrin. Breezy could hear they were talking about someone Named Colbrin and mentioned he was the Town Butcher and was imprisoned below in the Kobold Lair. Edgrin mentioned that hed overheard guards saying their next sacrifice was soon.
Toryn scurried over to the right and mentally called up the psychic shield to protect Dunndero.
The remaining skeleton , headless as it was, just faced the center area where Larz stood. The skull rolled across the floor by Larz's feet and up the side of the wall and back into his hand which he promptly threw at Larz. The skull smacked Larz in the chest where it chewed at the chain covering his body.
Kallista moved behind Toryn and could not get through.
Breezy stands in the monastery dining area watching all the entrances and performing rear guard tasks, while listening to the conversation between the forester and the minstrel.
Dunndero was wide eyed, and bleeding from several from many wounds. He looked worse for wear but stood fists at the ready as he backed into one of the alcoves to the right and leaned against the wall.
Lucian begins to look for anything magical, knowing the last skeleton will be handled in mere seconds.
Satoru and Arielle enter on guard, Arielle looks in the niche the head came from and realizes the skeleton is a little too far back. and sees Larz staring at it intently and motions for him to handle it.
Larz points his hand and a quick prayer to Trudd causes a beam of white energy to strike the Skeleton, dissolving him where he stands.
End of Combat
Slowly Dunndero feels the fear that gripped him abate and he looked at the piles of bones in the Ossuary and scowls knowing that even worse will confront him on this journey of adventuring,
29 Barlus
23 Toryn (Immune to Skeletons Fear)
21 Kallista Immune to Skeletons Scream Shield has Broken Condition. and cannot be used.
19 Breezy
19 Dunndero
19 Lucian Mystic Armor and Shield +2 to AC Shield Raised
17 Satoru
17 Arielle
16 Larz Shield -2 damage (will be immune after one round)
15 Edgrin
14 Oriana
Brilliant Breeze AC:19 HP: 28/28 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leaf Leshy Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: ?? Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block
Dunndero AC:19 HP: 9/(32)30 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC: n/a
2nd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 0 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block
Kallista AC:19 HP: 27/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC: 15
2nd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Mind Smith Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block, Reactionary Strike
Larz AC: AC:17 HP: 22/(30)28 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
2nd Cleric Male Dwarf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block
Lucien AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none
Oriana AC:17 HP:32/32 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 2 Acid/Fire 4 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave
Satoru AC:15 HP:34/34 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+5 WL:+6 Perception:+4 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Resistances: Fire 5 Immunities n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Feather Fall, if targeted by a Fire effect +1 to AC
Arielle AC:19 HP: 34/34 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+3- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Fey Trickster Eidolon (Magical Understudy) Resistances: a Immunities: n/a Reactions: none
Toryn AC:18 HP: 26/(28)26 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+10 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:16
2nd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Psychic (Tangible Dream) Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield (Amped)
Edgrin AC:17 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Bard Halfling Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a
Barlus AC:18 HP:12/30 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+10 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:18
2nd Forester Human Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a
Toryn scurried over to the right and mentally called up the psychic shield to protect Dunndero.
The remaining skeleton , headless as it was, just faced the center area where Larz stood. The skull rolled across the floor by Larz's feet and up the side of the wall and back into his hand which he promptly threw at Larz. The skull smacked Larz in the chest where it chewed at the chain covering his body.
Kallista moved behind Toryn and could not get through.
Breezy stands in the monastery dining area watching all the entrances and performing rear guard tasks, while listening to the conversation between the forester and the minstrel.
Dunndero was wide eyed, and bleeding from several from many wounds. He looked worse for wear but stood fists at the ready as he backed into one of the alcoves to the right and leaned against the wall.
Lucian begins to look for anything magical, knowing the last skeleton will be handled in mere seconds.
Satoru and Arielle enter on guard, Arielle looks in the niche the head came from and realizes the skeleton is a little too far back. and sees Larz staring at it intently and motions for him to handle it.
Larz points his hand and a quick prayer to Trudd causes a beam of white energy to strike the Skeleton, dissolving him where he stands.
End of Combat
Slowly Dunndero feels the fear that gripped him abate and he looked at the piles of bones in the Ossuary and scowls knowing that even worse will confront him on this journey of adventuring,
29 Barlus
23 Toryn (Immune to Skeletons Fear)
21 Kallista Immune to Skeletons Scream Shield has Broken Condition. and cannot be used.
19 Breezy
19 Dunndero
19 Lucian Mystic Armor and Shield +2 to AC Shield Raised
17 Satoru
17 Arielle
16 Larz Shield -2 damage (will be immune after one round)
15 Edgrin
14 Oriana
Brilliant Breeze AC:19 HP: 28/28 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leaf Leshy Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: ?? Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block
Dunndero AC:19 HP: 9/(32)30 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC: n/a
2nd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 0 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block
Kallista AC:19 HP: 27/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC: 15
2nd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Mind Smith Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block, Reactionary Strike
Larz AC: AC:17 HP: 22/(30)28 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
2nd Cleric Male Dwarf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block
Lucien AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none
Oriana AC:17 HP:32/32 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 2 Acid/Fire 4 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave
Satoru AC:15 HP:34/34 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+5 WL:+6 Perception:+4 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Resistances: Fire 5 Immunities n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Feather Fall, if targeted by a Fire effect +1 to AC
Arielle AC:19 HP: 34/34 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+3- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Fey Trickster Eidolon (Magical Understudy) Resistances: a Immunities: n/a Reactions: none
Toryn AC:18 HP: 26/(28)26 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+10 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:16
2nd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Psychic (Tangible Dream) Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield (Amped)
Edgrin AC:17 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Bard Halfling Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a
Barlus AC:18 HP:12/30 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+10 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:18
2nd Forester Human Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a