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Droskar's Crucible
Dunndero continues his assault but due to the awkwardness of on attacking with the flat of his axe like a club or hammer, he drops his axe and starts slamming his huge ham sized fist and calloused knuckles into the face of the skeleton in front of him, the force of his caloused bear knuckles cracking and splintering bone with each hit. He obliterates the skull of the first skeleton with a devastating right hook, and moves into the next alcove and assaults thecskeleton there with a quick jab.
[OoC: Iron Fists (Ancestry Feat): -Your fists have been forged by battle, your naturally tough skin and dense bone further hardened by conflict. Your fist unarmed attacks no longer have the nonlethal trait and gain the shove weapon trait.]

1. Unarmed Attack Action: Unarmed Attack = [1d20+10]=19+10=29 (Critical Hit!), Unarmed Attack Damage = [1d4+6]=3+6=9×2 = 18 Damage.
2. Move Action: moves to the next alcove
3. 2nd Unarmed Attack Action: 2nd Unarmed Attack =[1d20+5]=19+5=24 (Hit!), Unarmed Attack Damage = [1d4+6]=2+6=8 Damage.
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Oriana moves up behind Dunndero to support him on the right flank. Not wanting to get too close, she readies a blast a water to be sent flying at the first skeleton she sees come into her sight.

1st: Stride
2nd & 3rd: Ready Elemental Blast (bludgeoning) on first skeleton she sees. 1d20+8=26 hit. 1d8=1 bludgeoning damage.
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Breezy kept an eye out for more trouble specifically kobolds. As he did so he also wanted to remain near the bard to make sure that nothing happened to them. The small druid tried to remain encouraging to the others.

1 Aid Action
2 & 3: Seek Kobolds/Threats
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After Barlus ran up the center Toryn ran in and followed Kallista to the left and tried to shove the Skeleton back into the wall but it didnt budge, and the shield of psychic energy he had projected onto Kallista faded.

The Skeletons now had targets and began to fight back. The one Toryn had pushed reached up, pulled its skull from its body and threw it at Toryn. The skull uttered a frightening high pitch scream. Toryns blood ran cold at the sight of the flying head screaming and snapping and he understood Barlus' words now. He ducked and the head bounced off the wall and rolled to his feet, the eye sockets staring up at him.

A skeleton stepped out of the alcove to the front of Kallista and repeated what had happened to Toryn She had heard the scream and it did not effect her so she didnt flinch at this ones. She just scowled as the skull flew through the 5 feet and the jaw latched onto her neck, biting with a fervor and ripping a part of her neck open before it fell to the floor and rolled. Toryns fear did not worsen though from hearing a second skeleton

Three Skeletons threw their heads out through the niche in the wall at Larz. He felt the fear start to grip him and he fought against it, but succumbed to the grip for the moment. The Dwarven Cleric avoided two of the three throws the 3rd however he had to interpose his shield between him and it. It smacked into the shield with a large clang that dented it.

The remaining two threw their heads at Dunndero, 1 stepping out of his alcove to do so. The scream cut through Dunnderos resolve and he felt the icy grip of fear and then the two skulls hit him. 1 latching on to his forearm, the other to the side of his face. he shook and they fell to the floor, but not before leaving him bloodied.

Kallista glanced back to see if she could get to the Skeleton in the 1st alcove, but Toryn stood between her and it. so she pivoted and slammed her shield into the one before her., snapping ribs but it was still standing. So she raised her shield to defend, if they found a way to attack without their heads....but the thought came...Barlus acted like they had thrown them at him as well....

Breezy kept his eyes focused on looking for threats...especially Kobold ones.

Dunndero drpped his axe and resorted to his fists which had been hardened by a youth spent fighting. A fist slammed into the sternum of the one he had already injured shattering it. He then looked at the second one who had obliged him by stepping out of the alcove to his front and quickly did a one two punch, the second snapped a rib off the 3rd would have hit its head...if it had been there.

Lucian used his arcane mastery to bring into being a suit of force armor and shield. ready for the battle shouting to stay out of the middle and focus on the flanks.

Satoru and Arielle guarded the hall, and seemed to be in communion ...adjusting their abilities.

Larz growled and raised both his hammer and shield arm to the sky and called on Trudd. A pulse of pure white energy rippled out from him causing the necromantic hold on the skeletons to weaken and knitting the wounds together of allies.

Edgrin grinned back at Barlus. saying We made it Barlus. We are rescued. and continued tuning his lute.

Oriana came up behind Dunndero, and saw 1 skeleton laying amid its bones. The other was headless and had a few ribs snapped off. She launched a torrent of water at it past Dunndero, but her aim was off and only a s;light spray hit it.

29 Barlus
23 Toryn Frightened 1 (-1 to all checks) (will be immune after this round)
23 Skeletons (x6)
21 Kallista Immune to Skeletons Scream Shield Raised
19 Breezy
19 Dunndero Frightened 2 (-2 to all checks)
19 Lucian Mystic Armor and Shield +2 to AC Shield Raised
17 Satoru
17 Arielle
16 Larz Shield Raised-2 damage Frightened 2 (-2 to all checks) (will be immune after two rounds)
15 Edgrin
14 Oriana 

Brilliant Breeze AC:19 HP: 28/28 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leaf Leshy  Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: ?? Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:19 HP: 16/(32)30 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC: n/a
2nd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Kallista AC:19 HP: 28/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC: 15
2nd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Mind Smith Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block, Reactionary Strike

Larz AC: AC:17 HP: 28/(30)28 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
2nd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 1  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:17 HP:32/32 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 2 Acid/Fire 4 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satoru AC:15 HP:34/34 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+5 WL:+6 Perception:+4 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky)  Resistances: Fire 5  Immunities n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Feather Fall, if targeted by a Fire effect +1 to AC

Arielle AC:19 HP: 34/34 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+3- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Fey Trickster Eidolon (Magical Understudy)  Resistances: a Immunities: n/a Reactions: none

Toryn AC:18 HP: 26/(28)26 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+10 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:16
2nd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Psychic (Tangible Dream) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield (Amped)

Edgrin AC:17 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Bard Halfling Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a

Barlus AC:18 HP:12/30 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+10 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:18
2nd Forester Human Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a


E.H.H. Skeletons (x6) AC:18 HP: 3/14,4/14,10/14,6/14,10/14,12/14 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+10 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:18
2 Skeleton Resistances: Cold/Fire/Electricity/Piercing/Slashing:5 Immunities: Death Effects, Disease, Mental, Paralyzed, Poison, Unconsciousness Reactions: n/a
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Toryn tried to maneuver through Kallista and the northern skeleton to get a flank off, but was unable to find an opening in the cramped hall. His headless neighbor lurched towards him menacingly, causing Toryn emit a short and shrill shriek of terror. With a burst of horror-fueled adrenaline, the gnome head-butted the skeleton right in the pelvis, violently slamming it into a wall with a sickening, yet satisfying, crunch this time. He followed that up with a little kick in the shins for good measure.

Action 1: Tumble Through: 1d20+7 16 failed
Action 2: Unarmed Strike: 1d20+7 13, Unarmed Strike re-roll: 1d20+7 22
Unarmed Damage: 1d4+4 8
Action 3: Unarmed Strike (MAP): 1d20+3 5 miss
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Dunndero absolutely terrified by the headless skeleton in front of him, unleashes a quick jab, followed by a strong right hook into the skeleton's center of mass, and then another poorly timed jab that misses the skeleton entirely. Dunndero screams while trying to wipe the skeleton in front of him out of existence, "What in the blazing nine hells! It just threw its flammin skull at me! Die and stay dead dis time!".
1. Attack Action: Unarmed Attack = [1d20+10]=1+10=11 (Miss!, Spend 1 Hero Point to Reroll Attack), Unarmed Attack = [1d20+10]=16+10=26 -2 (Fear)= 24 (Hit!), Unarmed Attack Damage = [1d4+6]=3+6=9 Damage.
2. 2nd Attack Action: 2nd Unarmed Attack = [1d20+5]=15+5=20 -2 (Fear) = 18(Hit!), Unarmed Attack Damage = [1d4+6]=2+6=8 Damage.
3. 3rd Attack Action: 3rd Unarmed Attack = [1d20]=9 (Miss!)
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1: Shield Bash the Skeleton in front of her Shield bash: 1d20+8 18  Shield bash damage: 1d4+4 7
2: Attempted to shield bash again but missed Shield bash 2: 1d20+3 7
3: Raised shield to defend

Hearing her friends terrified squeak, the Paladin renewed her assault, slamming her shield into the headless skeleton before her, hitting it hard center mass and missing the swing entirely.
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Lucian moves forward into the room and moves the left to cover the fighters there with ranged attacks. He refocuses his shield and fires a forcebolt at one of the skeleton's. 

(Action 1 - Stride to the left near Toryn and Kallista.  Already moved on the map.)
(Action 2 - Fires Force Bolt at any skeleton target visible and still standing.  Spends 1 focus point, Auto-hit.)
(Action 3 - Refocuses Shield. +1 AC, Shield Block 5 Reaction.)

Force Bolt Damage: 1d4+1 = 3
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Satoru finally blinks into awareness after the umpteenth time Arielle has slapped him.


I can’t move very far from you and our allies are being attacked!

Oh.  Oh!  Okay.

They move into the next room together…Satoru behind Arielle as usual.

Act Together (3 actions)
Action 1: Satoru strides
Other Actions: Arielle gets into the nearest shit she can find.
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Again Larz calls on his God using the last ofhis healing spells for the day. Trudd send these hell spawn creatures back from whence they came.

1,2 & 3 heal

(healing to party members 1d10=5)
(damage to skeletons 1-2, 2-2, 3-10, 4-5, 5-5, 6-2) 
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