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Droskar's Crucible
Larz sees Kallista disappear into the room he takes two steps jerks the door open yelling over his shoulder Dundero, Kallista went left you go right I'm going straight up the middle to rescue the prisoner, then the young dwarf rushes straight forward shield up for defense. Barlus run get out of here, the rest of our team is in the hall they will heal you.

1st raise shield
2 & 3 stride
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Breezy moves up to help guard the back of the group. He stays near the bard and Lucian to make sure there is some support in the back. Undead are not something the druid specializes in.

1 Move 10 ft forward
2 Keep an eye out to avoid being flanked
3 Shield at the ready
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At the shouts of more enemies from presumably Edgrin's companion and Larz's barks of instruction, Oriana shook her head and she stood up and started into a brisk jog towards the hallway and the commotion within.

As she passes Lucian and Breezy they can hear her grumbling to herself, but the words "look before you leap" do stand out.

She continues up and gets her shield ready as she takes position in front of Toryn in case these undead come a knocking.

1st & 2nd: Stride
3rd: Raise Shield
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Dunndero follows Larz's commands, and steps into the first alcove on the left, face to face with a skeleton, which he proceeded to try and bash down the skeleton with 3 quick repeated blows with the flat side of his axe head.
1. Attack Action: Battleaxe Attack = [1d20+9]=20+9=29 (CRITICAL Hit!), Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=2+4=6x2 =12 Damage.
2. 2nd Attack Action: 2nd Battleaxe Attack =[1d20+4]=17+4=21(Hit!),
Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=2+4=6 Damage.
3. 3rd Attack Action: 3rd Battleaxe Attack =[1d20-1]=15-1=14 (Miss!, Spend 1 Hero Point for Reroll), 3rd Battleaxe Attack =[1d20-1]=19-1=18 (Hit!), Battleaxe Damage =[1d8+4]=7+4=11 Damage.
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Lucian sighs softly then pats the Halfling softly on the shoulder, "Thank you for you help my friend.  Seems my crew has found your friend."  With that said, he moves quickly to assist the others stopping right behind Toryn trying to access the situation. 

(Action 1 - Stride to the space behind Toryn.  Already moved on the map.) 
(Action 2 & 3 - Recall knowledge: Warfare on this tactical situation, Thinking of the best ways to approach this room, if any.)

Recall Knowledge: Warfare: 1d20+8 = 27
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Barlus coward behind the anvil, looking very much worse for wear. Like he had already taken a beating.

Toryn was gathering up gear dropped by the enemy in the fight when he heard the Hunter call out and with a glance realized his friend, Kallista, had already opened another door...and with a sigh, he dropped what he was doing...quite literally, and moved down the the intersection. The he caused a shimmering shield of multicolored energy to appear to her back.

The Skeletons, for some odd reason, were bound to their tombs...and stood in their alcoves..waiting for an enemy.

Kallista ran to the left and through an archway into the left side, passing the first skeleton she ran to the second and pivoted smashing her shield into the skeleton there. The dwarven skeleton staggered back into the wall and she smashed him with her shield again, shattering his form to bone fragments.

Breezy moved forward and put a small leafy hand on Edgrins shoulder, and said something about staying back here to watch the rear.

Dunndero seeing Kallista go keft, went right through the archway.  The first skeleton her came to he he swung his Battleaxe trying to use the flat of it, but it really wasnt designed to be used as such and still didnt seem as effective as it could be. ((still knocking the 5 resistance off because the weapon wouldnt be as effective. Hard to use it as such)). He then brought the weapon around for a second attack and almost slipped, but caught himself and brought the end of the axe to smash into its riibcage, chipping a few. ((moving to the attack wouldve been one of your actions so you can use your 3rd attack next round if you want...or just reroll the to hit and not spend the heropoint and keep the damage. your choice))

Lucian moved up behind Toryn and looking into the room and thought of his training. Two prongs going east and west and staying away from the center where all the skeletons could focus, seemed the best course of action to his battle trained mind

Satoru and Arielle moved into the hall at the intersection,  standing guard for the moment. Arielle could see a door open at the end of it with what looked to be stone prayer platforms near the floor within.

Larz charged in raising his shield and shouts instruction as he moves to the center to draw fire, so to speak...

Edgrin stood out with Breezy, and started tuning his lute.

Oriana moves forward raising her shield as she prepared to enter into another combat.

------------------------------------------------ Next round.------------------------------------------

Barlus took Larz's suggestion and charged up the center  to exit the room passing Lucian and looking at Edgrin with thanks in his eyes.

29 Barlus
23 Toryn
23 Skeletons (x7)
21 Kallista
19 Breezy
19 Dunndero
19 Lucian
17 Satoru
17 Arielle
16 Larz Shield Raised
15 Edgrin
14 Oriana Shield Raised

Brilliant Breeze AC:19 HP: 28/28 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+10 Perception:+8 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Druid (Untamed) Male Leaf Leshy  Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Archtype/Dedication: ?? Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero AC:19 HP: 26/(32)30 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+4 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC: n/a
2nd Fighter Male Half-Orc Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Wrestler Dedication Hero points: 1 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Kallista AC:19 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC: 15
2nd Champion Female Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Mind Smith Hero Points: 1 Reactions: Shield Block, Reactionary Strike

Larz AC: AC:17 HP: 28/(30)28 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
2nd Cleric Male Dwarf  Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Medic Hero Points: 1  Reactions: Shield Block

Lucien AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+8 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Wizard (Battle Wizard) Male Human Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archetype/Dedication: Psychic (Infinite Eye) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:17 HP:32/32 Saves: FO:+10 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Resistances: B/S weapon damage 2 Acid/Fire 4 Electricity 1 Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Dragon Disciple Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satoru AC:15 HP:34/34 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+5 WL:+6 Perception:+4 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky)  Resistances: Fire 5  Immunities n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Bard Hero Points: 3 Reactions: Feather Fall, if targeted by a Fire effect +1 to AC

Arielle AC:19 HP: 34/34 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+3- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a
Fey Trickster Eidolon (Magical Understudy)  Resistances: a Immunities: n/a Reactions: none

Toryn AC:18 HP: 26/(28)26 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+10 WL:+6 Perception:+6 CDC:18 SDC:16
2nd Rogue (Thief) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Archtype/Dedication: Psychic (Tangible Dream) Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield (Amped)

Edgrin AC:17 HP: 32/32 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+8 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:18 SDC:18
2nd Bard Halfling Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a

Barlus AC:18 HP:12/30 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+10 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:18
2nd Forester Human Male Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a Reactions: n/a


E.H.H. Skeletons (x7) AC:18 HP: 6/14,14/14,14/14,14/14,14/14,14/14,14/14 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+10 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:18
2 Skeleton Resistances: Cold/Fire/Electricity/Piercing/Slashing:5 Immunities: Death Effects, Disease, Mental, Paralyzed, Poison, Unconsciousness Reactions: n/a
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Shield Bash: 1d20+8 10
Shield Bash: 1d20+3 22
Shield bash damage: 1d4+4 6

Taking a step back, the paladin smiled as her shield came swinging in at the back the back of the skeleton, then she growled at the momentum was arrested when the shield smacked the inner wall, but she recovered quickly and drove the shield down into the skeleton at an angle allowing the round steel shield to slam into the undead creature. 

1: Stepping back to hit Skeleton #1
2: Missing first swing
3: Hitting with the second.
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As Barlus leaves the room Larz closes his eyes and begins to pray sending a pulse of positive energy out in all directions. By Trudd die you hell spawn creatures.

1,2,3rd Healing pulse

(Damage to skeletons Healing to party1d10=4)
(Skeletons 1-2,2-4,3-2,4-4,5-8,6-2,7-4)
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Toryn ran left to lend Kallista a hand, rounding the corner to catch a glimpse of a skeleton just...standing there for the moment. The gnome instinctively shoulder-checked the bony boy, causing it to lurch and bounce off the wall, though it remained unharmed. The brightly-colored shield faded from Kallista's side for now.

Actions 1+2: Stride
Action 3: Unarmed Strike: 1d20+8 10 miss
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Lucian shouts into the room. "Be Careful! The skeletons can focus fire any target that moves up the center of room! Split into two teams! One right! One left!" 
Then the wizard prepared his defenses, He cast Mystic Armor and summoned his shield.

(Action 1 & 2 - Casts Mystic Armor. +1 AC Lasts 24 hours.)
(Action 3 - Casts Shield. +1 AC and Shield Block 5 Reaction.)
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