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Droskar's Crucible
It was the 2nd of Kuth about 8:00 am when the group descended down the 30 foot of stairs to where it opened into a large chamber, it's stone walls covered with intricate carvings of dwarves toiling in mines or over forges. In the center of the chamber stands the bottom half of a broken obsidian obelisk. Crude picks, hammers, and other tools are scattered about the broken obelisk. Chips and shards of obsidian lie around the base of the obelisk and the top half lay on the floor a short distance away. Marks on the floor attest to the fact the top portion was being drug towards the passage to the west.. There are three halls out of the chamber, two are in darkness- west and north while to the east the soft glow of furnace like light emanates.

((Its probably a good idea to light at least 1 torch, but two would be better....if you cannot make out much...thats because you do not have either darkvision nor low light,...and even through out most of this level low light doesnt help without the present of some sort of light. I have a new player map designated. once all but Lars have posted (and you can place your character anyplace in the room...but not out the hall.s))
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Toryn held out a hand and from his palm an orb of light suddenly winked into existence. The gnome cycled through various colors before settling on an easy-on-the-eyes pale blue hue. The ball of light made its way over to Orianna where it stayed floating above the young girl's head. Two more balls of light were formed; one floated over to Dunndero and the last settled over Toryn. He also made sure one torch and some flint and steel were easily within reach on his person, just in case.

The gnome looked at his companions and flashed them two thumbs up and a grin.

(OOC: Casting Light on Orianna, Dunndero, and Toryn. 20 ft radius bright light with 20 ft of dim light)
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Oriana returned Toryn's grin with a curt nod, thankful for the magical ball lighting up her immediate surrounds.

Not being able to see far through the passageways, the young woman closed her eyes and focused on her ears, directing them to the east and the soft glow of a furnace, trying to discern noises that would indicate activity in that direction.

Perception: 1d20+5=19
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Satoru stays with Arielle as they investigate the western portion of the area. Toryn hadn’t illuminated the pair, so Satoru guessed he would have to rely entirely on her for his vision now.
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three balls of light appear above Toryn, Dunndero and Oriana's head. casting light equivalent to a torch through out the room emanating from these three individuals. Looking down the west hall, after 20 feet another hall heads north, while the west hall continues to end in a door another 10 feet further. The North hall goes down 20 feet where a east -west hall bisects it. Another 10 feet and it opens into a chamber that is blanketed in a mist, making sight almost impossible beyond the entry way. To the east 10 feet and it opens into another chamber . At the center of this large stone chamber is a small wall surrounding a pit some 15 feet across. Heat and light come within that pit. Three small chutes in the ceiling directly above the pit. The air is oppressively hot and thick with ash.
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Dunndero moves towards the west cautiously, keeping his eyes open for traps or anything else out of place. " Thanks fer da light!", says Dunndero as he moves.
Perception = [1d20+6]=6+6=12
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when Dunndero advances slowly into the hall heading west, the party gradually begins to follow him, for the moment staying away from the hot room and the misty room Dunndero gets to the hall junction and looking north it appears the east west hall seen from the Obelisk room crosses this hall as well. He can see this north bound hall extends another 40 feet beyond the intersection to the north. He is 15 feet from the door to the west now.
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Shield raised and her shimmering mind blade at the ready, the Paladin didn't hesitate to follow the half orc, her own gaze sweeping her surroundings for any signs of trouble. 

Perception: 1d20+5 12
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Seeing a few of the group start exploring to the west, Oriana raises her shield and takes up the rear guard, keeping her eyes peeled for kobolds or other threats lurking in the shadows.
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Lucian stays next to Oriana as the group descends into the lower levels of the monastery. The wizard keeps his senses focused on detecting magical traps or objects, trusting his allies to spot non-magical hazards and threats.  He also keeps an eye out for any discarded items that might be of interest. If they find anything of that nature, he will use Psychometric Resonance on the item to glean any information about its previous owner. 

(Exploration Action - Detect Magic and Psychometric Resonance on any personal items they come across.)
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