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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Breezy slept well. The small leshy druid wasn't injured although it was weary and tired to its wooden bones and branches. Their dreams were as normal of nature and an unending storm that swirled the leaves and hurled the small druid through the air.

When they awoke early in the morning before the first light the small druid set about working on its medical bandages, and tools to be able to fix others faster, and in a more battle ready area. The druid had studied the small kobolds after the fight as they were moving them to the forests edge and Breezy thought it understood how the sneaky creature were moving so stealthily and strove to move that way itself. The druid waited for others to go searching the remaining ruins with, knowing that groups are needed for doing such.

Perception: 1d20+8=21
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Satoru and Arielle spent a lot of time together after a battle that almost resulted in the end of two of their traveling companions. Satoru decided enough was truly enough and started asking Arielle some very pointed questions about herself, where she came from, the fey in general. Many of these questions were answered fairly cryptically, leaving Satoru wanting more. Eventually, though, he falls asleep, his Companion spooned gently up against him, hugging him protectively. When it is time for their shift, he will be able to ask her more.
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The gnome spent some time before bed repairing Larz's and Orianna's shields. Ori's equipment proved to be a bit tricky despite suffering less damage, as one of the arm straps stubbornly refused to stay fastened to the shield, but Toryn managed to get the job done eventually. Satisfied with the work, he went to bed and quickly fell into a deep slumber.

That night, Toryn's dreams were a particularly striking collage of colors and shapes. He had similarly vivid dreams before but tonight they seemed almost like hallucinations. Imagine his (and his comrade's) surprise when he was awakened for sentry duty and discovered glittering motes of multicolored orbs orbiting all around him! It was a strange, yet somehow familiar feeling; this wasn't like the innate primal magic he was used to manipulating, and yet felt like a natural part of him nonetheless. 

In the morning Toryn first checked the room with the stairs leading deeper into the ruins, then patrolled around the ruins a bit to make sure other surprise guests or beasties came up to visit. All the while surrounded by translucent butterflies.

Repair Shield (guidance): 1d20+7 25 (Larz shield repaired)
Repair Shield: 1d20+6 9, Repair shield attempt 2: 1d20+6 11, Repair shield attempt 3: 1d20+6 16 (Ori shield repaired)
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Dunndero sits by Larz as they get ready to test for the night, and earnestly looks towards the dwarf and says, "Thank you fer saving my bacon several times today with Trudd's blessings! I haven't ever bin taught nuttin about religion, you seem a descent sort, an if today has taught me nuttin I should develop a relation ship with a divine being so as better to recieve der blessings! What can you tell me about your Trudd, an do ye think he accept someone like me as a follower, ya know a half Orc?", he then sits and listens to Latz explain the tennets of Trudd, until he styles in to sleep.
Dunndero sleeps very soundly and dreams of battle tactics , especially the effectiveness of grappling his foes in order to make thier attacks less effective against him and his allies, and making it slightly easier to hit the enemy by impeding thier movement.
[OoC: how many hp do we recover from sleeping ?]
He wakes up feeling refreshed and goes through his morning exercises, and eats some of his rations, and joins Toryn in his patrol of the ruins, looking for anything out of place.
Perception Check= [1d20+6]=10+9=16
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The battle was over and Lucian fell back against the old crumbling wall of the monastery. The smells of blood, some of his own, some of his friends, the gamey scent of the Kobolds, all seemed to get trapped in his breath. He winced. The smell was familiar, haunting, the smell of a battlefield. He closed his eyes tight and banished the memory just as his breathing finally started to steady. Then he drew in a sharp breath as Larz's healing wave washed over him.  With a groan he got to his feet and tried to put the haunting memory of so many previous battles behind him.  Carefully he made his way back to their chosen camping spot and began setting up a secure place to sleep for the night. 

He was exhausted, so sleep came easily. 

That first time he ever sensed magic came to him as he slept. Running through the fields of his father's estate, even as he knew his mother would yell at he and his brothers for ruining their good clothes, they couldn't help themselves. Moments of freedom were rare in the Blackwood household. The colonel's carriage arrived and an Andoran battlemage stepped out. His staff shone like the sun in Lucian's eyes.  When he asked the man why his staff was glowing, his future had been sealed. He was the youngest of seven brothers, so his place in the family had always been a precarious one. He stood to inherit very little save a worthless title with no land or wealth to go with it.  So when they found out he could innately see magical energies, as soon as he was of age, he was sent to the Andoran battle regiments. 

But it was that first moment of seeing the very essence of magic itself, that his dreaming memory reflected upon. Magic was everywhere, magic was inside him, part of his being. When Lucian awoke the next morning, he felt more refreshed than he had a right to feel. But the dream had made him focus more on his experiences in the last few days, as well as his childhood. Something clicked into place behind his eyes, he could feel magic more keenly than before.  And the last few days and battles had made him reflect on his own innate magic and how to utilize it. He felt an older part awaken, while at the same moment new ways to see his magic and employing those techniques on the battlefield came into sharper focus. 

It had indeed been an instructive few days. When Lucian prepared his coffee and spells for the day, he found he had greater understanding of stronger battle spells as well as a more keen grasp of warfare.

(Action - When everyone gets up and ready, he follows the scouts using Detect Magic to sense for magical traps, threats or treasures.)
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it was the 2nd of Kuth , the month dedicated to the The Midnight Lord. He who brings darkness to the Lands. Of course it was forgotten that the first day of their exploration of the ruins was on the first of his month. It was the last month of Autumn and later in the month would come the first day of winter. It was cold this morning in the Monastery. The group found themselves pulling their cloaks tight as they wrapped up breaking their camp on the floor of the Armory and Prison. Satoru and Arielle seemed to be sitting and communing as the rest filed out towards the last door in the hall that hadnt been explored, before they turned to the tower. 

The door was locked, but it did not take long for Toryn to pick the lock and opened the door., stepping back to allow Harley to take point going into the room. Harley and Breezy both noticed the almost translucent trip line going across the doorway. Following the line up the wall, they could see if the trip line was pulled it would release a netting strung up on the 15 foot high ceiling that would drop rocks and a small craftsman's anvil atop whoever tripped it.

Beyond it they could make out a table with a couple chairs and on the table a half-eaten crow next to a crude knife and a cracked mug. to the right was another door that was shut.

((DC 17 Thievery to disarm))
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The small Leshy, sets to making sure the trip wire is disabled. It was similar to traps the druid had seen in the wild so it wasn't hard for the small being to set to work on it. Working carefully the Leshy set to work on the trap.

Thievery: 1d20+6=21
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Chuckling as the Leshy handles the trap with relative ease, she muttered behind her, Looks like you got competition Oogletits, then scimitar and shield in hand, she moved foward pushing the door open wide enough to allow herself entry, her glowing eyes scanning the area for more possible troubles. 

Perception: 1d20+5 20
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Breezy looks at Toryn, and asks concerned "Did I do good?" the small leshy didn't seem to understand the term Oogletits... "What does Oogle-tits mean?"
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In passing she patted the Leshy's shoulder and said, you did wonderfully, then suppressing a bark of laughter she stepped forward saying softly, it's one of the gnomes favorite past times, you should ask him about it sometime. 
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