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Chapter 1: Hollows Last Hope
Suddenly coming through the main doors of the monastery is the biggest wolf anyone has ever seen.  Easily as large as a pony. As it comes through the doors it snarls and says Well Well Well Gurtelkep did not exaggerate. There are a lot of you hear. Youve made a mistake coming here though. It wont be one you return from either. Then with a bound it is on Toryn. The teeth latch onto his shoulder piercing him deep and lifting him from the ground and attempting to swallow him whole. His lifted in the air and Toryn managed to wriggle enough that he got stuck in the creatures mouth halfway in and halfway out.

The Larger black wolf charged straight at Harley like a missile as she began to reach for the crossbow He hit her with such force that she staggered backwards, but managed to stay afoot. He grabbed her leg and bit hard, blood pouring from her wound. He snapped at her again but she sidestepped to try and avoid the jaws and they clacked together on empty air.

Toryn flailed in the Wargs mouth and swung his sword wildly trying to hurt the beast and make it let go, to no avail. He was stuck in the throat of the larger wolf.

Lucien spoke another word in Arcannum and an arc of lightning shot from his hand, causing the hairs on Lars' beard to stand on end as it shot past him. The wolf nimbly avoided the full strike of the bolt, but got singed from the slight contact with it, and so did the wolf in front of Dunndero as the bolt jumped to him as well, who leaped to the side at the last moment. Then Lucien focused and sustained his shield of magical force.

Next out the door nearest Dunndero was a slight lizardlike creature, who rapidly threw two daggers at the Half-Orc. The first stuck in the thigh of the ex bartender. The second the fighter blocked with his sword.

The severely injured wolf backed into the corner growling. The wolf in front of Oriana jumped at her again this time her shield wasnt in a position to block the attack. In a flurry of snaps and bites Oriana managed to avoid being bit by the wolf. 

The wolf in front of Lars grabbed his leg and bit through the thick boot and pulled trying to knock him off his feet but ended up letting go and then he side stepped too get around Lars as his ears twisted backwards then came at the dwarf a second time But Lars narrowly avoided the snapping jaws. The pack member in front of Dunndero attacked lunged snapping his jaws onto Dunnderos arm, and leaving bloody furrows. Then grabbed him by the leg puncturing his pants and pulling him from his feet as the Half-Orc hit the ground on his backside. 

At the front gate, a wolf darted past the pack leader and ran right at Arielle snapping at the Eidilon grabbing her leg and yanking her from her feet and then biting her on the thigh a second time. Then stalking forward towards Harley was another wolf who growled and lunged grabbing her  by the leg and biting hard. The Dhampir grimaced and stopped singing even as she had begun falling to the ground bleeding.
Then yet another wolf charged through the broken wall that Toryn had gone through earlier coming at Lars and Dunndero from the side. 

Breezy swallowed hard seeing how hurt everyone looked and focused his attention on the wolf nearest him near Dunndero, the one who had just pulled the legs out from under his ally, and sent a hundred small needles into the face of the wolf. Then glanced at the others and saw Arielle flat on her back and bleeding from wounds on her leg...Satoru bleeding from his leg as well and the slight leshy reached out to touch Satoru's leg and the bleeding lessened as some of the injury was healed by the positive energy that flowed out of the Leshy's touch.

Things looked bad to Satoru, and he focused his abilities and caused an eruption of greasy to cover the area at the main gate. With Harley down there was no danger of knocking her off her feat. The wolves all were steady at the moment, but it might slow them down and have athe desired effect later. Then the slight Kitsune knowing The Eidilon could not cast Gouging claw as it took too long with their joint energy, he increased the defenses of His companion again. Even prone it would help.

Oriana steps to the side, ignoring the lunges of the wolf to her front and extends her hands and cones of water erupt towards the enemies on all sides. The injured wolf in the corner was smashed into the wall and dropped to the ground broken. Both the talking wolf and the one who had been snapping at her got wet but little else. The wolf that had caught a face full of needles from Breezy was bludgeoned by a torrent of water and he was standing wobbling on his legs. Finally the Kobold that had just come out was splashed as well. Then the elemental gate She had open closed suddenly. 

Dunndero on his back rolled to his side nearer to Breezy and Oriana, then stands up quickly and slashes out at the Wolf that was so injured dropping him to the ground with his silver sword.

Lars smashed the skull of the wolf that had harried him earlier and then launched a barrage of fine needles into the face of the wolf that had just entered the courtyard. 

Initiative Order

25 Graypelt
22 Pack Leader
22 Toryn (Grabbed condition)
19 Lucien (+1 AC for shield  +2 for armor)
18 Gurtlekep 
17 Harley (Prone condition/Dieing 1...recover check flat DC11)
17 Wolves (x4)
17 Breezy 
16 Satoru grease 10R
16 Arielle 
9 Oriana 
9 Dundero 
6 Lars

Combat summary

Brilliant Breeze AC:18 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:3/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a
1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero points: 3 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:0/17 Dieing 1 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16
1st Bard Female Dhampir Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none. Harmed by positive energy. healed by negative

Lars AC: AC:16 HP:12/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 0  Reactions:Shield Block
Lucien AC:15 HP:14/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Wizard (Battle Magic) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:16 HP:20/20 Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satori AC:16 HP:19/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none
Arielle AC:18 HP:19/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+6 Perception:+4- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a

Angelic Emmissary Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:6/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14
1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none


Gurtlekep AC:20  HP:44/45 Saves: FO:12 RE:+10 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:- SDC:-
3 Kobold Lookout Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a
Graypelt AC:19 HP:50/51 Saves: FO:+13 RE:+11 WL:+8 Perception:+10 CDC:- SDC:-
3 Elite Warg Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: Avenging Bite

Pack Leader AC:17 HP:27/34 Saves: FO:+8 RE:+11 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:- SDC:-
2 Elite Wolf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a
Wolf (x4) AC:15 HP:Dead,23/24,Dead,Dead,24/24,24/24,14/24 Saves: FO+6 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:- SDC:-
1 Wolf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a

((I know it can be tricky to do very tactical minded things in this method of posting. Suggestions to get used to it, 1st- look at what or who goes before you. and take that into account. Pathfinder 2 is very much about teamwork. just fyi. Things I modified. Breezy had only used 2 actions...so I took the liberty of casting a heal on satoru, as I think hed probably do that. Because Dunndero had been knocked prone I altered the grab to a stand as once again I think youd have done that instead, so you didnt take a penalty on your to hit roll. Harleys turn was negated by being knocked out.  Satoru, because both gouging claw and grease are two action casts, I altered what Arielle did to better defend her....now Id like to say, that if anyone has any issue with how Im doing things, please let me know. Im all about Players fun here. ))

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Breezy begins to feel panic rising in its small chest. The small Leshy pushes past that slapping a small leafy hand on the wounded half orc. Words in drudic come out of his mouth, as the leafy hand makes contact with the warrior, a soothign green light illuminates the wounds binding some of them. 

Healing his friend the druid then ducks under his form and again hurls a bunch of silver needles at one of the wolves harassing his group. Casting his spell using the metal he has in his hand to lash out at the creature. The leshy resisted the urge to use his magic to heal in a radius as the bard was too close and it didn't want to harm the singing lady.

1: Heal Dundero
2-3: Needle Darts Wolf
Needle Darts: 1d20+7-5=16
Damage: 3d4=9
Heal: 1d8=5
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Pain erupting from the wound to her thigh, Harley felt the blackness coming to her mind and tried desperately to fight to keep from fainting. 

recover: 1d20 14
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Oriana inhales sharply to control her breathing, holding it for a moment before exhaling through her nose in a much more controlled fashion. As she does, the gates to the planes open for her once again and the dance of fire and ice surrounds her.

She directs some of these initial motes towards the most injured wolf in a blast of cold water and ice, but in attempting to keep it from hitting her allies, she aimed too high and the attack splashed the wall behind harmlessly.

Looking around and seeing her allies begin to be overwhelmed, she moved to get a hand on Toryn as the massive wolf tossed him from side to side in its mouth. Grasping him for a moment, the salty ocean balm once again made its way from her arm to his and into his wounds, aiding in their healing.

1st: Channel elements and elemental blast. 9 (hero point spent)
2nd: Stride
3rd: Ocean's balm on Toyrn. Heal 6 HP.
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The dwarf knows him and his friends are in trouble and he needs to finish the wolf attacking him so he can start healing his friends. He turns slightly where he stands and just begins swinging with all his might.

1st action attack
2nd action attack
3rd action attack

(1st attack d20 + 4 = 13)
(2nd attack d20 + 4 =13)
(3rd attack d20 + 4 = 6)
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For a moment Lucien thought to ignite the grease, but that would catch Harley as well.  Being surrounded they needed a clear way to escape and regroup if it came to that.  The wizard steps between Saturo and Dunndero then turns to the kobold that appeared behind them.  "Clearing our flank!" He formed a sign and launched 3 force bolts at the Kobold Scout. "Vis!"

(Action 1-3 - Force Barrage on Gurtlekep the Kobold Scout.  Auto-Hit.) 

Force Barrage Damage: 1d4+1 = 4, 1d4+1 = 5, 1d4+1 = 3
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Toryn squirmed and yelled at the top of his lungs as desperately tried to escape the warg's steely jaws. The pain of the fangs penetrating flesh was intense, but barely noticeable for now due to sheer adrenaline and shock.

Action 1: Escape Grab: 1d20+7 22
Action 2: Shortsword Strike (-4 MAP): 1d20+3 10
Action 3: Stride away towards center of the room
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Upon recieving the healing from Breezy, Dunndero exclaims, "Thanks fren! Satero and the bard need help!", and rushes south to the spot beside Arielle to help bolster her defence against the onslaught of wolves, and proceeds to attack the nearest wolf he can reach with desperate attacks from his silver longsword. "Take that ye flee bit mangy mongrel! Ye aint gettin us wit out a fight!", shouts Dunndero in desperation as he swings the silver sword.

1. Move: 15'-20' south
2. Attack: Silver Longsword Attack =[1d20+9]=20+9=29[CRIT!!!!], Critical Silver Longsword Damage =[1d8+4]=6+4=10x2 =20Dmg.
3. Attack #2: 2nd Silver Longsword Attack =[1d20+4]=7+4=11 [Miss] spend Hero point for reroll, 2nd Silver Longsword Attack =[1d20+4]=15+4=19, Silver Longsword Damage =[1d8+4]=4+4=8
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The Talking Wolf stood trying to choke Toryn down who flailed in his half his body sticking out of the wolves mouth. Then with a gulp Toryn vanished into the creatures maw. The large wolf grinned at Oriana and said...Tastes just like chicken. smacked his lips and jumped at her trying to bite her.  She only had a second before it was upon her biting through her arm and tossing her around like a rag doll before dropping her to the ground unconscious and grinning at the others saying Next

As Toryn went into the stomach of the Warg he thought of turnips and that thought made him smile and he stopped bleeding. and even awoke inside the beasts stomach. holding his breath he knew he had to cut his way out.

The Pack Leader jumped forward, ignoring the slippery grease and stood over Harley's unconscious body. snapping at Arielle. and grabbing ahold of the prone Angellic Fey. Bone crunched beneath the jaws of the wolf and then she vanished and the wolf look confused. Satoru screamed and clutched his chest and fell to his knees and dropped to the ground breathing shallowly but rose back up steely determination in his eyes. The pack leader stood dumfounded because the body disappeared.

Lucien sidestepped between Dunndero and Satoru and unleashed a barrage of bolts of force on the Kobold that appeared. 

The Kobold lookout was battered by several balls of force and he cried out in pain and he ducked back around the corner inside the monastery. 

Harley stopped bleeding and lay there unconscious. 

The wolf near the Warg charged Dunndero snapping at the Half-Orc Fighter and snapped at him and Dunndero managed to avoid the teeth of the wolf. 

At the front Gate, the wolf that had tripped Arielle a few seconds ago, jumped out of the grease at Satoru, and grabbed him by the shirt throwing him to the ground  leaving teeth maks in his chest. 

Lars saw the wolf that had just entered jump at him and bowl him over as it grabbed his arm he flung up in front of his face As The dwarf wiggled around defensively trying to avoid teeth, it did manage to bit him a second time.

The last wolf alive tried to jump forward and  fell sprawling in the grease.

Breezy wanted to heal Dunndero, but hed have to move to the Half-Orc so he reached out to the prone Satoru instead and healed his bite wound. Then launched a dozen needls into the wolf near Dunndero. 

Satoru crawls away from the snapping jaws of the wolf and sitting on the ground looks at the wolf that had just bit him and speaks in the ancient tongue of the fey and thethe wolf looks at him sitting there and gets the sudden irrestible urge to sing to the coming moon.

Oriana lay on the ground the gate beginning to open to the elemental plane andas she was falling unconscious she could feel the pull of her newfound power and she shocked herself awake and immediately called up the healing waters to help her. Crit on recovery reduces dieing condition 2 levels in this case I brought her back to 1hp)

Dunndero, hurt though he was looked at Breezy for help and ran forward towards the deadly pack leader and without a thought for his own safety swung his sword slicing the body of the bigger wolf and watching it fall to the ground

Lars rolled over and got to his feet swinging his hammer twice at the wolf and missing. though he can see the wolf is visibly shaken because of the pack leaders death.

Initiative Order

26 Toryn (Slowed 1---meaning 2 actions. and swallowed. Can escape with any single attack from a light bulk weapon that does 9 damage AC would be 17 to injure) awake. will die in 7R from lack of oxygen wounded 1
26 Oriana (prone and gates open)
25 Graypelt
19 Lucien (+2 for armor)
17 Harley (Prone/wounded 1 unconscious)
17 Wolves (x4) 1A must howl for 1st action
17 Breezy 
16 Satoru   grease 9R
16 Arielle ---Unmanifested.
9 Dundero 
6 Lars 

Combat summary

Brilliant Breeze AC:18 HP:18/18 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+5 WL:+9 Perception:+7 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Druid (Storm) Male Leaf Leshy Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: Fall Damage
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Shield Block

Dunndero  AC:18 HP:3/20  Saves: FO:+7 RE:+7 WL:+3 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC: n/a
1st Fighter Male Half-Orc Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero points: 3 Reactions: Attack of Opportunity, Shield Block

Harley AC:17 HP:0/17 Wounded 1 Saves: FO:+4 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16
1st Bard Female Dhampir Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none. Harmed by positive energy. healed by negative

Lars AC: AC:16 HP:6/20 Saves: FO:+7 RE:+4 WL:+8 Perception:+5 CDC:16 SDC:16

1st Cleric Male Dwarf Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 0  Reactions:Shield Block
Lucien AC:15 HP:14/14 Saves: FO:+3 RE:+5 WL:+7 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Wizard (Battle Magic) Male Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none

Oriana AC:16 HP:7/20  Saves: FO:+9 RE:+7 WL:+4 Perception:+4 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Kineticist {Water/Fire} Female Human Archetype: n/a Resistances: B/S weapon damage 1 Acid/fire 2 Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: Deflecting Wave

Satori AC:16 HP:14/19 Saves: FO:+6 RE:+6 WL:+5 Perception:+3 CDC:17 SDC:17
1st Summoner Male Kitsune (Empty Sky) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities n/a
Hero Points: 2 Reactions: none
Arielle AC:18 HP:0/19 Unmanifested Saves: FO:+6 RE:+7 WL:+6 Perception:+4- CDC: n/a SDC: n/a

Angelic Emmissary Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: none

Toryn AC:17 HP:1/18 Wounded 1 Saves: FO:+5 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+5 CDC:17 SDC:14
1st Rogue (magical misfit) Male Gnome (Fey Touched) Archetype: n/a Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Hero Points: 1 Reactions: none


Graypelt AC:19 HP:50/51 Saves: FO:+13 RE:+11 WL:+8 Perception:+10 CDC:- SDC:-
3 Elite Warg Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: Avenging Bite

Pack Leader AC:17 HP:Dead Saves: FO:+8 RE:+11 WL:+7 Perception:+9 CDC:- SDC:-
2 Elite Wolf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a
Wolf (x4) AC:15 HP:Dead,13/24,Dead,Dead,24/24,24/24,14/24 Saves: FO+6 RE:+9 WL:+5 Perception:+7 CDC:- SDC:-
1 Wolf Resistances: n/a Immunities: n/a
Reactions: n/a

((I reread the summoner and apologize. they dont share hit points. If the summoner goes unconscious The Eidolon vanishes. but they both have their own hit points.  The module states Gurtlkep if he takes a certain ammount of damage he flees to warn his tribe...good job Lucien..have a hero point. Hero point to Dunndero for his heroics. and hero point to Toryn for being a good sport about being swallowed. ))
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Breezy realizes it is out of healing spells, so the druid again summons the needles and sends them lashing out at the wolf that looks the most wounded.

Action 1-2: Cast Needle Darts

Needle Darts: 1d20+7=26
Damage: 3d4=11
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