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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Miv watched quietly from behind Arius.  Despite being a dwarf and a little umm... unkempt, he seemed less threatening but obviously more dangerous than the critters they've faced so far.  Less threatening was good and if he turned out to be an ally then being more dangerous is even better.

"Well met," a beautiful youthful elf maiden says while slipping out from behind Arius.  "My name is Mivia Odiania.  Pleased to make your acquaintance."
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Athos snorts a laugh at the Dwarf and nods, "My names Athos. Good to meet you. Are you injured?"
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The dwarf harumphed and muttered, too many names, then perking up, he said heartily, Well met to ye all, and to answer yer question, other den me pride, nothin' appears to be broken. Resting the well balanced dwarven warhammer on his shoulder, he padded himself down, than said, I'm thinkin' though that yer lot was the one I be hired to find, then he frowned, though ye have the look of honest adventurers.
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Athos grimaces, "Actually, We were the last group to enter this place.  He pauses, but doesn't sugar coat the situation. "All the other adventurers who entered before this morning we've found dead. You are the first one we've found alive." 
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Kriv frowned as he heard the dwarf say he was hired to find them. The large dragon born bent down to examine the dwarf a little closer his Seven foot tall frame folding almost comically over the dwarf. "Who hired you? And when did you enter this dungeon?" Kriv asked and then paused realizing that might sound a bit harsh to non-dragonborns with his deep voice and direct questions so he straightened up nervously and followed up with.   "If you don't mind the question, Sir Gravendak."
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Nightingale watches the others introduce themselves. She thought to do so herself, but as the dwarf himself muttered, too many names too quickly. He was either going to be escorted to the surface, in which he wouldn't need to know her name, or he was going to continue on with them when there would be ample time to get to know each other. Within reason.
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Barkeep at de tavern be flippin' the coin, and unless me wits be rattled to much from de fall, dis mornin' Ulfgar said, his eyes widening as he looked up and up and up at the tall Dragonkin, ye planning on loomin' over me much longer big fella? He asked calmly, though the whitening of his knuckles around the haft of the warhammer spoke volumes as to his nervousness.
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Kriv nods at the dwarfs words, then backs off slowly. "My apologies sir dwarf. I have a habit of forgetting that O\others are smaller than me and dislike me being close. I meant no offense." Kriv said in his deep voice although his  tone was gentle and sincere. There was a look of memory in his eyes that spoke to fear of others from his height, and more draconic appearance.
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Athos sniffed and gestured behind them, "Well, Ulfgar, the way behind us is cleared out now if you want to head back. We still have to clean this place out and try to find the remains of the two merchant kids that came down here. Not to mention find answers to a mystery about a magical goblin apple. So, it's still looks to be a long day or three in front of us."

Looking at the dwarves relatively intact pack as well as noting the dwarf still had all his combat gear, Athos shrugs, "Though, If you are not too distraught about the loss of your previous companions and your not hurt, I say the more the merrier if you want to join us." He glanced around the group, "As long as my companions have no objections?" 
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Listening to Athos, he shifted his gaze skyward and muttered, ye a sly bastard Moradin, ye felt meself unable to complete this task along, so ye sent me a hardy band of adventurers to aid me. Then returning his eyes to Athos, he bowed his head quickly and thumped his hammer against his shield. I would be honored to join ye all.
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