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[IC] SOLO - Portho's Adventure
The gnome pokes the cocoon and a swarm of spider hatchlings spill out, each about the size of his knuckles!

With a feverish dance he manages to stomp most of them and the remaining scatter to disappear in wall cracks or down the stairs.

Looking twice he noticed that two of the remaining three are round and smooth like the first one was but the southernmost one looks more irregular, roughly oval in shape.
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Portho cuts his way to the southernmost cocoon, careful to avoid the two now identified egg sacks. Once there he carefully cuts into it with the shortsword, now nervously ready for anything.
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No spiders inside this one. Instead, it contains a tight package of a warrior. Portho is shocked when he recognises the crushed helmet from its dull white colour as the property of his former companion.
Among the crushed pieces of equipment he spots something glittering. With careful prying he recovers a small vial of shiny blue liquid that was protected from destruction by the crushed breastplate.
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Portho examines the vial, then decides , examining rge colour and thickness of the liquid inside. He then pops the cork and takes a small sniff, befor the tiniest of sips.

[Trying to identify it using Bardic Knowledge. in roll20 - . rolling d20+7+2+2 Bardic Knowledge (10)+7+2+2= 21 ]
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This seems to be a magic potion of some kind. Accounting for the fact that late Pearl claimed himself to be a paladin of Tyr it must have some positive effect; protection or remedy of some kind. Most likely a simple healing potion. How potent, though, Portho cannot assess.
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Portho tucks the potion into one of the side pockets of his haversack.

Then carefully extricating himself from the tangle of webs he moves up to the door at the south end of the room and looks quickly to see if has a similar button to the prior doors.

Since he is still invisible and silent he will set his everburning torch on the florr just at the bottom of the door, so that if and when he does open it his torch doesn;t appear to be floating in midair.
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OOC - Note that invisible light sources seem to shed ambient light in the first place Smile nobody can see the torch itself if held by an invisible character.

The door does not seem to have the usual opening button. However, there's a relief of a yawning gargoyle on the East wall (on the left side of the door from Portho's perspective). Looking closer the mouth of the gargoyle may actually be a keyhole.
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Portho picks up the torch and moves to examine the gargoyle face, first by poking at it lightly with his rapier, first the eyes, then the nose and ears, followed by the mouth. If nothing happens he will move closer and examine the face carefully.

[Search check from Roll 20 Portho Nihilbuck: rolling d20+2 Search check (4)+2= 6]
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The gargoyle seems to be an ordinary ornament with a hole, no more no less.

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[OoC oh hadn't understood there was a hole]

Portho strains to stand up high enough to see if he can see into the hole, then goes to see if he can find something in the room to boost him up
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