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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
In that case Rupert will try to move quickly but quietly to catch Bazz and return him to the group so we can discuss our course of action.
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"Mmmmm... angiosperms..." Bazz says to himself.
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Rupert rushes across the dark wood and into the passageway to grab Bazz and bring him back, but as soon as he steps fully into the golden light the view of the great golden rose similarly seizes his mind.  To Rupert the rose smells of gunpowder and gun oil, and the golden light reminds him of the golden explosions of the fusillade of the firing line in his greatest battles.  The light was warm like a recently fired cannon, and the boom and blast of those memories drew Rupert to follow Bazz closer to the rose.

Melville and Anders see Rupert rush over to grab Bazz, only to turn and follow him into the glowing passageway.  Anders glances to Melville and whispers, "Dumathoin's beard! That is a dangerous becon.  Let me give you what protection I can offer."  He then whispers a quiet prayer and places his hand on Melville's nearly non-existent shoulder.  Melville feels an odd warmth inside his chest and faintly hears the ringing of hammers against steel.

[[OOC: Rupert, on that earlier Wis save, has also been charmed by the rose. You wish to draw close to the rose and bathe in it's warm loveing fuse-like light.  Recognizing the danger, Anders casts Guidance on Melville.  This will let you take advantage on the Wis save.  Your first roll was a 5, so hopefully your next roll will be higher.]]
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[OoC: You may have to Role Play Melville until he's able to return.  I hope he does return but we'll have to wait to see.  If you want I can make another character to add to the group.  Since I'm still learning how to play 5th addition I would kind of welcome making another character to learn more about the game.]
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[OOC: Yeah, I saw the post over in the 3.5 spelljammer game. Do you think he would be ok with you playing Melville? If not I can take him over until Vitkyng comes back.]
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I will ask him tomorrow
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DMVITKYNG said that you could take over his character @GM Anthraxus
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Bazzalan (DM Marvel) has been quite shaken by the loss of my brother as they where very close friends, and just needs a little time to get back into the rpg headspace, but let me know when you want to try get things going again. This is Darcy's brother, AKA Rupert
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Is this game still on?
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I am still game, but with my brother gone we should maybe bring in a few more players?
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.