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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
[[Selina has always had terrible initiative…]]

Init: [1d20+1]=14+1=15

[[Okay, that’s not bad.]]
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Crozar groans as the acid burns into it's chest and shoulder.  The pain was severe and severely slowed the plant-man's ability to respond effectively to the attack.  Regardless, it readied its cleaver for the oncoming assault thankful that the spider climb effect would help keep it on the stairs.

[[Looks like I got your die over here Selina]]

Initiative: [1d20+1]=2+1=3
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Selina grunts as well at the pain and gently touches the spot on her neck where she was struck, realizing the problem immediately. They only had 20 feet of visibility to work with. And whatever these creatures were, they were just outside of the light...somewhere. They would have to focus on one at a time because they could not move from her circle.
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[[Forgot to roll for Maneuvers...again]]:

Maneuver: [1d6]=4; Maneuver: [1d5]=1; Maneuver: [1d4]=1

[[Crusader's Strike, Charging Minotaur, Douse the Flames. Hmmmmm...]]
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(OoC:  Let me know if the hit points on the chart matches your characters hit points.  

Betimi and Selina, the hit points shown in your signatures have multiple numbers.  Please let me know what what they mean.  Though I'm pretty sure Betimi's hit points include a bonus from her little friends.  ]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
23.6Kubo------ 00/46------
21.4Betimi------ 00/70 (63)------
12.5Simon------ 00/51------
12.4Tegab------ 00/33------
Monsters---------- 00/00 ------

[OoC: Here's the map.  The top map is the upper level and the bottom map the lower level.  Anywhere there's an X or no coordinates you cannot move to.  FYI Selina's next 5' step downward will be into Tomeal's square (F8 on the second map).  Each step has a rise of 1' and there are 30 steps in each map so from A3 to B2 is 30'.   I have placed a red line on the stairs to break them up into 10' vertically.  Remember your light is only 20' radius from Selina so everyone can only see up the stairs to D-5 and down the stairs to around I-7.  {I will somehow make the lit area's more clear on the next map.  Ning can sense everywhere on the map.

Any questions?  Please ask. ]

[Image: TlFH2lF.png]
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I forgot to add Betini's new level on her signature. I also forgot some of the temporary effects that she currently has on like an initiative bonus from her message.

She currently has 70 HP; 63 real HP + 7 temporary bonus from her symbionts. Normally she would have 74 hit points total; because normally she has 11 temporary hit points. Her temporary hp pool has taken some damage.

Also her initiative should be 28.8 because she has +8 initiative not +4 currently she has a Vestige bonus of +4 to initiative
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(10-08-2022, 04:37 AM)Betimi Wrote: I forgot to add Betini's new level on her signature. I also forgot some of the temporary effects that she currently has on like an initiative bonus from her message.

She currently has 70 HP; 63 real HP + 7 temporary bonus from her symbionts. Normally she would have 74 hit points total; because normally she has 11 temporary hit points. Her temporary hp pool has taken some damage.

Also her initiative should be 28.8 because she has +8 initiative not +4 currently she has a Vestige bonus of +4 to initiative

Wouldn't that give you 25.8 initiative?  You've already added 4 so another +4 from the vestige would be 21.4 + 4.4 = 25.8

And are the maps clear enough?
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Ningalu is currently wounded from last round; his current hit points are 22, while his maximum is 32.

I do not know what I was thinking when I recorded his initiative bonus as +9; his initiative should be +4, meaning he should be on 22.4
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[OoC: I forgot to mention, if any of your characters want to be moved to a different spot in the marching order now would be the time to tell me.]
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(10-08-2022, 04:49 AM)Ningalu Baal'urki Wrote: Ningalu is currently wounded from last round; his current hit points are 22, while his maximum is 32.

I do not know what I was thinking when I recorded his initiative bonus as +9; his initiative should be  +4, meaning he should be on 22.4

I thought everyone was healed to full after the rest?
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