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[IC] SOLO - Portho's Adventure
The spider shrieks as it notices it had been trapped but all its might cannot stop the grinding of the dwarven structure.
Even after the door is closed Portho can hear the noise of the hairy insectoid legs trying to carve the door open.

[grats Smile ]
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Breathing an audible sigh of relief Portho decides to pick up Ruby's twin blades, realizing that even with the scabbards bent and broken that the swords could still be useful, he quickly decides to try strapping them to his back.

[OoC no small feat, since they are likely longer than he is tall, let me know if he can even do it.]

Once he is ready with those, he goes back around the corner topick up his everburning torch, realizing that the floating torchlight will likely give him away, but not willing to travel blind. Standing just inside the spiders room [L13] he tries to assess what he sees, now that he has a moment.
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The blades seem to be too large indeed (a masterwork shortsword and longsword sized for an elf). The hung from shoulder, the shortsword clanks against his leg and the longsword screeches along the rock floor, easily six inches longer than the gnome's full height tip-to-toe.
In the spider's nest Portho finds a leather pouch with 10 gp.
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Portho thinks for a moment and realizes what he can do to protect the longsword and shortsword and not have them puncture his haversack. Raising the longsword awkwardly he slashes at the spiderwebs of the nest until the sword is well and truly coated.. then does the same with the shortsword. then grimacing in distaste for his ruined extra clothes, he rolls the sticky swords up in his entertainer's outfit that was in his pack and puts the now blunted swords into his extra-dimensional haversack.

That done he proceeds to carefully advance , towards the door in the south, searching the rubble and webs for any sign of danger.

[Search roll in Roll20... rolling 1d20+2 Search (17)+2= 19]
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Portho reaches the door without any further coins or carnage.
It seems the door can be operated the same way as the one to the north behind which the giant spider is (hopefully still) trapped.
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Portho, hopefully still invisble [OoC it lasts 7 minutes total], has learned some caution. He stops to search the door itself to make sure it is not trapped and then listens for any noises on the far side.

[Rolls in Roll20... rolling 1d20+2 Search (10)+2= 12 ; rolling 1d20+6 Listen (15)+6= 21]
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[OOC yes he is still invisible for about 4 more minutes.]
The gnome does a cursory check for traps and finds nothing. Similarly he listens and hears nothing suspicious.
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Portho sets his everburning torch on the ground just inside the door, so that it doesn't look like it is floating in the air. Then strains up and pushes the button with the tip of his rapier.
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It takes quite some force to push these buttons; a rapier's tip is certainly too weak to do so butwith some effort the forest gnome can stretch high enough to press it, at the price of a momentary minimal back pain.

The door opens and Portho can see a new chamber, apparently empty. Another door leads further south. (map updated)

[OOC - pls review your sig; it says "Ba;amce" ]
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Portho, seeing no one waiting on the far side, steps forward and picks up his everburning torch then cautiously crosses the chamber in absolute silence. He stops 5' short of the door and stops to search the threshold of the door before stepping up to it.

[from Roll20 - Portho Nihilbuck: rolling 1d20+3 Search (19)+3= 22]
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