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The Foyer
[[*cough* did I say something wrong?]]
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[OoC: Not at all.  For the new players and anyone who may have forgotten, feel free to give me a poke.  I don't know what it is but I think because this thread is at the bottom of the page it some how goes off my radar.  And as always, the longer I'm off work for a broken foot the more pressure I'm feeling IRL.  Anyways, like I said, whenever I'm lagging, give me a poke.  I really do like this game and I have a player waiting in the wings to join too.  I've got, what I think, are some interesting plans for you guys coming up.  Smile ]

"Hurry up," Dazzler says while John goes get his coat.  "We don't have all day.  We're already behind schedule."

The House Mother (HM) turns to address the rest of the group.  "Come on.  What are you waiting for.  Go find a seat in the bus."
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Like he was poked with sharp stick, Niall jumped at Dazzler's goading.  He was been fascinated watching how the harness worked and the impact that it had on Johnny.  At her words he nodded and jogged out to the bus, dropping into a seat roughly in the middle of the vehicle.
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"You know, if you just told me where we were going I could just teleport us there."  Miranda stands up and wanders out to the bus.  When the door opens she climbs onboard and says hello to the portly driver.
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Donya walks outside with Niall and joins him on the bus.  "Let's hope this trip is better than the last."
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John jumps a little when the HM™ cracks the proverbial whip. The truth was that he didn't really have a winter coat. He'd arrived at school without much in the way of clothes. New wings, sudden departure from home, all that stuff. So, he goes to his room, grabs the first coat he finds (he doesn't know who it belongs to), and squeezes into it. He'd have to buy a new coat wherever they were going. Along with a bunch of other clothes.

This harness sucks...
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(02-01-2022, 04:46 PM)Niall Glacian Wrote: Niall was impressed at the detailed focus of Ashley's power. As the conversation took a more political bent he scratched his throat and said, "Yeah, it's kind of interesting that unlike 'normal' criminals, a lot of powered criminals seem driven by the exhibition as much as whatever crime they are doing.  My Da really agreed with a lot of Magneto's statements, but thought he was too flashy and as interested in getting in the news as enacting real practical change for mutants like us. Ma thought he was too 'cavalier' about bystanders getting hurt.  I'm kind of torn, but haven't really paid enough attention to the sides, you know?"

"Why would your father be sympathetic to Magnito's point of view?  Where your parents mutants too?"

Hearing Dazzler tell everyone to get moving, Ashley tags along and finds a comfortable spot in the bus near the back.
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Interface stands and pulls his shades down over his eyes.  Without saying a word to anyone he walks outside and finds a seat at the back of the bus.  He doesn't engage with anyone and pretends to sleep.
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(02-23-2022, 02:45 PM)Graffiti Wrote: "Why would your father be sympathetic to Magnito's point of view?  Where your parents mutants too?"

Hearing Dazzler tell everyone to get moving, Ashley tags along and finds a comfortable spot in the bus near the back.

[[Err...whom was this addressed to?]]
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(02-23-2022, 02:55 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote:
(02-23-2022, 02:45 PM)Graffiti Wrote: "Why would your father be sympathetic to Magnito's point of view?  Where your parents mutants too?"

Hearing Dazzler tell everyone to get moving, Ashley tags along and finds a comfortable spot in the bus near the back.

[[Err...whom was this addressed to?]]

[OOC: Ashley was speaking to Niall.  I edited my post to include a quote from the original message.]
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.