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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[OoC: I'm sorry about the delay again.   Confused  IRL has just been very crappy lately.]

Bazz will check for any traps on the lantern above the stone ring and if he thinks it's safe, and the lantern isn't lit, Bazz will light it.
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[[No worries, I know how it goes. You don't even need a search roll]]

There are no traps that Bazz can identify on the lantern, but with closer inspection he sees that the shutter contraption is designed to spin due to the rising heat of the lantern. Once he lights it it throws odd abstract patterns on the walls in shadow. After a few seconds the shutter begins to spin, faster and faster. The shadow patterns on the wall began to move and shift. The effect is dizzying and disturbing.

[[Everyone please give me a DC10 Con save to avoid the disorientation effect.]]
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CON Save = [1d20+3]=12+3=15Success!!
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Con save: [1d20+3]=20+3=23
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Both Bazz and Rupert didn't notice any significant effect from the spinning shadows cast by the lantern shade, but both Melville and Anders began to feel vaguely queasy and uncomfortable. After a few minutes, both began to feel dizzy and disoriented and wanted to leave the area. Unfortunately they are both too short to be able to easily snuff the lamp themselves.

[[OOC: sorry for the delay, I was giving Melville time to roll and then forgot to check back.]]
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Melville begs Bazz toi snuff the lantern

"make it stop."
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Seeing Melville's and Ander's reactions to the light cast by the lantern, Rupert will reach up and stop it's spinning with his hand.
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Anders sits down on one of the dusty pillows, holding his head. "Ugh. That is a terrible contraption. This is such an unwelcome place."
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Bazz will finish searching the room.  When done, he says, "It looks like there's only one way to go..."  Bazz will attempt to unlatch the door with a long probe from his thieves tools.
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Bazz easily undid the simple latch and pulled open the door revealing a long grown plank walkway along the branch to the main trunk of the tree.  The path curved to the left around the trunk, and the ring of similar planks outside of the next level down were obviously visible.  The black branches and dark purple leaves of the great tree shift and twist in the swirling ephemera of the phlogiston.  The squad can see the ship drifting just far enough away to not have to worry about being pummeled by branches or slammed against the trunk in an unusual swirl of flow.

From their earlier surveillance of the tree the group knows that following the path will lead around to an archway or doorway roughly a quarter of the way around the tree.

[Image: 9yeQ40v.png]
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