02-06-2022, 05:54 AM
[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: Sorry for the delay. IRL has been shitty. ]
As you move through these rooms the lights are now on but there are no further developments caused by power being turned on. Everyone moves swiftly through these rooms and in a very short time you reach the Skulk caves. The humanoids remain out of sight which is a little worrisome. You hope they continue to keep their bargain to not attack as you quickly make your way from one end of the large cave to the other. With no attacks, you breath a sigh of relief and make your way through the tunnels until you smell your way to the river of stench. [OoC2: If there's anything you want to do along the way, feel free to let me know. Otherwise, let me know the plan to deal with getting the mage to Torch. The best swimmer might want to be the one to drag him through the river. ]
02-16-2022, 11:18 PM
[OoC: DM Vitkyng who plays Reawyn and Gurkagh has been ill and he's had an allergic reaction to the medication the doctor gave him which has affected one of his eyes. It makes looking at the computer screen very painful. Hopefully he will return soon. ]
It appears Eva is the best swimmer in the group. As long as she agrees, I will assume the party ties both her and Khomir together, around 4-6 feet apart so she can drag him through the water behind her. Everyone makes their way into the water and begins to swim up the creek and emerge at the Weeping Pond. [OoC2: I'm not going to make any rolls this time. Even if the water makes you ill, you're are going to town so it's unlikely the penalties will matter.] This placid-looking pond is set off from the surrounding area by a crescent-shaped escarpment. No vegetation grows on the banks of this pond, and the waters carry a bitter stink of sulfur and other chemicals, enough to make the eyes water after spending too much time on the shore. The pond is fed by an underwater spring from under Black Hill, but no fish live in these waters, for the pond is tainted. Until recently, the foulness of the water has prevented anyone from discovering that the underwater spring leads into a series of caves under Black Hill. A shallow stream runs southeast of the pond and finally empties into Crowfeather Lake. [Where to now?]
[[Alright. Moving to the >> temple of Brigh << to speak to Joram Kyte. ]]
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