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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
Does the Wrathful Bulwark head to the planet Ketaris? Or just start plotting the next jump?
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[[Do we have a reason to land here? Buy/install/remove components? I think I can take a look at Dez's list and have better idea of what Korstyn's preferences might be.]]
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(01-26-2022, 02:24 PM)Korstyn Steele Wrote: [[Do we have a reason to land here?  Buy/install/remove components?  I think I can take a look at Dez's list and have better idea of what Korstyn's preferences might be.]]

[We planned to pick up some disguises from somewhere. ]
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There was talk of stopping to pick up disguisesfor those peopl,e that might be recognized from the broadcast in FOG's fightiung pit. IShunna, Ubi, and Njon)
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Korstyn shrugs and cracks her neck back and forth, as if suddenly bored from doing nothing at all.
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Does the Wrathful Bulwark head to the planet Ketaris? Or just start plotting the next jump?
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[[Korstyn is neither the pilot, nor the navigator. She's not really a member of the crew yet. So she's just along for the ride right now.]]
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"We need some kind of disguises," Shunna replies. She will check out the supplies to see if there's anything that could be used as a disguise.  She pulls out several vacuum masks. [We have 9 masks]

[Vacuum Mask]

"I think these might do the trick.  What do you think?"
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Korstyn turns and blinks at her a few times.  "You want to look like a Gand?"
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