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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(12-04-2021, 10:55 PM)Rupert Gladestone Wrote: [Let me guess the female elves just go ape! over the Rockhard Rhinehart!]  Big Grin

[There is a ridiculous amount of monkeying around covered in those 12 pages.]  Tongue
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Anders moves up behind Rupert and notices the Giff reading something. "What you got there, Rupert?" the dwarf asks.
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"IT'S AN ILLUSTRATED SMUT SHEET!", Rupert says as he offers the pamphlet to Anders.
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Anders shakes his head, blushing furiously from just reading the cover.  "Uh, um.  No.  No thanks." he mumbles.
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Anders calls back out to Bazz and Melville with a slight chuckle in his voice, "Are either of you interested in this loot?"
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Melville looks hopeful when he sees it is a sort of book, but is quickly crestfallen when he sees the content.

"These courtship practices do not match what I observed in my time with the elven navy."
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"Well, I'll just toss it in my backpack," Bazz says innocently. "Maybe there's someone back on the ship who would want it.  I heard it can get lonely out here for a sailor."
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Anders looks in the jar on the other bed and says, "Looks like stale cookies if anyone is hungry."
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Rupert will move to the next door and examine it.
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The door is of similar construction to the other ones you have seen, although the hinge screws and pins are still firmly in placed, so there is not a gap through which you can peep on the next room prior to opening like the last two. There does not appear to be a locking mechanism, just another pull rope latch.
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