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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
18.4Eva---5pts+8pts+4pts(Flying Bot)17/17Staggered!!Disabled!!
17.7Flying Robot (M) ---7pts,2pts(Cyn);10pts;6pts(Eva) 25/??---Bloodied!!
5.2Reawyn------ 0/15------

Quote:Additional Information:

FYI: This Robot is immune to flanking
Eva is staggered!  You can only take a single move or standard action each turn (but not both, nor can you take full-round actions). You can take move actions without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. Unless your activity increased your hit points, you are now at –1 hit points and dying.

Despite Cyn asking Gurkagh to catch her belt pouch with potions, the Shaman decides to call out to Eva to toss him the black card.

Eva has her own ideas, so she moves 5' and launches 2 more arrows.  The first strikes the bot and with its weakened defenses the arrow gets a solid hit! [6 damage]  However, the second arrow goes wide and hits the wall.

Reawyn waits with anticipation for the bot to move over the paper candle but the more heavily damaged Eva draws its attention when she shoots it and she steps a little too close.  Eva makes a more enticing target so the bot turns and moves 5' toward Eva and attacks...

Attack 1: Attack: [1d20+5]=3+5=8, Damage: [1d4+3]=2+3=5; MISS!!

Before she can react the bot is on her but it misjudged her position and completely misses. 

Attack 2: Attack: [1d20+5]=20+5=25, Damage: [1d4+3]=1+3=4; HIT!!; Possible Critical!!

But it immediately follows up with a second slam attack and strikes her in the face making her eyes see shooting stars...

Confirming: Attack: [1d20+5]=11+5=16, Damage: [1d4+3]=1+3=4; MISS!!

Eva manages to roll with the blow to avoid additional damage but she knows she's in trouble.  She can't seem to shake the stars out of her vision and it feels like she's about to collapse into unconsciousness.  [Eva is at 0 hit points!  See staggered condition in Quote UNDER hit point chart.]

[It's now E10, Cyn, Gurkagh and Reawyn's turns.]


[Image: kbmipiF.png]
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[OoC: Gurkagh can squeeze into H-4 to try to avoid the Bot's AoO but it counts as 2 squares.  See below for more info.]

Quote:You can squeeze through or into a space that is at least half as wide as your normal space. Each move into or through a narrow space counts as if it were 2 squares, and while squeezed in a narrow space, you take a –4 penalty on attack rolls and a –4 penalty to AC.
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Cyn uses a free action to reload her pistol with a paper cartridge.  She wanted to help Eva but her options didn't seem very good.  So she just goes for it...

Cyn charges into the room.  When she reaches H-1 (beside E10) she attempts to tumble past the bot's Attack of Opportunity...

Tumbling DC18: [1d20+6]=12+6=18; WOOT!

She avoids any attacks of opportunity then moves to I-2 (above Gurkagh) 

Cyn then, as a free action, drops the pouch into the Shaman's square (unfortunately can't drop it into his hand because he's not waiting for her.) 

Then as a standard action Cyn fires her pistol at the bot...

Touch Attack: [1d20+8]=8+8=16, Damage: [1d8+1]=1+1=2; (hit but minimum damage.  Rolleyes   It's not even worth burning a point of grit to boost damage by 1d6 with Up Close and Deadly.)

Cyn says, "Gurkaph, please take this pouch belt to Eva and take a potion out for her to drink." 

[That should be a move action to get to her and then a move action to retrieve an item.  I'm going to assume Eva taking the potion from Gurkagh's hand is a free action. So she can drink it with a standard action to avoid passing out.  She will provoke an AoO unless someone provokes one first or she decides to take a 5' step then drink it next round.]
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(12-14-2021, 06:39 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: [That should be a move action to get to her and then a move action to retrieve an item.  I'm going to assume Eva taking the potion from Gurkagh's hand is a free action. So she can drink it with a standard action to avoid passing out.  She will provoke an AoO unless someone provokes one first or she decides to take a 5' step then drink it next round.]

[OOC - her next plan was to step back 5ft and retrieve a potion (CMW) or use total defense as standard action after 5ft movement. But if taking a potion is a free action then Cyn's plan is better and faster Smile ]
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(12-10-2021, 12:58 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: Gurkagh yells at Eva to toss him the black card and prepares to catch it.

[ooc - Sorry, she has already fired two arrows in this round (few posts earlier) so she can do it later... ]
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(12-14-2021, 10:00 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote:
(12-14-2021, 06:39 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: [That should be a move action to get to her and then a move action to retrieve an item.  I'm going to assume Eva taking the potion from Gurkagh's hand is a free action. So she can drink it with a standard action to avoid passing out.  She will provoke an AoO unless someone provokes one first or she decides to take a 5' step then drink it next round.]

[OOC - her next plan was to step back 5ft and retrieve a potion (CMW) or use total defense as standard action after 5ft movement. But if taking a potion is a free action then Cyn's plan is better and faster Smile ]

Well finding and removing an item from a pack is a move action so it makes sense (at least to me) that it should be easier to hand an item already in hand to someone prepared to receive it.  I'm not sure if it's RAI but dropping an item is a free action so dropping an item 'into the hand' of someone else (again only if they're prepared to take it) makes sense it's a free action too.  I might add more conditions later but for now that's my reasoning.
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[[Crap, I forgot about the move action to pick up the pouch belt.  So if Gurkagh agrees, he would pick it up, then move to Eva.  Then Eva would move back as her staggered action.  Then next round, Gurkagh could remove 1 or 2 potions for Eva and himself (to drink next round).  Then Eva could take it and drink it.  I'd suggest the cure moderate for Eva.]]
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Gurkagh takes the beltt and moves across the bed to G5, spending his full move action to do so.
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Reawyn will attack with his longspear, the odds are against him, but he has little else he can do at the moment.

Longspear [1d20+2]=6+2=8
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Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
18.4Eva---5pts+8pts+4pts(Flying Bot)17/17Staggered!!Disabled!!
17.7Flying Robot (M) ---7pts+2pts(Cyn);10pts+6pts(Eva) 25/??---Bloodied!!
5.2Reawyn------ 0/15------

Quote:Additional Information:

FYI: This Robot is immune to flanking
Eva is staggered!  You can only take a single move or standard action each turn (but not both, nor can you take full-round actions). You can take move actions without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. Unless your activity increased your hit points, you are now at –1 hit points and dying.

[Still waiting for E10's action...]

Cyn somersaults past the Bot and just barely manages to avoid triggering an Attack of Opportunity from the mechanical beast.  She then slightly changes direct to land in the space north of the Shaman.  While aiming at the bot with one hand, she drops the pouch on Gurkagh's feet with her other.  She then fires at the creature.  The bullet hits the bot but it was merely a glancing shot that didn't penetrate it's armor.

[@Gurkagh due to squeezing and the beds, [F-4] is the furthest you can move.  The beds make it a weird move action but basically each square is 10'. ]

Gurkagh snatches the bag off the floor.  He then squeeze around the bot's reach.  The shaman then crawls bed and onto the next bed.  [There should actually be a 5' step between beds but the map doesn't really allow for it so I'm waving the 5']

Reawyn then stabs with his spear but completely misses.

[Eva's turn then the Robot's turn.  And still waiting for E10's action for this round.]

Map: The diamond shapes above Eva's head indicates disabled condition (seeing stars).

[Image: tvG6FzE.png]
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