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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[[OOC: My apologies for the delay in posting]]

As the four of you descend to the top of the building and then further down the rungs built into the wall of the building to the actual branch-planking, you notice that the bark of the tree is not truly black, but a brown so deep and dark that from any significant distance it appears black.  The leaves of the great tree are dark as pitch, however, with thin purple veins visible with the leaves.  Bazz taps a hoof against the branch-planking and is surprised at both the solidity of the thin, magically grown woods and the oddly light thump that can be heard through the wood.  For something so rigid, it does not sound like it is as dense as one would expect.

Unfortunately, from this angle the landing building blocks much of your view so the change of perspective is really more of an obstruction.  This end of the building is very plain and the entire building appears to be constructed of the same druidcrafted branch-planking as the walkways.  The only entrance is a stone door with a simple pull rope handle.  Etched into the stone of the door is the following message, first in common then repeated in six more languages (Elvish, Lizardfolk, Orcish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, and Infernal):

Quote:If you come in peace, know that I have no need for company, supplies, or religious conversations.  Feel free to avail yourself of the supplies and support inside this building, but proceed past the final door without invitation and be prepared to the suffer the wrath of the Nightdruid of the Black Tree.

If you come seeking to pillage or plunder, I welcome you as fertilizer for the Black Tree.

Bazz is pretty confident that nothing is making any noise or anything behind the door. Next to the door (covered by Anders in the map update below) is a stone brazier.  The brazier appears to be about half-full of what appears to be oil. From your earlier scouting and landing, you know that there is a brazier at least similar in appearance to this one by the door on the other end of the building.

[Image: landing_building1.png]
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Can we figure out what kind of oil and what it might be used for?

Insight [1d20+3]=17+3=20
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It appears to be relatively normal lantern oil, although oddly thickened to a consistency somewhere between pure oil and hot pitch.  Bazz thinks that the lanterns were likely lit to indicate where ships should land in the seemingly rare event they were expected.
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Have any of us ever heard of the Nightdruid of the Black Tree? Can we make History checks maybe?
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History Check =[1d20+0]=9+0=9,
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]OoC maybe I should go ask Adam Miller if we know him? (for non-spelljammer fandom peeps Adam uses the name Nightdruid for his online posts in all the various spelljammer forums , and he answers his messages in the online forums, so I COULD ask lol)]
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[[OOC: Is that Adam Miller? I was thinking it was Paul Westermeyer.]]

Now that you have a specific name to key off of, you can give me a History check to see if you can place it.  Other than that the only thing that comes to mind is the song Bazz recalled back on the Riposte.  I've reposted it below to save you from having to dig back to page 60 to find it.

"Sailors ply the sky from Elysian docks
      Way hey, way hey, come the day
We load the crates and work the locks
      Way hey, way hey, come the day
Out of the flow the night tree comes
      Way hey, way hey, come the day
Bark of black, and leaves of pitch
        Way hey, way hey, come the day
The night tree, home of nature's bitch
      Way hey, way hey, come the day
She'll bind your heart, and twist your eye
      Way hey, way hey, come the day
Here and gone as the sailor's cry
      Way hey, way hey, come the day
Stolen away into the sky.
      Way hey, way hey, come the day.
Fed to the plant or made witch's slave
        Way hey, way hey, come the day
Eternity to moulder in a rainbow grave.
        Way hey, way hey, come the day."
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[OoC Paul posts as GM Westermeyer, Adam is Nightdruid.. I have messaged with both of them on the spelljammer discord,  which if you are not on you should join Smile  ]

History is not Melville's strength, but he wracks his brain for any recollection of someone called the Nightdruid..
History [1d20+3]=12+3=15
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(10-27-2021, 06:07 PM)Melville Wrote: [OoC Paul posts as GM Westermeyer, Adam is Nightdruid.. I have messaged with both of them on the spelljammer discord,  which if you are not on you should join Smile  ]

History is not Melville's strength, but he wracks his brain for any recollection of someone called the Nightdruid..
History [1d20+3]=12+3=15

Nightdruid is not a name or title that Melville recognizes.
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History: [1d20+4]=1+4=5; Bazz has a stroke
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