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OoC thread
The only reason Crozar was attacked was because he was the closest target and they could smell food in his direction.  As long as he stays back he should be fine.  Also some of you grabbed the Potion fruit Crozar grew so there's a lot of potential healing to go around. In fact, as long as Crozar doesn't place himself between a bug and one of you, he could walk around stuffing fruit in people's mouths.  There's also a flying healer that can get to anyone in a single round.  Most of the bugs are beat up so you should target them.  It's why I'm telling you how damaged they are.  Also even though movement is hampered it looks like some people have just given up on moving.  I'm not trying to criticize but these swarms are moving very slowly toward the group and for the most part everyone stayed huddled together - even people with Ranged weapons.  Huh  So despite Tomeal's really bad rolls, there are options.  Remember grappling creatures and swarms don't have reach so you don't provoke AoO.
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Oh man I forgot about the fruit. going to stick with the attack this round, but will avail myself of that next time around.
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I apologize for panicking. It was selfish of me.
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(09-23-2021, 06:04 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: I apologize for panicking.  It was selfish of me.

I'm sensing some sarcasm...

There's nothing wrong with a little panicking.  I think DM's want their players to feel like not every combat will be a walk in the park.  And I was starting to get a little worried too!  With the exception of Kubo, who they had some sort of aversion to, the little bugs were getting insanely lucky.  Tomeal has an AC of 21 and Vermin don't really have very good attack bonuses but they were constantly hitting him anyways!  

As a DM I don't like when players start feeling discouraged.  I try hard to keep the game kind of unique and to slowly offer things to make everyone's characters special, like with Selina's sword and Ning and Nang merging (even though that really did happen because of a random roll.  I just saw a cool opportunity and ran with it).  So I was just trying to be encouraging by stating that there are some options that may have been forgotten about like the Potion fruits that Selina, Tomeal, Kubo and Crozar had available to.  I did the same thing when Ning stated there wasn't much he could do.  I reminded him of a couple options but Beguilers are kind of screwed when fighting mindless creatures.  But his bro is attached to him so that gives him some additional options.  Unfortunately he got another bad roll for when his Breath Weapon returns.  Sad
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Your sarcasm Detector must be a bit off today. No sarcasm here. I treated the situation as if my character was the only one who could solve it, neglecting that everyone else has built characters of their own to be able to survive. I panicked. I consider it to have been an act of selfishness on my part.
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(09-23-2021, 11:09 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote:  neglecting that everyone else has built characters of their own to be able to survive.  

I will own that Crozar is a suboptimal build and very much a glass cannon when it comes to melee combat.  I appreciate the concern Smile
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Your character is built into the landscape of the campaign itself, and thus totally awesome. The only people who could fault you for a decision like that are min/maxers (read: OCD nutbars).
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(09-23-2021, 12:56 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote:
(09-23-2021, 11:09 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote:  neglecting that everyone else has built characters of their own to be able to survive.  

I will own that Crozar is a suboptimal build and very much a glass cannon when it comes to melee combat.  I appreciate the concern Smile

You did come into the game 2 levels below everyone and then you chose a powerful race that effectively made you lose another 2 levels.  Undecided  But in time, when you buy back those levels at 6th and 9th level, and with the self-correcting nature of gaining experience points, your levels should eventually join the rest of the group.  Also, Cactacae are obviously better suited to be warriors but you chose a different route by being a spell caster which makes him even more interesting.  The idea that a wizard is walking around with a giant clever and a crossbow that fires buzzsaw blades is pretty funny. It will be fun to see how the character develops and what his future holds.
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Sorry for not being around.  I thought I had food poisoning but now after 5 or 6 days I'm wondering if it's the gall bladder acting up on me.  I'll try to get back to posting soon.  It's just so uncomfortable sitting at the PC to type.  A heating pad helped the last time so I'm going to find that and see what happens.
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That sucks. Hope you recover quickly. I had to have mine removed and felt so much better for it.
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