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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
Will Save = [1d20+3]=16+3=19+4 Android Bonus = 23

E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Shakes head and tunes the sound out of his head by performing a mantra chant, and focusing his energy into his flurry of blows attacks.

MW Wyroot Nunchaku Attack VS Robot = [1d20+2]=12+2=14, Nunchaku Damage = [1d6+2]=6+2=8

Nunchaku Attack vs. Robot = [1d20+1]=18+1=19, Nunchaku Damage = [1d6+2]=1+2=3
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(09-21-2021, 03:36 AM)Gurkagh Wrote: Will save [1d20+5]=16+5=21 

Gurkagh winces and shakes his head, "the plant is having tantrum."

Gurkagh again attacks robot 1 around the corner. 

Improvised weapon two handed [1d20+4]=17+4=21; Damage [1d8+3]=6+3=9

The noise stops...

Gurkagh reaches around the corner and bonks the robot on the head.  It begins twitching and then suddenly explodes.

[Combat over, unless you want to deal with the pissed off plant]

Reawyn is nauseated for Duration: [1d4]=3 rounds.
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Will save: 19

Eva's will: [1d20+3]=12+3=15 +4? (constructed: +4 on all saving throws against mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, and stun effects)
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The scream stopped.  

What are you going to do now while Reawyn recovers?
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Cyn will keep an eye on Reawyn.  Readying to blow anything away that doesn't look like a party member.

"Tick Tock!  We must be getting close to the end of the Water breathing spell.  We can still get there but the more time we spend here will be more time spent hustling back to the stinky water before the spell ends."
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 looks about this room for signs of the blood trail that led us into the room.
Perception Check = [1d20+8]=6+8=14
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(09-21-2021, 10:25 PM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: Cyn will keep an eye on Reawyn.  Readying to blow anything away that doesn't look like a party member.

"Tick Tock!  We must be getting close to the end of the Water breathing spell.  We can still get there but the more time we spend here will be more time spent hustling back to the stinky water before the spell ends."

Then we must decide quickly.
Whether we should go back through the plant or look for a different path to the entrance. Here are lot of doors and there were two another doors we have avoided before we entered into the plant's room. But there also can be more dangerous creatures.
But we also can risk more and continue the rescue mission until we will found the owner of the blood. I hope he or she is still alive because this place seems like a hospital but with unfriendly nurses.

One of the robots said: "There is no reason to struggle, you are in safe hands.  Relax.  The doctor will be with you shortly."

Eva waits outside for E10 what he finds inside the room. She moves to G10 and G11 and listens behind the doors while Reawyn recovers.

door1: Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=3+7=10
door2: Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=10+7=17
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"E10 is beaten half to death again.  Maybe someone should heal him before we open any more doors," Cyn suggests to everyone.  Then to E10, she adds, "I know you want to fight and do your part but we're a team, right?  There were two robots just on you.  If you had side-stepped 5' south, Gurkagh could have moved in beside you to absorb some of those blows.  Luckily I got in a couple of early shots and Eva finished him off by shooting him a new chass(is)-hole!  You did a good job but keep an eye on and take advantage of your surroundings." 
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I was trying not to block people's ranges attacks, and Gurka was completely capable of moving to the square just south of me, but was trying not to put himself in harms way, or so I thought. I am a melee combatant, but I am not a tank. We have everything but in the group, perhaps we can pick up a tanky person to join us!
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During round 1 of Reawyn's nausea...

E10 walks into the room the Robots came from.  Metal desks sit to the north and south of this long room, yet the most distinctive features are a pair of odd, bedlike tables flanked by curving panels of blinking, pulsing lights. Moving armatures of metal extend out over the beds, each outfitted with glowing panes of glass and strangely glowing tools. The chamber reeks of blood, with great crimson stains splashed across the device, beds, and floor.  

Meanwhile, Eva listens to the north door in the horizontal hallway but she hears nothing.

Is Gurkagh doing anything?

During Round 2 of Reawyn's nausea...

What are E10 and Gurkagh doing?  Cyn said she was watching Reawyn and readying to shoot anything menacing.

Eva listens to the south door and hears nothing.
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