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[IC] Field Trip!
[OoC: Feel free to continue role playing in the Student Lounge.  This game sometimes has multiple threads.  If you have an idea, we can even look into creating an additional thread.  This works well if your character wants to speak to another character or if you want to explore something about your character that is none of the other character's business.  But you may end up with a couple of characters tagging along anyways because teens tend to be curious.  Just remember you must have a date and time and it must not be at the same time as date and time of the main gaming threads.  You cannot be in two places at once!  If the main thread is doing something all day on Christmas Day, you can't have your character celebrating Christmas at your parents at the same time as your character is celebrating Christmas at the mansion.  You can excuse yourself from the mansion then role play being with your family but that removes you from posting in the main game thread.  Got it?  Smile  ]

November 29
5-ish AM
Bright but chilly morning.

Thanksgiving weekend had been eventful but most of you made it back to the mansion and got to know one another in the lounge.  The party went until around 11pm when Cyclops arrived to remind everyone there was school in the morning.  Everyone went to bed with minimal fooling around and slept soundly (unless you decide otherwise) through the night.

One by one, each of your alarms wake you up some time between 5am and 8am (Whatever times your character would have set).  Some of you who were infected are starting to come out of your antagonistic haze and are feeling more like yourself. 

[Role play getting up and meeting outside the professor's office by 9am.]

[[Below are Maps of the main 3 levels of school and the two sub-basements.  Some Changes have been made like the Women's Dormitory is now where all the students will have bedrooms.  There will be 2 to 3 of you to a room to encourage roleplaying.  I will figure out exactly where your rooms are located on the map.  Guest Rooms are located in the 'Men's Dormitory,' where the X-Men have their rooms.  The exact location of the Guest rooms are the 3 rooms along the south side of the building in the men's dormitory.  That will be where Jack and Niall will be sleeping.  Each of you should have your own thread that you share with your roommate(s).  Niall will soon be assigned a room and the jury is still out on whether or not Jack's staying.]]

[Image: oUlWksn.png]

[Image: VYBWWhL.png]

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The lights of the surgery theater were so bright that nothing outside of the operating table was even visible.  He could feel the nurses pulling the fabric tight across his chest and tying it behind him.  Smells of sterilizers and plastic filled the air and the soft murmuring of the nurses and doctors could be barely heard over the numerous beeps and chimes of the various machines around the table.  

He cleared his throat and said, "Excuse me?  Hello?" No one reacted and the conversation continued unabated.  With a frown he raised his voice, "EXCUSE ME!" and several heads snapped in his direction. He continued at a more normal volumne, "Are we ready to get started, or do we need to keep going over what Donya and Ashlee are doing this weekend?"  Numerous voices responded near simultaneously, "Sorry Doctor, sorry."  

His support staff moved quickly into position as he looked down at the patient on the table.  The young man looked familiar to him and it took him only a moment to recall the name of the patient that hosted the Yersinia Pestis that was his real focus.  He bent to speak quietly in the patients ear, a ritual his staff recognized from the hundreds of similar procedures he has performed in the past.  "Don't worry... Ben.  I'll evict them for you, and you won't even notice." The only response from the unconscious young man was a rattling forced breath from the ventilator.

He stood back up, feeling imperiously tall.  The surgical curtain left the patient's shaved chest exposed and with a simple trace of his finger along the sternum, opened up the chest and exposed the heavily infected lungs.  In mere moments he lifted out the infected lungs and set another pair in their place.  A half-second's concentration perfectly grafted the new lungs in place. He could feel his body draw samples of the disease from the air, instantly breaking them down and catagorizing them in such a way that he would be able to control them from this point forward.  He pressed the bones and flesh back into place, molding them like putty to seal up the operation and minimize if not fully remove any trace scarring.  His surgical staff applauded as he smiled at them, another miraculous surgery complete, another life saved.  "Thank you everyone" He said as one of the monitors emitted a loud beep, "Thank you." *BEEEP* "It would not," *BEEEEEP* "have been possible," *BEEEEEEEP*

He turned and saw all of the alarms around the patient flashing red and yellow warnings.  The young man began to buck and convulse and an overwhelming sense of urgency and panic shocked Niall awake.  He was breathing hard and the bedside alarm beeped twice more before he gathered his wits together enough to turn it off.  While he still remembered the details of the dream he flipped on the light on the nightstand and flipped open his journal, quickly jotting down notes. "Disease dream 11/29: Yerbina Pestis. - lung infection (pneumatic), both lungs full exposure, obvious open lesions and internalized buboes. Transfer smooth, good graft, no apparent immediate rejection, immediate fail after closure? convulsions and spasming. Maybe Septmic Septimistic Septemistic? secondary infection in the blood?"

Niall closed the notebook and rubbed his face.  He got up and stumbled into the bathroom, taking care of immediate needs and a quick shower to wash away the last remnants of the terrible ending to an otherwise great dream.  He quickly threw on a clean, grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Tying on his sneakers he runs his hand across the stubbly hair on his head.  "Getting a little long.  Going to have to get it shaved again soon," he thought to himself as he left the guest room Ashlee had shown him too last night.  Softly singing his favorite song, he wandered down to the kitchen and made a couple pieces of toast with butter and orange marmalade. He glanced at the clock and noticed that it was almost 8 am.  Not sure what his schedule for classes was now, Niall decided to head to Professor Xavier's office and ask.
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[[FYI, I added additional information to my original post in this thread.]]
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Late at night, Malcolm awaken s in a state of panicked confusion, amnd as he does everyuthing in the room that wasfloating, probably including thebed he was sleeping on, and the bed that Jack is sleeping in if they still share the room, suddenly drops to the floor in a huge crash. Malcolm can't remember the dream.. something about his parents, but he remembers feeling the fear, and the loss, and the absolute panick.

He mumbles and apology to Jack and tumbles out to the washroom and wash his face..

All hope of sleep lost hee makes his way down to the kitchen to grab some of the everpresent leftovedrs from the fridge, and then takes therm to the lounge, where he can find a corner where he can put on his headset and read a book until morning.

He is too scared to go back to sleep.
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Porsche awakens early from her alarm at 6:00 am. She quickly showers and gets into her workout clothes and heads down to the gym for her morning workout and dance practice.

By 7:30am she has showered again and is back upstairs to select her outfit for the day, a pair opf skin tight black jeans, and a knit red sweater. She still isn't used to the cooler Massachusetts weather.

Once she feels ready, she makes her way downstairs to the kitchen.

"Ola, everyone. What's for breakfast?"
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(09-16-2021, 12:33 PM)Porsche Villar Wrote: "Ola, everyone. What's for breakfast?"

Glancing up from staring at the toaster, Niall says, "G'Morning. Porshe, right?  I'm doing toast and marmalade if there is any."
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Porsche opens one of the big vertical freezers and produces a box of blueberry Eggos. "Yup, it's Porsche. Everyone calls me Samba... Dibs on the toaster when your done."
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"Sure thing, Samba. I'm Niall, if you didn't know," he replies.  A second later the toaster pops up and he transferred the slices to a small paper plate which he slide out of the way to give Porshe ample space at the toaster.  He then starts digging through the fridge to determine the jelly, jam and marmalade options.  As he does so, he asks, "Pretty fun party last night, right?"
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[Came here via this thread]

Ashley wanders down from her dorm to the mansion's enormous kitchen where she spots Niall, Malcolm and Porsche.  "Good morning," she says with just a hint of cheerfulness.  "I see Jillian Michaels made it to breakfast," Ashley says to Porsche, comparing her to a fitness star.

"I hope your first night was comfortable?" Ashley asks Niall.  "Sometimes people have trouble sleeping in a new bed.  Me on the other hand?  When I was a kid, I moved around a lot so I can sleep pretty much anywhere."  

Before Malcolm leaves to find a good corner to read his book, Ashley asks, "Where's John?  Does he even know where the kitchen is?"
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[OOC: I guess Interface's Dorm Room never got recreated during the great exodus from Plothook.  Perhaps Interface and Niall would be a good match?]

Interface walks into the kitchen and squints his eyes from the wall of windows from the other side of the kitchen.  "Great, I see no one has put in the light dimming windows I suggested," he says jokingly.  Johnny holds out his hand with his palm facing up.  Swirling silvery lights appear then materialize into a pair of hi-tech shades.  Johnny slips them over his eyes.  

"Alright muckers?" [Translation: How are things, friend?] he says while getting himself a bowl of cereal.
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.