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[IC] Gemeris Station [Everyone]
(09-06-2021, 03:07 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(08-24-2021, 08:28 PM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote: Captain Ubi nods head and says, "Agreed, I will go as muscle in case negotiations go south and my guns are needed, but I ain't doing no deal making, as that is not my strong suit. I do not think we should all go as one group, but we should all be close together in order to provide cover, should it be needed."

"That's fine," Shunna replies.  "The rest of us can stay close by to offer support.  Though I doubt going to the market should be too much trouble.  This isn't the black market, as far as I know."

"Umm wouldn't it be smarter if Shunna, Ubi, Njon and I stay out of sight?  Muscle will not be needed in the market unless you PLAN to draw attention.  It was the four of us on that broadcast, so the four of us need to stay on the frackin' ship."
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(09-06-2021, 07:27 PM)Dez Synn Wrote:
(09-06-2021, 03:07 AM)Shunna Maza Wrote:
(08-24-2021, 08:28 PM)Captian Ubi Sunt Wrote: Captain Ubi nods head and says, "Agreed, I will go as muscle in case negotiations go south and my guns are needed, but I ain't doing no deal making, as that is not my strong suit. I do not think we should all go as one group, but we should all be close together in order to provide cover, should it be needed."

"That's fine," Shunna replies.  "The rest of us can stay close by to offer support.  Though I doubt going to the market should be too much trouble.  This isn't the black market, as far as I know."

"Umm wouldn't it be smarter if Shunna, Ubi, Njon and I stay out of sight?  Muscle will not be needed in the market unless you PLAN to draw attention.  It was the four of us on that broadcast, so the four of us need to stay on the frackin' ship."

"That was my original plan," Shunna replies.  "But then Ubi stated he thought we should go down in separate groups in case something happened.  So I figured that as long as the second group kept themselves hidden it should be fine."

[OoC: The reason Jendu, Korstyn and Ubi were suggested was so no player was left doing nothing.  Dez should also come but I thought she might want to stay behind with Zero, but it's up to her.  ]
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The GM understands the OoC reasoning, but remember that Dez is posting IC. Her reasoning is sound Ubi going might actually trigger a problem rather than be a solution
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You are still having this discussion when you drop out of hyperspace at your next jump point, in orbit aroyund the planet of Fedje.

[Image: wIBWxgn.jpg]

Zero has begun recalculating the next jump (you already rolled for this, you just need to take the time to go over the calculations and make sue nothing has changed before safely jumping again),  He is busy plotting a path down the Braxant Run hyperlane to Ketaris, when he picks up something approaching on the scope. 

@IT-O (Zero) please make a Use Computer check (with +2 Equipment bonus from the Helpful onboard computer) to Notice Target.  I will apply the appropriate DC modifiers for size and distance.
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@IT-O (Zero) please make a Use Computer check (with +2 Equipment bonus from the Helpful onboard computer) to Notice Target. I will apply the appropriate DC modifiers for size and distance.
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Use Computers: [1d20+14]=20+14=34
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(09-06-2021, 10:09 PM)DM Vitkyng Wrote: The GM understands the OoC reasoning, but remember that Dez is posting IC. Her reasoning is sound Ubi going might actually trigger a problem rather than be a solution

[OoC:  Ok then...]

"I guess only Jendu and Korstyn should go down and purchase the disguises.  They don't have to be elaborate. Just something to hide our faces from any cameras."
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Korstyn grins beneath her helm.

β€œDon’t worry adiik. I’ll take good care of you.”
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"You'll need something billowy, and voluminous like robes to hide Ubi and Njon. A besalisk and a talz sorta stand out. A new hat isn't going to do it Ubi."
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(09-16-2021, 03:14 PM)IT-O (Zero) Wrote: Use Computers: [1d20+14]=20+14=34

 While plotting and verifying the next jum, Zero is mostly ignoring the conversation of the biologicals. Then he notices somethin, a ship is approaching, headed straight for the Bulwark on an intercept course.  It is a big ship, but not as big as the Bulwark. It is also a LONG way off, an estimated 45 kilometers at this point.

[Image: SBRnwht.jpg]
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