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[IC] SOLO - Portho's Adventure
The spider appraises the rapier's thrust and uses its eight eyes to pinpoint which offender the attack came from. Its pincers smoke with poison so potent the pure smell assaults the nostrils of the gnome and draws tears into his eyes. He blinks and in by the time he opens his eyes again the next things he can see are those very same pincers penetrating his belly and coming out on his back. Cold sweat beads upon his forehead and feverishly shaking, his knees surrender to gravity. Everything gets black...

... luckily it was just another mirror image but it was so close Portho felt like he was bitten in half.

[The spider now has three ugly gashes but still holds its stations. Onwards to turn 4!]
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Portho realizes that maybe discretion might be the best course of action. He disengages from the spider [5ft step] and quickly chants a spell, deadening the sounds of his movements, but not his vocal chords.

[casting Sculpt Sound]
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[Interesting choice... wonder where it leads to Smile We didn't follow the exact positions on the map but let's assume you had the opportunity to take this move and get away from the spider.]

The spider follows and Portho is now tightly against the wall, unable to disengage easily. [map updated] However, it gets so confident about the tactical advantage that the pincers miss even the most distant mirror images by quite some margin.

[Your turn!]
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Portho realizes he will still need to take a chance to escape and quickly retreats back up into the other room and around the corner.

[This will provoke an attack of opportunity, just hoping my images prevent iit from landing. Moving to K9]

Once out of line of sight, he quickly chants another spell, turning Invisible. [Casting Invisibility]
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The spider misses the gnome and as he leaves it follows up with a slight delay, sufficient for the gnome to disappear into nothingness.
[Portho's turn!]
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Hoping to the gods that the creature relies on sight Portho uses his gnomush racial spell like ability to create a vaguely man shaped glowing light, just around the side corridor where he found the scroll.

[Dancing lights, created in G8]

He then has the man shaped figure, move north around the corner, while he remains as motionless as possible, hoping the spider gives chase.

[Moving the dancing lights man shape to G6]
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The spider moves up and spots the obvious dancing light. As it tries to close in on the glamer it stumbles upon an invisible gnome who forgot to get out of the way in the heat of battle.
One of the images pop (2 images remain).

[OOC - you wrote moving to K9 but not moving from there... which is quite in the way... and I rolled a Wis check on your behalf, failing it miserably.]
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Realizing his mistake, the gnome [still silent and invisible] quickly moves aside and circles the edge of the room while having the dancing lights man shape move north 5'.

[Portho is able to use a withdraw action as moving the dancing light requires no concentration or action whatsoever. So he first moves to J6, then moves carefully past the body without touching it and around the edge of the room to K6. Note this is only 20' of his movement, where he could use 40'. He is being careful and deliberately cautious.]

[OoC I had made the mistaken assumption that a 2' tall gnome would get stepped over by a size Large spider. My bad.]
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[Clever thinking. Alas, no. This critter is a lowrider Wink ]

Portho successfully maneuvers out of the way and the spider spends the time trying to figure what or who blocked its movement, then proceeds towards the decoy.
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Portho wills the dancing lights figure to move deeper into the room beyond the door [to G6] ,and waits, hoping the spider follows it in.

Once the spider does, if it does, he runs up and reaching up with his rapier presses the small button that he initially pushed to raise the heavy granite door. He will quickly scrambke back and to the side if the door descends slowly, or it looks like the spider is backing out.
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