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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
"Interesting," Cyn whispers, assuming Eva lets us know she heard something.  "Maybe they're getting ready to attack!"

Readies to shoot anything if the door suddenly opens.
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Gurkagh hefts his stone and ventures into the room first, moving carefully past Cin to L-12.
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E10 will step into the room, carefully scanning the room as he does. (Moves to G8, just inside the door.)
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(09-10-2021, 08:58 AM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: E10 will step into the room, carefully scanning the room as he does. (Moves to G8, just inside the door.)

[OoC:  E10, there is no G-8 "inside the door."   Huh  ]

When Gurkagh opens the sliding door (swift action) so he can walk into the room, all of you are immediately confronted by 2 mechanical creatures, each with 4 legs.  They reach out at E10 and Cyn with hands that have strange (hypodermic) needles sprouting from their fingertips...

[[Cyn has been readying her action so she can shoot.]]
[[E10 said he was readying to grab either his Shuriken or Dan Bong.  Which do you grab]]  

[OoC: Everyone (including the robots) have to roll a perception check to see who's surprised to see both sides standing face to face.  You also need to roll initiative. ] 

[Image: Likkn0M.png]
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Perception: [1d20+7]=14+7=21
Initiative: [1d20+4]=16+4=20

Touch Attack: [1d20+8]=14+8=22, Damage: [1d8]=5; Hit!  
Use 1 Grit to use, Up Close and Deadly (Ex): Up Close and Deadly: [1d6]=4; Total Damage = 9pts
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Cyn's fires into melee with the second robot and a cartridge blasts a hole in the front of its chassis.  The Drone immediately takes a swipe at the gunslinger, trying to stab her with the sharp needles in the tips of its fingers...

AoO: [1d20+6]=9+6=15, Damage: [1d4+6]=1+6=7; MISS!

Cyn just manages to arch her back backward to avoid the drone stabbing her in the chest.

Robot 1: Robot 1 perception: [1d20+5]=1+5=6, Initiative: [1d20+2]=13+2=15; SURPRISED!

Robot 2: Robot 2 perception: [1d20+5]=14+5=19, Initiative: [1d20+2]=11+2=13; Not Surprised;  9 damage!

  • 20.4: Cyn
  • 15.2: Robot 1
  • 13.2 Robot 2
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"I'm willing to switch positions with one of you hunky men at any time!"
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Perception Check = [1d20+8]=13+8=21
Init = [1d20+6]=3+6=9
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(09-13-2021, 05:37 AM)Cin-Ezra Oovalli Wrote: "I'm willing to switch positions with one of you hunky men at any time!"

Just step back, on your right side. - Eva replies as a free action

Eva has rolled a perception in the last post (http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....1#pid54691) but if you need a new one for 'next round':

Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=5+7=12

Eva's init: [1d20+4]=14+4=18

DM, droids aren't sightless creatures, are they?
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[OoC: Sorry I lost my last post as my phone died before I could finish it]
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 is startled, but manages to grab his Danbong and spring to the attack.
MW Wyroot DanBong Attack = [1d20+3]=13+3=16, Dan Bong Damage = [1d6+2]=6+2=8, and
Dan Bong Attack = [1d20+2]=10+2=12, Dan Bong Damage = [1d6+2]=5+2=7
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