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~Character Construction/ Creation~
[OoC: I have made your recommended changes this far, which leaves Brunt with 42cp to spend on a power, as I dropped the Shrinking power and teleportation powers, but kept 10cp spent for a power, but I am at Dialysis right now, so will look at taking another suitable power for my character when I get home.]
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Huh…so he’s a Goliath Colossus, aye?
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(08-18-2021, 11:37 AM)Brunt Wrote: [OoC: I have made your recommended changes this far, which leaves Brunt with 42cp to spend on a power, as I dropped the Shrinking power and teleportation powers, but kept 10cp spent for a power, but I am at Dialysis right now, so will look at taking another suitable power for my character when I get home.]

Like I hinted at before, you might want to pump your Endurance up a little.  Endurance is used for running speed and resistance to similar things that a Fortitude Save would help you with but it also helps you not be stunned or slammed (meaning it's more difficult for someone hitting you so hard you're sent flying one or more blocks/areas).  

Another thing you might want to look at is your armor Body Armor.  Body armor is something you wear.  Armor skin is a power that changes your skin to stone or iron etc.  Body Resistance makes your normal looking skin more resilient.   Your armor rank is currently Ex 16.  That means you can take a punch from a power lifter who lifts around 800 pound.  You can also resist handguns,  knives etc.  If the knife or bullets are made from Titanium then it could cut through your skin and do some damage.  If you're OK with that then great.  If you want a little more protection you might want to bump it up to Remarkable 26.  I think at that level you begin to be able to resist Canon balls and grenade launchers (I think... I don't have my books on me)
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Another thing, as a Tank it's not such a bad thing to have a higher fighting.  You didn't need to drop your Fighting to Good 8.  An Excellent or even Remarkable wouldn't be too bad.  If you want to attack more than once in the game you need to roll a Remarkable intensity fighting feat.  With a poor to Excellent Fighting you need to roll a red (around 95+% on a d100) to get 2 attacks.  A Remarkable fighting means you need a Yellow feat (around a 60+%) for 2 attacks and a Red feat (Around 95+%) for 3 attacks.  An Incredible fighting (which is a little High for a kid.  Wolverine has an Incredible fighting) would allow 2 attacks with a green feat or 3 attacks with a Red feat.
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[OoC: I made a few changes based on all your suggetstions. I hope he passes muster now!]
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Here is the Character sheet you should use for your character. If you need some help I'm pretty sure anyone can assist you if I'm not around.

(07-23-2015, 07:20 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: Character Sheet:  (Just quote post.  Then remove all information except the Sheet.  OR Copy and paste sheet to new post.)
[Spoiler]Real Name: --
Alias(es):  --

[img]insert an image here[/omg]

Primary Abilities
AbilityRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.

Secondary Abilities
Health: --
Karma: --
Resources: --
Popularity: --
Origin: --

Karma Pool: --
Advancement Fund Karma:  --

Powers ( - / - )
PowerRank Score Notes/Modifiers (roll)Green F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) -Typical5--51-8081-9798-00
2) -Typical5--51-8081-9798-00
3) -Typical5--51-8081-9798-00
4) -Typical5--51-8081-9798-00

Talents ( - / - )
TalentNotes/ModifiersGreen F.Yellow F.Red F.
1) ------
2) ------
3) ------
4) ------

Contacts ( - / - )
1) ---
2) ---
3) ---
4) ---

Group Affiliation: --
Base of Operations: --

Occupation: --
Identity: --

Physical Description
Sex: --
Age: --
Ethnicity: --
Height: --
Weight: --
Appearance:  --

Costume: --

Gear: --

Transportation: --

Mother: --
Father: -- 
Siblings: --
Demeanor: --
Motivation: --
History: --

Notes: --

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Here is the Universal Table we use for determine the results of pretty much everything.  White is a Fail.  Green is Success.  Yellow is considered a Success/Bullseye.  And Red is considered a Super Success or a kill result.  There are a couple of other Universal tables that have a Blue Fumble but that is Homebrew and we currently don't use that table. 

[Image: updated_universal_table.jpg]
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I've added the Universal table to my signature under, Some Helpful Links.
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That is what I copied and pasted and edited my character into, I just don't know how to get the tables to format properly
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Completed Brunt's character sheet, just trying to remember how to link to it in his signature.
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