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[IC] The Student Lounge
"Boys!  Boys!," Jessica exclaims.  "Can't you play nice for just one night.  Please!  At least for the new guests."  She looks at Johnny, asking, "Have you told your parents you're here or is the Professor handling that?  It would be really nice if you could stay.  I heard the Professor was trying to deal with James' [Bellows: the guy with hyper breath] parents but they seemed awfully over protective.  I bet is they'll change their minds by morning."
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Suddenly there's a small shower of sparkles and Blink [Miranda] appears.  "Whew!  I made it!  Oh, you guys are having a party without me?" She pouts playfully.  "Wait.  Why are you guys partying in the foyer?  There would be so much more to do in the recreation room.  Oh!  Candy!"  She sprints to the cart of goodies and picks out some of her favorites.
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Now that it seemed Jessica and Saleem wasn't ready to rip each other's lungs out, Ben takes a second to grab some chip and a Cola.  He'll toss anyone a cola who motions they'd like one too.
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(07-28-2021, 03:00 AM)Jack Quick Wrote:
(07-28-2021, 02:57 AM)Saleem Wrote: Saleem takes a step toward Jack.  "You better stop acting like an asshole before my fist starts to repeatedly get obsessed with your face."

"I'm so scared," Jack laughs.  "But you're forgetting something..."  Suddenly there's a gust of wind and Jack appears behind Donya.  "You'd have to catch me first!"

"Don't get me in the middle of this..."  Suddenly she shrinks down into the form of a raven and flies up to perch on the chandelier.  She then squawks at Jack.
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"J.Jack, th.there was a r.reason the P.professorw.wanted you c.confined to y.your room until h.he talks t.to you. If y.you c.cannot stop act.ing l.like an ass.hole., h.he is likely to ej.ject you."
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That was...not something he expected.  Jessica seemed to be the 'bitchy' type when he'd first gotten here.  Something had changed since they got back?  Need to take another look at this.

John shrugs in response.  "Gotta be honest...I sorta...ran away.  I'm not sure you've experienced what I did, but if you did, I think you would have too.  If the Professor is as powerful as everyone says he is, maybe he already knows all of this."
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"In all likelihood he does already know. He knew my entire history, even the parts that the courts and juvie did not."
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Niall enters the foyer, pulling the sleeves of his grey sweatshirt up to his elbows.  He takes a second to review the situation, seemingly surprised by the raven as much as anything else, before saying, somewhat hesitantly, "Hello everyone.  Glad everybody is recovered well.  Sorry if I scared anyone while I was out of control."
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"De nada, you don't have to apologize. you were not in control of your faculties, unlike someone else."
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Malcolm just silently telekinetically passes Niall a Coke.

"N.no p.problem."
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A gaming group started in late 2005 when several members (from all over the world) came together on a long-running forum website called Plothook.net (formally known as Highmoon.net). Several games transformed from a by-the-book format to highly modified versions that became new hybrid systems with completely custom rules and abilities. Ten years later, these faithful players wanted to secure their work and their stories, becoming the basis of these forums.