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[IC] The Student Lounge
[OOC: I forgot Interface has black hair so I changed the Avatar.  Might change it again. ]

"Jack, no one was beating up on ya." Johnny states in his thick Irish accent.  "Everything tha' happened came about from yur own actions.  When will ya understand?  I did me best to include ya when I was spending time with Roslyn (Aurum).  We let ya hang out with us pretty much every day.  How much more time should I have given ya to spend with my girlfriend and I?  I think most blokes would have told ya to eff off, but I didn't cuz we wanted ya to feel included.  I see now that maybe we were too accommodating.  An now ya surely have made a holy show [Disgraceful scene] of yourself."
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Malcolm calms down after a few deep breathes, and his tutter returns.

"E.even s.still, you only h.have your a.self interest in m.mind. Y.you ac.cuse us of m.mocking y.you. H.how... I've b.been h.here l.less th.than aw.week."

"Y.you t.trake no r.res.sponsibility f.for y.your actions. I th.think it b.best if you w.wait for th.the P.professor."
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"Hey, don' look at me chillón. I just got here yesterday, so I only know second hand. But your actions towards your own girlfriend were pretty fucking sadistic, and you could have destroyed her life. You and I will not be making friends."
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(07-19-2021, 10:47 PM)Malcontent Wrote: Malcolm calms down after a few deep breathes, and his tutter returns.

"E.even s.still, you only h.have your a.self interest in m.mind. Y.you ac.cuse us of m.mocking y.you. H.how... I've b.been h.here l.less th.than aw.week."

"Y.you t.trake no r.res.sponsibility f.for y.your actions. I th.think it b.best if you w.wait for th.the P.professor."

"The four new students wouldn't know how the others treated me," Jack replies.  "So I'm not talking about you Malcolm.  You seemed pretty cool.  I haven't spoken to the rest of you so I obviously can't mean you either.  And Interface didn't really want me around.  He just did it for Roz.  So how would that be a good thing if you were only tolerating me!"
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"Not only was Interface tolerating the intolerable but he was also taking one for the team so the rest of us didn't have to deal with your bullshit!  Then you suddenly had that weird obsession with Dazzler, our teacher.  It got so bad she had to leave the mansion.  Who knows when she'll be back!"
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"You people really have a weird obsession with me," Jack says with a chuckle.  "Everything I do is the worst thing ever!  You're always mischaracterizing everything I do in the worst possible way.  It's sad, really."  He takes a sip of his coke.
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"If they have a weird obsession with you, maybe you should help them get over it by removing yourself from their presence?"
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Well he’s laying it on pretty thick, isn’t he?  Honestly, I’d just love to get the truth instead of all this ‘Play the victim’ business.

John just stays out of it, listening and watching.  Jack seemed to be outnumbered and it seemed to be mostly because they genuinely felt it was his fault.
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Saleem takes a step toward Jack.  "You better stop acting like an asshole before my fist starts to repeatedly get obsessed with your face."
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(07-28-2021, 02:57 AM)Saleem Wrote: Saleem takes a step toward Jack.  "You better stop acting like an asshole before my fist starts to repeatedly get obsessed with your face."

"I'm so scared," Jack laughs.  "But you're forgetting something..."  Suddenly there's a gust of wind and Jack appears behind Donya.  "You'd have to catch me first!"
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