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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
"Agreed." Nightingale said as she smiled beneath her mask, she and the dragonborn were of agreement once again, this bode well she thought.

"I can slip in quietly and take quick look if we like?" the half elf offered to the rest of the party as she peered through the hole from the landing.

Perception: 1d20+4 8
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(06-16-2021, 08:24 AM)Nightingale Wrote: "Agreed." Nightingale said as she smiled beneath her mask, she and the dragonborn were of agreement once again, this bode well she thought.

"I can slip in quietly and take quick look if we like?" the half elf offered to the rest of the party as she peered through the hole from the landing.

Perception: 1d20+4 8

"Sounds like a good idea.  Would you like us to tie a rope around your waist so we can drag you out if something terrible happens?"
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Nightingale stares flatly at Mivia. "No."

"Anyone else have any other ideas?"
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(06-26-2021, 05:03 AM)Nightingale Wrote: Nightingale stares flatly at Mivia. "No."

"Anyone else have any other ideas?"

Mivia is surprised by her odd reaction and wonders to herself, "If something terrible happend to her, certainly she didn't want her body to be left behind.  Who knows what vile things the creatures down here could do to it?  Perhaps I've been in the Fey Wild for so long I've become out of touch with customs in the material plane.  It could be this plane's inhabitants do not have any reverence for their corpse after death.  If I have time I will need to investigate.'

"As you wish," Mivia replies with a smile.
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Athos peers inside to see what he can see, but can't make out much of anything other than rock and gloom. It didn't really fill him with excitement to go into those caves. "We can keep moving down the stair, or I say we can all go in and investigate. Personally, I would rather not have to run into some sort of monster or goblin patrol further down, only find a horde of rats at our backs.  We've seen what they can do when they attack in packs. It might be a good idea to slip in there and clear out as many as we can. At least in closer quarters, it limits their ability to swarm us."

Perception: 1d20+6 = 8
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(DM - So what are we doing?  We going in the hole? This entrance is too big to cover with the mold earth Cantrip, so covering it up isn't an option this time.  Or we moving on down the stairs and taking our chances?)
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Arius nods to Nightingale.

He coils up his whip and draws his rapier, as the whip will be ineffective in the close quarters of the tunnel.  

"Okay, you go first I will wait unrtil you are about 15' in then follow. Does trhat sound good?"
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"Just wait here, no use risking all of us. I'll be quiet and get the lay of the land. If I'm not quiet, well, you can decide if you want to come in after me or not."

With that, Nightingale slips into the crevasse, hopefully moving quietly to not attract attention as she scoped out what lay beyond.

Stealth: 1d20+6 10
Perception: 1d20+4 23
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Kriv nodded, and waited patiently he turned around and tried to make sure he could keep an eye out for anything odd or dangerous heading their way.

Perception: 1d20+3=11
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Mivia draws upon the Eldritch energy within her arcane focus and readies to blast anything that seems aggressive toward the group.
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