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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
[OoC: Damn son! The giant hippo man make the jump like an Olympic Long Jumper and all the grace of a Prima Ballerina!]
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As Melville is tugged back over to the Riposte, Rupert with a grace and agility belied by his large size easily springs to back over to the ship diving through the gravity plane of the ships and using the bounce back to gain height to land lithely next to Threadvine and Ashheart on the forecastle.  Anders follows Melville's lead and is also towed across.  Bazz, you are the last living thing on the Wasp, do you want to do anything and how do you return to the Riposte?
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If Bazz can't do an acrobatic leap or tight rope walk across the rope connecting both ships then he'll wait until another line is thrown across.  If he can then...

Acrobatics: [1d20+8]=17+8=25; woot!
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As if to challenge Rupert's bold diving leap, Bazz waits until both Melville and Anders were being pulled across, and using an unbelievable degree of balance appears to dance between the two towlines, his hooves barely tapping the lines as he deftly dances across the void.

Once everyone is aboard, the first question Threadvine asks is, "Now that you've fully looked it over, do you think the ship is worth trying to salvage?  We would have to spit our helmsmen and crew pretty thin to do so.  If we aren't going to keep it, we might as well cut the line and let it drift off."
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When Bazz reaches the last few feet of the towline he finishes his tightrope walk with a flip and a deep and bow.  

"I don't know a lot about ships but It wasn't leaking water so the hull seemed fine.  There is some internal water damage so the wood will need replacing.  Is it possible to tie a line to the ship and drag it behind us?" 
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Threadvine looked to the First Mate and Ashheart nods and says, "It would have a significant impact on our manueverability, but we could tow it I'm pretty sure.  While I would hate to waste a ship, it is note worthy that we are still at the very beginning of our expedition, and this would be a bulky thing to haul for the next twelve plus months."
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"We won't be docking anywhere over the next 12 plus months where we could sell it?  If we aren't docking anywhere, is there a slight detour we could take to drop it off somewhere?"
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Threadvine smiles and says, "As we stated at the outset, this is an expedition into unknown space. We may run into some new port or something where we could sell it, but we have no gaurantee of that.  We could cut the trip short and return to Bralspace to offload it there at the closest known port, but one of the carpenters will need to give an expert assessment on how much the ship would be worth to know if that detour is worth it.  There is something to be said for capitalizing on secured loot versus banking on the unknown."  He gazes through the rainbow mist at the Wasp in the distance speculatively.
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"If we tow it, it increases our air envelope, and we can use the infinity vine to refresh that air.  Then if we need to manuever we can simply cut the tow line, and reattach it later. Besides it also can be used as an extra weapon platform, even towed."

"If I and Slick are on separate ships we can also communicate between ships to coordinate.  Might be an idea to tow it, but keep the helm on it with a pilot ready to use it , but only when it is not towed."
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Threadvine nods and says, "Those are valid points Melville.  If Ashheart was added into the helmsman rotation, we could keep a helmsman and crewman on the Wasp, I think. I agree that if we are towing it, we need to have a helmsman on it, but I wouldn't want to potentially maroon that person if we run into something like that Turtleship again and have to flee, so someone to man the weapon would be a base requirement.  We should probably also move over a week's worth of water and food for safety as well.  My only concern is reducing the combat readiness of the Riposte.  Does anyone have any objections to doing shifts on the Wasp?"
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