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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[[FYI:  Normally typos don't change anything but in this case it did. The module stated the hallway was 10-foot-wide, 5-foot-long corridor that ends in an unlocked door.  But the hallway is actually 10-foot-wide, 15'-long corridor that ends in an unlocked door.  It's not a big deal but I thought I'd let everyone know. ]]

The door opens up into a large oddly shaped room.  A large metal desk with blinking lights and strange glowing panels sits atop a raised area on the east side of this room near a circular table. Two couches covered with black material sit to the south a pair of black metal pillars. Splatters of dried blood stain the floor and walls near a pair of doors to the north, while here and there patches of rust-red mold and fungus cling to the southern wall.  The room itself is brightly lit by glowing panels on the ceiling.


Deck Features

Floors/Walls/Ceilings: Internal walls are generally composed of two, 1-inch-thick glaucite panels separated by 10 inches of support beams, whereas external hull walls are a solid 2 feet thick.

Doors: Doors consist of a 1-inch-thick sheet of glaucite. When powered, a door slides swiftly up into the ceiling when a gray panel situated on the wall nearby is touched—opening a door in this way is a swift action. A door can be locked or unlocked by pressing an access card of any color to this gray panel (note that some doors can only be locked or unlocked by specific colors. Once a door is locked, or if a door is unpowered, it can be forced open or closed with a successful Strength check. Disable Device can be used to unlock a locked door, but attempts to do so take a –4 penalty unless the user has the Technologist feat (Iron Gods Player’s Guide) or uses an e-pick, since typical thieves’ tools are of limited use against electronic locks. A door closes automatically at the end of any round in which it is opened unless it has no power or it’s locked in an open position with a tap of an access card on its panel. 

Illumination: Unless otherwise noted, most of these chambers are well-lit by bright lighting set into panels high on the walls or ceiling of each room.

[Image: SXm0gFc.png]
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Eva steps into the room 10' and waits few seconds watching the room even more thoroughly.

Eva's perception: [1d20+7]=19+7=26
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Reawyn will move into the room, carefully moving while trying to check for traps using the rope and grappling hook method we used before. He will work his way to the northern of the two pillars, then past it to the bloodstain.

There he will examine the bloodstains.

[Perception(Trapfinding) +6; Knowledge (nature) +10]
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Gurkagh will move into the room to stand beside Eva
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E.S.S.A.C.C.U S-10 will move with Gurhah and stand 5' behind him.
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Since Eva rolled so well, she thinks this might be some kind of checkpoint.

Reawyn checks for traps and finds none.  When he arrives at the blood and examines the splatter marks, he believes there was some kind of battle.  The blood appears to splash beyond the northern door.

All doors in the room appear to be locked.
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Eva examines the large metal desk. Is there a window or a small door next to the desk?
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(06-22-2021, 06:52 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: Eva examines the large metal desk. Is there a window or a small door next to the desk?

You examine the desk and find the machinery here is mostly smashed and flashes and blinks in random patterns. Occasionally, garbled lines of alien text or images of strange creatures flash briefly on one of the monitors on the desk. (see spoiler)  There is a door behind the desk.

[Image: dRy6wF0.jpg]

[Image: j7Zd6l1.jpg]

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Look at these strange creatures. Perhaps we will meet them soon. Some kind of alien animal and a plant...?

Eva's knowledge creature1: [1d20]=10 + ? (+8?)
Eva's knowledge creature2: [1d20]=20 + ?  (+5?)

She starts to search the room. Let's search this room. (take 10 = 17)
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With the Stargazer traight E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 gets a +2 to Knowledge (Alien Creatures) checks.
Knowledge (Alien Creature) =[1d20+2]=20+2=22
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