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[IC] The Student Lounge
While everyone is hopefully enjoying the party [ hardly anything is being said by anyone], Everyone hears the Professor speak into their mind that Niall will be returning to the living area of the mansion.  Please welcome him back but don't overwhelm him with questions.  He's likely quiet exhausted from his ordeal.
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"Well that's peachy," Jessica says after hearing the Professor's message.  "Let's hope he keeps his little germs to himself.  I don't need any more booster shots for the plague."  She pours herself a glass of juice and sits in an armchair, waiting to see what happens next.
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"Come on Jessica," Saleem says over the music.  "Give him a break!  I was infected too and you don't see me being a complete dick about what happened.  Shit happens!  Deal with it or go run home to daddy and all his money.  You'd probably be happier there than here, anyways."
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"You should talk!" Jessica snaps back.  "All you've wanted to do since being infected is punch people in the face but to be fair not that much changed.  And you're quiet the hypocrite to bitch at me about my father's money.  Your father sends you truck loads of money every month just so he doesn't have to deal with your delinquent ass."
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"Speaking of punching someone in the face..."  Saleem takes a step toward her, seriously looking like he's not kidding.
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"Try it!," Jessica says while her eyes begin to shine.  "You'll be blinded before you take another step..."
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Ben jumps between them, "Come on, guys.  This is suppose to be a party, not a brawl.  We're all still on edge from the virus.  It will be better in the morning."
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(06-04-2021, 05:46 PM)Johnny Blair Wrote: [[It's all internal.  He was a normal Sophomore before things started getting "weird".  Then he got buff, somehow got on Varsity (which *never* happens) and was a star quarterback.  Then he got his leg snapped, and woke up one morning several weeks later with wings attached to his back.  And he could feel REALLY weird emotions all through his house.  Especially coming from his sister.  And now he's surrounded by kids who are all just as hot as he is (some more so) and who also do weird things.  It's a bit too much for him to deal with in such a short time.]]

[OOC: Johnny's backstory is similar except instead of enhancing his body, it was his brain that was transformed.   He went from having a below average intelligence to waking up from a 6 month coma with an IQ greater than Mr. Fantastic.  He's still trying  to figure out what exactly he wants to do with his giant brain.]

"I've had a look at the formula and the simulations," Interface states in a thick Irish accent.  "They all seem legit and very promising.  We're fortunate there's brainy people like the Beast and Forge who worked on the formula and the tech to mass produce it.  Simulations indicate all those infected should start to feel more themselves very soon.  Infact I'm a little surprised there's still some of the infected who are still exhibiting argumentative behaviors."
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"That's probably because they were argumentative to start with. Some of it is from the virus, some of it is just from being assholes.. no offense."

She elbows Saleem in the ribs, smiling at him.
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"That's true but never before have students so quickly threaten to come to blows."
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