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[IC] The Student Lounge
(05-19-2021, 06:16 AM)Johnny Blair Wrote: John, still more than a little weirded out by...things...moves further into the room.  "Next time I'll fly."  Then he blinks and one of his wings extends forward so he can take a good look at the massive white feathers.  He shivers involuntarily.  "On second thought, I'll take a bus instead."  He collects a Coke from Donya, but only after she actually becomes fully 'human' and just...watches.  Yep.  Just a topless, former star High School Quarterback.  With a pair of giant bird wings.  Nothing at all weird about that.

"The bird wings are nice," Donya replies.  Suddenly a pair of beautiful, brown, feathered wings grow from her back and stretch out to full wingspan before folding gently on her back.  "I don't usually use my powers to mimic just parts of animals.  When I take on an animal shape I feel like I'm tapping into the creature's spirit.  If I only tap into a part of the creature, like its wings, then I don't feel whole.  It's like a piece of me is missing.  If that makes any sense."
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When Donya finishes speaking, Trevor adds, "She's also our school's deep thinker for all things spiritual."
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[[John didn't actually say that, that was my addition to the description. But he is shirtless (wings kinda make it hard to wear them...) and was a star High School Quarterback before the change.  Also...Trevor already met him and...didn't exactly make a good first impression.]]

John sighs and shakes his head, those massive wings fluttering a bit with the movement.  "It's not my choice to have them."
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(05-26-2021, 03:01 AM)Johnny Blair Wrote: [[John didn't actually say that, that was my addition to the description.  But he is shirtless (wings kinda make it hard to wear them...) and was a star High School Quarterback before the change.  Also...Trevor already met him and...didn't exactly make a good first impression.]]

John sighs and shakes his head, those massive wings fluttering a bit with the movement.  "It's not my choice to have them."

[I don't remember Trevor meeting John.  Can you remind me of when it happened?  What was said?]

[Also, I thought John had jokingly said that out loud.  So Trevor swooped in to introduce himself to the Star high school quarterback.  But he didn't.  My bad.  I will edit the post.]
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[[Started here http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....6#pid15696 . The less-than-positive interaction starts here http://forums.rpgaddicts.com/showthread....3#pid17613

By the way, from a perspective of strict argument, even *if* John were interested, there are literally no boys at this school that interest him. Overly violent, overly obnoxious, nearly neurotic, already attached, etc. It's the same reason he's interested in girls like Porsche, Donya and Blink and not in Jessica. They treated him decently and not necessarily like an object. Any humor was lighthearted, so he's cool with that. As someone who's been thrust into this world and out of the previous, he's very sensitive right now. It's also a part of his skillset. Just giving you all a brief glimpse into his current mindset.]]
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[[Is everyone okay? Not too shocked about my revelation regarding John’s sexual orientation?]]
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[[Sorry, I hate that too.  You say something and then suddenly the conversation dies.  So you're left wondering if it was your comment that killed it.  But nope, I personally have no problem with whatever orientation a player wants to play and no PC or NPC at the school has thus far made any negative comments toward Trevor who is now openly gay.  That doesn't mean there aren't those who might have a problem but it just hasn't come up.

As for Trevor, he started out as a very quiet, introverted and bitter young man.  Then he got infected so his personality changed and he became much more aggressive.  He has taken the experimental vaccine so, just like everyone else infected, his temperment should be settling down soon.  Unfortunately that means he'll just become more quiet, grumpy and introverted.  Especially since the Virus made Trevor out himself so now he'll feel even more isolated. ]]
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[[John gets it. He feels like the proverbial bull in a china shop (Myth busted) right now but now there's about 15 other bulls along with him. So he's just trying to fit into a place he already fits into by virtue of being himself, despite the fact that he doesn't even feel like himself anymore.]]
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[OoC Malcolm is 13 and.. confused.. so not like he is gonna be judgy lol]
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[[It's all internal. He was a normal Sophomore before things started getting "weird". Then he got buff, somehow got on Varsity (which *never* happens) and was a star quarterback. Then he got his leg snapped, and woke up one morning several weeks later with wings attached to his back. And he could feel REALLY weird emotions all through his house. Especially coming from his sister. And now he's surrounded by kids who are all just as hot as he is (some more so) and who also do weird things. It's a bit too much for him to deal with in such a short time.]]
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