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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
[OoC: Ok, good to know.]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
20.8Humanoid------ ??/ ?? ------
15.6Essaccus------11/ 11------
12.2Reawyn------15/ 15------
11.4Cin------18/ 18------
8.4Eva3 healed2 damage15/ 17------
4.2Gurkagh4 healed---5/ 10------

Gurkaugh steps back 5' and then his eyes and hair begin to shimmer in the light.  Suddenly wave after wave of scintillating energy bursts from the shaman's body, healing everyone living it touches.  [Both Eva and Gurkaugh are healed 4 hit points each]

The Skeleton follows Gurkaugh by taking a 5' step and continuing its barrage of attacks...

1st attack: [1d20+1]=7+1=8, Damage: [1d4+1]=1+1=2; Miss!!

2nd attack: [1d20+1]=8+1=9, Damage: [1d4+1]=4+1=5; Miss!!

3rd attack: [1d20+1]=5+1=6, Damage: [1d4+1]=1+1=2; Miss!!

4th attack: [1d20+1]=19+1=20, Damage: [1d4+1]=1+1=2; HIT!!

This time Gurkagh seems much more prepared.  The Skeleton slashes left and right at both the Shaman and Eva.  Gurkagh dodges the first attack, while Eva sidesteps the second.  The creature then thrusts his claw at Gukagh's face but he easily ducks under the attack.  It swipes its last claw attack at Eva and manages to just catch her across her arm.  [Eva takes 2 damage]

[[It's E10's, Reawyn's and Cyn's turns.  Then Eva's and Gurkagh's turns.]]

[Image: Wkqep7j.png]
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[OoC: can E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 double move through Cin's and Eva's squares to reach C3?]
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(05-27-2021, 11:39 PM)E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 Wrote: [OoC: can E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 double move through Cin's and Eva's squares to reach C3?]

[[No.  With a double move 30 x 2 = 60 feet.  The closest you can get is F4, behind Gurkagh.  ]]
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Ok I guess that is where he is headed.
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Eva moves 5ft to C3 flanking the skeleton.
Eva's club attack + flank: [1d20+4]=13+4=17 damage: [1d6+1]=3+1=4
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(05-28-2021, 07:00 AM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: Eva moves 5ft to C3 flanking the skeleton.
Eva's club attack + flank: [1d20+4]=13+4=17 damage: [1d6+1]=3+1=4

[OoC: Unfortunately that is not a flank.  But I can see that the awkwardness of the tokens being stuck in a grid combined with the less than 45 degree tilt of the hallway makes it very difficult to flank.  When in reality, if you weren't stuck in a grid formation you should be able to flank as easily as any other 5' wide hallway. So I think the best solution, so this awkward flank doesn't come back to haunt the players when the enemies have a chance to do it, is to just let all of you be able to occupy any square where there's even the tiniest hint of hallway.  That would mean, Eva can move into square C-2.  Players may also move into A-1, A-3, C-4 and E-3.]

[OoC2: So if Eva still wants the flank, she will have to move to C-2 which will provoke an AoO.  It's up to you.]

[OoC3: I added Grey squares to the map to more easily show where Players can move to.]

[Image: z1dYIQ6.png]
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Okay, she takes the risk and moves to C2. She flanks the skeleton and tries to avoid AOO using acrobatics.

Eva's acrobatics: [1d20+3]=13+3=16
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[[Waiting for Reawyn...]
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Reawyn wiull move to E6 and throw his Healing bomb at Eva, hoping to hit her and splash Gurekagh.

Healing bomb (ranged touch) [1d20+4]=10+4=14; Healing [1d8+2]=4+2=6

He hits Eva, healing 6 HP, and splashes everyone adjacent to her, healing 3 hp. With his splash weapon Mastery feat he can add on e bonus square to that splash, so he will also splash E10, in case he needs more healing, also healing 3 HP from the splash. If the undead is harmed by positive energy this will also damage the undead by 3 ( Ref;. save vs dc16 for 1/2)
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[[Sorry, it's been a rough couple of days... ]]

[OoC: I'm going to add to my change to the diagonal hallway that the creature can't be flanked by any more than 2 people, just like any other 5' wide hallway.  ]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
20.8Humanoid---3 splash damage 3 damage taken------
15.6Essaccus------11/ 11------
12.2Reawyn------15/ 15------
11.4Cin------18/ 18------
8.4Eva+3 splash---17/ 17------
4.2Gurkagh+3 splash---8/ 10------

[OoC2:  Reawyn, three things... 1) You don't have Precise shot.  2) You are throwing around a corner.  3) You're throwing through occupied squares.  That's -12 to hit!   Undecided ]

misdirection of the throw: [1d8]=6

Reawyn throws his healing bomb and it misses Eva but lands in the skeleton's square.  Both Eva, Gurkagh and E10 all get splashed.  Eva is fully healed and Gurkagh feels most of his wounds close.  E10 was undamaged so nothing more happens.  The splash that hit the skeleton immediately makes its bones sizzle and crack from the positive energy infused bomb, but the creatures still stands.
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