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[IC] Black Hills Caves: Exploration Day 2
E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 will move 40' up the hallway from the room he was sitting in, towards the group.
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To J8 approximately
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Actually he will double move to E4
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OOC - It will be bad for us but I think Cyn and E10 have to open the door between us. It's closed by default. Sad I'm not sure they all have heard Eva's yell.
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Reawyn will double move (20' move speed) to G7
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(05-27-2021, 01:52 PM)Eva Morningtide Wrote: OOC - It will be bad for us but I think Cyn and E10 have to open the door between us. It's closed by default. Sad I'm not sure they all have heard Eva's yell.

[[E10 got ahead of himself.  

I specifically asked what people were doing while the Shaman was scanning the rooms.  Eva said she would open the doors for Gurkagh.  E10 said...

Quote: E.S.S.A.C.C.U.S-10 sits down on the floor, and rummages through his pack for a moment, finally pulling out a potion vial (Healing), pops the cork and promptly downs its' contents.

Since E10 is the next in initiative order, he must use one of his move actions to stand.  Then he would move to the door.  Unfortunately there is no info about how long it takes to lock the door in the open position.  The text just says, it’s locked in an open position with a tap of an access card on its panel.  A tap could either be a free action or a swift action.  In either case, E10 can lock the door in the open position but he can't move any further.

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
20.8Humanoid------ ??/ ?? ------
15.6Essaccus------11/ 11------
12.2Reawyn------15/ 15------
11.4Cin------18/ 18------
8.4Eva------14/ 17------
4.2Gurkagh------1/ 10------

E10 stands and runs to the closed door.  When he scans the access card the doors quickly slide into the ceiling.  He immediately taps the card on the panel, locking it in the open position.

With the door now open, Reawyn runs past the monk and about half way down the hall.

Cyn, who is less encumbered, races past the Alchemist.  Coming to the end of her turn, she can just see the skeleton who's menacing her two companions.  

[[Apparently, drawing a weapon does not provoke an AoO unless it's being drawn from out of a backpack or other storage container.  Assuming Eva didn't store the club in her backpack (if she did, let me know) then...]]

Eva pulls the club out from where ever it was being stored and swings for the Skeleton.  The creature is quick and easily bends its spine backward in an unnatural way to dodge the swipe from the club.

[Gurkagh's turn...]

[Image: 7qSPsvt.png]
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(05-27-2021, 06:51 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: Eva pulls the club out from where ever it was being stored and swings for the Skeleton.  The creature is quick and easily bends its spine backward in an unnatural way to dodge the swipe from the club.

She pulls the club out from her belt. It was inserted into her belt.
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Gurkagh is going to take a 5' step backwards and channel a wave of positive energy, healing everyone withgin 30 feet.

Channel [1d6]=4 Everyone but the undead within 30' heal;s 4 hp
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(05-27-2021, 07:32 PM)Gurkagh Wrote: Gurkagh is going to take a 5' step backwards and channel a wave of positive energy, healing everyone withgin 30 feet.

Channel [1d6]=4 Everyone but the undead within 30' heal;s 4 hp

[[OoC:  I looked at Shaman and I don't see where they have the Channel ability.  Huh  Is it from another special ability? ]]
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It is because my spirit chosen is the Life Spirit - https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-...rits/life/  it gives me Channel 3/day

Quote:Spirit Ability
A shaman who chooses the life spirit as her spirit or wandering spirit gains the following ability.

Channel (Su): The shaman can channel positive energy like a cleric, using her shaman level as her effective cleric level when determining the amount of damage healed (or dealt to undead) and the DC. The shaman can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier.
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