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The Sunless Citadel - (Chapter One)
Nightingale will follow as far as Arius goes. She keeps an eye out, particularly for areas of the ruin that have degraded in such a way as to cause them harm (loose stones in the stairs, weakened parts of the wall, etc).

Perception: 1d20+4 20
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Athos moves down the stairs right behind Arius and Nightingale. Considering the ambush by the rats, he keeps his eyes peeled for the inevitable sign of more trouble.

Perception: 1d20+6 = 12
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Perception [1d20+1]=19+1=20

Arius descends the stairs ALMOST  to the bottom, but before he steps off the bottom steps, in front of the obvious rat burrows that their fallen comrade had been dragged into,  he will crack his whip on the stones right in front of the nearest burrow.

The intent is to make any vermin that are right there beyond sight back away.

Then he will swiftly step down and move to the right, away from the burrows, so that he can look at what lies beyond the arch on the far side of the room. He is acutely aware that his back is exposed to more stairs descending behind him, but is hoping his companions can warn him should as surprise come.
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Perception: [1d20+5]=10+5=15

Mivia will be using her Darkvision to see in dim light as if it's bright light.

She moves about half way down the steps and stops when Arius does to snap his whip.  Mivia's hand will crackle with energy as she readies to blast any threatening creature with her Eldritch Bolt.  If nothing attacks, she will move to the bottom step and take another good look around.

Perception: [1d20+5]=3+5=8; but she seems to get some dust in her eyes.  If there is such thing as taking 10 she will do that.
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Kriv brings up the rear of the group. He moves cautiously and careful.  He tries to keep an eye on what might be behind them as well occasionally glancing back to make sure nothing sneaks up on them.

Perception: 1d20+3=11
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The group moves down the stairs and everyone stops as Arius reaches the next level.  Beyond the stairs and the rocky tower, only the dark walls of the cavern, bits of rubble and the roof of the old fortress can be seen. No one sees or notices anything along the descending stairs that looks like a trap or dangerous obstacle other than the normal rough and worn stone steps and floor.  The group of adventurers notice the obvious hole in the cavern wall when they reach the lower level. Its hard to miss with a distinct trail of blood leading into it, marking it very clearly as the hole that the giant rats drug their former comrades into.  Arius cracks his whip at the side of the rat hole.  Several squeaks and scurrying can be heard from within, but nothing emerges from the hole. 

The hole itself is large enough to crawl into, but that would require the group to go in single file on their hands and knees. 

[Image: bAaSZgE.jpg?1]
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Can Arius see anything beyond the archway across from him in his lanterns glow?

Perception [1d20+1]=17+1=18
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Arius looks over at the broken archway. Beyond it, There is nothing but a sudden drop off and about fifteen or twenty feet further, the cliff face.
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Arius moves carefully to the arch, and holding the lantern high looks out and down, to see if he can tell how far it drops.

"I guess we won't be going this way, that leaves the stairs.  I do not like leaving foes at ourr back though, even just rats. Does anyone have any ideas that do not involve crawling into a rat warren on our hands and knees?"
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Nightingale looks around for any loose stones or rubble large enough that it could be moved to block the rat hole.

Perception: 1d20+4 13
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