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[IC] Into Barovia
Reion gets to his feet while quaffing the last of his ale then slapping the empty down on the table with a huge grin. "Well - This man's gold isn't going to just jump into our pockets. So lets get to work."
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Eloric rolled his eyes and got to his feet. "This is a bad idea Reion."  He sighed loudly and grabbed his backpack. It was clear despite his objections, that he was going to go where ever his friend went.
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Rhoderic rises to his feet, shoulders his pack and picks up his bow and says, "As you are the locals we will follow you as your more likely to know where we are headed."
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Sumayl silently rises to his feet, grabs his gear, leaving his drink completely untouched. He simply nods that he is ready and gestures for Ismarck to lead the way.
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Ismark stands and as he's leaving he asks, "Do you want to visit Bildrath's Mercantile to pick up any supplies before we go see Ireena?"
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Rhoderic pauses in thought a moment, and says, "I think I am good for now, besides until I earn some wealth I can't afford anything more than simple lodgings and fair."
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"A'hem... Anyone else?"  Ismark says.

Reion and Eloric would know Bildrath's Mercantile is expensive and would likely only buy equipment from the store if they were desperate for a particular item.  Otherwise the prices would quickly eat into their profits.
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"I would like to hear more about what we're dealing with first," Aly replies.  "There doesn't seem to be much point of buying equipment when you're not sure what the source of the problem happens to be."
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Reion shakes his head, "We're good on equipment. Besides, I'm not keen on Bildrath's prices." He glances at the new acquaintances, "Unless you're in dire need of something, I'd steer clear of Bildrath's if I were you." He chuckled, "I mean, at least if you're fond of fair prices and quality goods."
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Eloric stiffened.  There was a long pause before he added, "The only gear we will need are our horses and wagon so we can get this girl as far from Barovia as possible."
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