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[IC] The Student Lounge
One after one, each of you arrive back at the mansion in the Recreation Room via Blink's teleport.  Jack has been ushered to the Professor's office for debriefing and probable punishment while Donya, a Native American girl arrives with some refreshments.
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A large mule saunters into to the Rec Room dragging a little red wagon full of sandwiches, potato chips, Veggie stick with dip and several 6-pk of different fizzy drinks stacked on top of one another.  A moment later you see the mule stand up on two legs and transform into an attractive Native American teenage girl.  She smiles and says, "Well... I hear you all had quite the adventure tonight.  I hope no one got hurt.  If you did you should go to the medbay to get bandaged up.  I thought you all might like some snacks."
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"I could use something to eat," Ben says while pouncing on the food.  "You have no idea some of the things the Morlocks consider food down in the sewers.  Let's just say, I'm glad I'm home!!!"
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Porsche grabs a can of Dr. Pepper and relaxes on a couch.

"We did. It's a bit much to hope, but I can hope the professor wipes Jack's personality. Might make him less annoying."
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"H.hi ev.veryone. I.I'd like you t.to m.meet Psy-Jack. She has helped me g.get out.ta trouble t.twice n.now."
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"Everyone's back, I see," says another Teenage girl from the doorway.  "I hope you didn't bring any rats back with you from the sewers," she says snarkily to Ben.  "It's bad enough we have to deal with 'Bugs,' amiright?"  Her comment obviously directed at Ben calling himself, Grasshopper.

When Porsche mentions wiping Jack's personality, Jessica replies, "Good luck with that!  Even the professor couldn't scrub all those annoying traits from Jack's brain."

"I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that Niall has woken up from his coma.  I for one won't be sleeping any better knowing the giant germ who attacked us was our teammate.  First bugs and now giant sentient germs."  She shivers and adds, "Gross!"
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John, still more than a little weirded out by...things...moves further into the room.  "Next time I'll fly."  Then he blinks and one of his wings extends forward so he can take a good look at the massive white feathers.  He shivers involuntarily.  "On second thought, I'll take a bus instead."  He collects a Coke from Donya, but only after she actually becomes fully 'human' and just...watches.  Yep.  Just a topless, former star High School Quarterback.  With a pair of giant bird wings.  Nothing at all weird about that.
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(05-18-2021, 01:11 AM)Jessica Peters Wrote: "I'm sure you'll all be happy to know that Niall has woken up from his coma.  I for one won't be sleeping any better knowing the giant germ who attacked us was our teammate.  First bugs and now giant sentient germs."  She shivers and adds, "Gross!"

"It wasn't his fault, Jessica," Ashlee replies sternly.  "Just like when you were infected and being an uber-bitch.  Weren't you suppose to be cured?  Maybe you should get booster shot to eliminate the residue of bitchiness you still seem to be holding on to.  Oh wait, I almost forgot.  That's just your regular charming personality."

Ashlee says to everyone else, "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm going to go see Canker.  I'm sure he'd appreciate a few familiar smiling faces.  Maybe the new people should stay back for a little bit.  It might be weird doing introductions from a hospital bed."
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To Psy-Jack Malcolm just gives a half-hearted smile and says "M..might want to get comfy. The professor will probably want to talk with yuou before making it official that you can hang, but I bet he's kinda busy with Jack-ass."
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(05-20-2021, 12:17 AM)Malcontent Wrote: To Psy-Jack Malcolm just gives a half-hearted smile and says "M..might want to get comfy. The professor will probably want to talk with yuou before making it official that you can hang, but I bet he's kinda busy with Jack-ass."

"I'm not even sure what I want to do yet," she replies quietly.  "But it won't hurt to talk to him.  Who knows, this could be fun!"
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