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[IC] New Crobuzon & the World Beyond
Kubo reloads his xbow, takes carefull aim and fires at the monstrous critters legs.
MW Light Crossbow Attack: [1d20+8]=1+8=9 [OoC: and suffers from perfomance anxiety and misses horribly]
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[[Hope Marvel’s doing okay.]]
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[OoC: I am, thanks.  Weekends are chaotic. ]

Initiative NameDamage HealedDamage InflictedCurrent Hit PointsConditionsNotes!
24.7Spider Creature---+8 +52 +13+ 9115/????------
24.4Ning/Nang+6pts +5pts7pts +19pts + 10pts2/ 27---Mirror Image 2; Spitfire returns: [1d4]=4; (start of 3nd round)
19.1Selina------29/ 30 (max 50)10pts Con damage---
18.9Old Woman------??/??------
18.5Simon------49/ 49------
11.6Kubo------31/ 31 ------
10.5Betimi------51/ 40 (+11 bonus refreshed every day)------
5.1Crozar------7/ 7------
5.1Elemental+5pts+11pts +11pts +8pts20/ 45Grappled---
5.0Tomeal------57/ 57------

[Luceat: HD: 6; HP: 45; Speed: 50; AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13);  Slam +7 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 fire); Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse]

After Ning sees his vision go foggy and the old woman yells at him to, "FLY!" the fog cloud surges into the ceiling of the shack and flows through the minute cracks and suddenly materializes 20' in the air.

Simon continues to offer himself up as bait.  Expecting to be hit (even with his displacement) he cringes as he pulls out another bomb.  The creature immediately thrusts its spear-like leg at the alchemist...

AoO: [1d20+15]=8+15=23, Damage: [1d6+6]=1+6=7, Displacement 1-50 misses: [1d100]=47

The leg slices past Simon's head, burying itself in the ground beside him.  The creature wails and stomps (stabs) the ground in frustration.

Simon then pulls back his arm and lobs another bomb at the creature... 

Attack: [1d20+11]=13+11=24, Damage: [4d6+10]=19+10=29, Forgot to add Bless and Dark Knowledge (attack 26) HIT!!!

When the bomb hits, the blast blows off several legs that shower down upon him.  Simon then pulls out another vial, shakes it up, then tosses it too...

Attack: [1d20+11]=2+11=13, Damage: [4d6+10]=13+10=23, Forgot to add Bless and Dark Knowledge (attack 15) HIT!!   

Simon throws the second bomb and a falling spiderleg splats onto him, nearly causing him to miss.  But the second bomb does find its mark and with a loud explosion, blows off more of its endless supply of limbs!

Kubo then fires off his crossbow but unfortunately misses.

Betimi then summons another lightning bolt...

Reflex save DC16: [1d20+7]=2+7=9, Fail.

And blasts another couple legs off the creature.  More stomping and wailing ensues.

Dog continues to bark viciously at the creature.  He then lunges at creature...

 Dog attack: [1d20+8]=17+8=25, Bite: [1d8+2]=7+2=9, HIT!!  WTF!!

Then sinks its teeth into one of its legs.

Crozar then fires a buzzsaw blade at the creature but he misses.

His grappled elemental, struggles to escape from the creature...

Elemental Grapple Check: [1d20+4]=18+4=22
Monster Grapple check: [1d20+19]=20+19=39,Succeeded!!!

But the elemental is unable to escape.  

Tomeal then moves to flank the creature with the plow...

Attack: [1d20+17]=5+17=22, Damage: [2d6+9]=7+9=16, Hit!!  Good thing I didn't go with the Power Attack!

Tomeal drives his longsword into the center of the beast.  It squeals and shakes in pain.  Then slowly all of its remaining legs contract in upon one another.  There's a few twitches but the creature appears to be dead.

[Thank god...  I was afraid I might have to roll all of its attacks again.   Confused Tongue ]
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Selina sets her face in a grimace of rage, disgust...and, yes, pain. She pants heavily as she walks up to the apparently dead creature, right by the impressively large Tomeal, and lets out a sharp grunt as she jams her greatsword into the spider creature's body.

[[Not sure if it's dead or not, but I'm giving it a whirl of the dice to make absolutely sure.]]

Attack: [1d20+10]=19+10=29; Damage: [2d6+3]=8+3=11; Sonic: [1d6]=5 [[Crit??]]
Attack: [1d20+10]=15+10=25; Damage: [2d6+3]=3+3=6 [[I think that confirms!]]

The blade slams deep into the creature's carcass, sending ichor everywhere. She grunts audibly, wrenching the weapon free and stumbles away several feet before collapsing to her knees, then to her back, breathing heavily.

[[Rest time...]]
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[OoC: Yes, it's most definitely dead.   Tongue  And ALMOST everyone gained a level.]

[OoC2:  Sorry for the rough encounter.  I wanted to give everyone something challenging but I also wanted to make sure Kubo and Crozar both gained a level.  But it turned out ALMOST everyone gained a level. HOORAY!! Big Grin ]

[OoC3: For those who aren't familiar with 3.5e, you can consult online handbooks to help you make a decision about what feats etc you might want to purchase.  For Crozar it will be more difficult because his class is not a official class but he can take a look at a wizard or sorcerer handbook.   Just google "Class" Handbook.  Like Rangers Handbook or Wizards handbook.  You should see some guides/handbooks pop up.  Just make sure it's 3.5 not 5e or pathfinder. ]

Tomeal places a large hand on Selina's shoulder and says gently, "I know how hard that was for you not to dive into combat.  But I assure you, everyone is very thankful for your healing.  A few of us would have died without it."

Ning mentally tells Ning, ~Brother, I'm going to heal you as much as I can.~ 
Touch of healing: As long as you have a conjuration (healing) spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can spend a standard action to touch a target creature and heal 3 points of damage per level of the highest-level conjuration (healing) spell you have available to cast. You can use this ability only on a target that has been reduced to one-half or fewer of its total hit points. The effect ends once you've healed the subject up to half its normal maximum hit points. This ability has no effect on creatures that can't be healed by cure spells. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting conjuration (healing) spells.

Touch of healing... +6 health (Now have 8/27)
Touch of healing... +6 health (Now have 14/27)

Once Ning reaches half health, Nang speaks with Ning's mouth.   

Cure Light wounds: [1d4+9]=3+9=12, (Now have 26/27)
Cure minor wounds +1 health (27/27)

~Brother, feel better?~

Simon offers Selina a potion of Lesser Restoration.
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Things to remember when leveling up

This game has some house rules for leveling. (Highlighted most important info)

  • No penalties for multi-classing.
  • Hit Points: Each level is a minimum of Half+1. So a wizard would get 3; a fighter would get 6 etc.
  • Use fractional attack and save modifiers for multi-classing found in Unearthed Arcana.  No use for single classed characters (Player's option to use)
  • Feat: Gain a feat ever odd level.
  • Gain +1 mental and +1 physical stat every 4 levels. (see below) 
  • Favored classes give 4 skill points at first level and then +1 point for each level taken in the character's favored class. The class humans take at first level are considered their favorite class.  This favored class skill bonus is in addition to the human bonus.
  • Bluff and Diplomacy gives synergy to sense motive.
Stat increase: This is a change from the previous +1 every 2 levels alternating from either physical then mental (or vice versa).  I found it was difficult keeping track of which stat was last increased.  Doing it every 4 levels should make it easier.  It's really only affects Kubo since he would have taken his +1 at 2nd level probably to a physical stat.  So this level he likely gets to add +1 to one of his mental stats.  Crozar will gain his +2 stat points when he reaches 4th level (ECL:6)
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Hit points [1d8+2]=2+2=4 So minimum 5+2= 7 HP gained
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Nang will speak through Ning, "If can hold off on potion, me will have Restoration in morning in prayer book, cast as a Healer (3rd Level spell!).  Takes up less resources than multiple castings of Cleric Lesser Restoration (2nd level cleric spell) or Restoration (4th level cleric spell).  Me need to make wands of Restoration* when have time."

[OoC: Because Restoration is a 3rd level spell for Healers and Archivists, it can be squeezed into a wand when normally a cleric or Paladin couldn't do it. ]

Hit Points minimum 4: [1d6]=1Rolleyes
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Levelled, just BAB and saves changed.. no new abilities as the ability gained was just overlap, as Betimi is already immune to fear.
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Selina does not immediately respond to Tomeal.  Instead, she resumes panting (because she still has a 6 frickin Con) as her lungs fight to maintain oxygenation in her organs.

“I feel...as though...I’ve just run...a marathon!...” (Because she has a 6 frickin Con)

After some time, she slowly lifts the vial Tomeal gave her to her lips, realizes that it is still stoppered, uncorks it, then tries again.

Lesser Restoration: [1d4]=2

Not feeling well enough, she struggles to search through her own pack to find her vial.

Lesser Restoration: [1d4]=3

Better.  At least now she is breathing easier.

[[Con improves by 5 to 11]]
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