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A Dohwar, a Giff, and a Satyr walk into a bar [IC Thread]
(05-09-2021, 01:30 AM)Melville Wrote: Can Melvill breath his 15' cone of electricity from where he is without hitting Rupert, or does he need to step forward?. 

If he can breath from where he is, he does so. If instead he needs to step forward he will cast Mind Sliver instead.

If can breath without moving  - Dragon's breath Dragon's Braeth - lightning [3d6]=7 dmg, Dex save vs 13 for Half
If cannot breath from current position - Mi9nd Sliver  -  Mind Sliver - Int Save vs DC 13 or [1d6]=1 psychic dmg and -1d4 off next save

[[Melville could lean forward a little (no movement needed) to avoid rupert, but the door too the vine room is still open, so your lightning will also damage the vine in there if that matters to you.  Which thing would you like to do?]]
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As his lightning is unlikely to cause enough damage to destroy all the vine, and knowiung that once in wildspace even the smallest piece would regrow if it gets any light, Melvill will go ahead and breath.
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The Dohwar take half a step forward as Rupert begins to wind up his swing and vomits a spray of lightning that blasts into the vine, the walls and the mound of greyish ooze.  The electricity flickers and flashes across the surface of the mound, causing odd spasms on top of the already building oscillation that the ooze had already begun within itself. 

Rupert follows up this lightning spew with a deft slash of his longsword.  The slash cuts the pseudopod into two thin strips of slime that continue to retract into the main mass.  The skilled marine could tell that while the cut did some damage, normal slashing attacks do not seem to be as effective as normal against this non-solid target.
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[OoC: Can we make any skill rolls to remember something about this creature? ]

Bazz searches his mind for anything that might help him against the booming and then he remembers...

The Satyr touches himself and speaks a magic phrase...

[Heroism: Duration 1 min; Effect: Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier (+4) at the start of each of its turns.

Bonus: Bard Inspiration on Rupert, "You can do it!" 

Bazz will then move to stand in front of Melville.

[Rupert:  REMEMBER, you don't have to use the 1d6 inspiration bonus until AFTER to you see your roll but before the DM tells you to hit.  So if you roll a 2, DON'T use the 1d6 roll because it will be a waste.  Similarly, using it when you roll a natural 20 would likely be a waste too! ]
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[[Having now seen the creature in the flesh, each of you can make a Nature check to see if you can recall anything about creatures like this.]]

Bazz casts a spell on himself, and it brings to mind all of the stories he knows of the heroes and champions of old shaking of fear and weak spirits in the past.  His magic allows him to shake of the impact of boom and he leaps in front of Melville.  

Anders shook of the impact of the fear with the aid of his bless, and fires a bolt of concentrated starlight at the mound.  Upon blasting an obvious hole in the creature, the bolt of starlight effuses the entire thing with a soft highlighting glow. [[Guiding Bolt for 19 radiant damage.  The next attack against the thing gains advantage.]]

Round 3

Intiative #Character
13Booming Monstrosity

Quivering and shaking, the mound of ooze seems to fold in on itself, almost as if gulping air, and releases a thunderous boom even louder than the first.  The wood of the ship itself rattles and shakes with how loud the noise is.  The sound seems to almost physically buffet all of you. [[Everyone needs to give me a Wisdom save or be stunned (save at the end of each turn to end) and deafened  for (8-your Con Mod) rounds. Succeeding the save will avoid both effects.]]
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Nature Skill Check = [1d20]=10
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Wisdom Save = [1d20+3]=12+3=15
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Nature [1d20+3]=11+3=14

Wisdom save [1d20+3]=19+3=22
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Nature Check: [1d20+2]=2+2=4, Wisdom Save: [1d20+1]=9+1=10; somehow I knew I was going to fail those checks. 

[So Bazz is stunned for 8 - 3 = 5 rounds.]
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(05-11-2021, 12:41 AM)Bazzalan Horngrin Wrote: Nature Check: [1d20+2]=2+2=4, Wisdom Save: [1d20+1]=9+1=10; somehow I knew I was going to fail those checks. 

[So Bazz is stunned for 8 - 3 = 5 rounds.]

[[No, he is deafened for 5 rounds.  He is stunned until the end of his next round, when he can retry the save.  

5e Stunned: 
  • A stunned creature is incapacitated (see the condition), can’t move, and can speak only falteringly.
  • The creature automatically fails Strength and Dexterity Saving Throws.
  • Attack Rolls against the creature have advantage.
5e Deafened:
  • A deafened creature can’t hear and automatically fails any ability check that requires hearing.

it is unfortunate that you moved into a prime spot to be attacked right before that.
Melville, Rupert and Anders all make their wisdom save (Anders on a nat 20, not that that matters for saves) so avoid both effects.]]

Despite the cacophonous booming of the thing, everyone but Bazz is able to clasp their hands over their ears at the last second, cushioning the impact of the explosion of sound.  Bazz was more focused on channeling the bravery of heroes past and getting in position, unfortunately missing that that position was functionally right in front of the concert speaker that the plasmoid had just turned itself into.  Confused and deafened by the boom, the satyr staggers and stumbles in place, buffeted seemingly from every direction simultaneously.

Both Anders and Bazz rolled a 4 on the nature check and are too distracted to recall dry facts on anything. Rupert can tell that this is some kind of plasmoid, but other than that, is unsure of any specifics.  Melville recalls some of the earlier discussion when examining the helmroom and is pretty sure this may be the same kind of plasmoid that was involved there, if not the same one specifically.  He can recall that this species, the DeGleash, can perform two types of sonic attacks and can exude a large number of pseudopods with which to attack, but that the more pseudopods it is trying to manage the less skilled it is with all of them.  Finally he remembers that they are capable of using tools, although they seem to prefer to focus on shields for defense as opposed to trying to manage multiple weapons.

What are you all doing now?
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